Cover news reporter Wang Yili On May 9, the admissions website of Shanghai Theater Academy released the "Notes and List of Reexamination Candidates for Doctoral Candidates of Shanghai Theater Academy in 2024 (Application-Assessment System)". Some netizens noticed that actor Lin G

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cover news reporter Wang Yili

html On May 9, the Shanghai Theater Academy admissions website released the "Shanghai Theater Academy 2024 Doctoral Candidates (Application-Assessment System) Reexamination Notes and List". Some netizens noticed that the name of actor Lin Gengxin appeared. On the re-examination list for drama, film and television performance creation major. On the morning of May 10, the entry #林gentin wants to take the Ph.D. exam quickly became a hot search topic, with many netizens commenting: "It turns out he is already a graduate student" and "I support actors to improve their acting skills and academic qualifications." As of the time of publication, the reading volume of related topics has exceeded 200 million.

Shanghai Theater Academy doctoral candidate re-examination list

In recent years, the "postgraduate entrance examination craze" has been attracting much attention. Some people say: "When a person reaches 35, there is always a hurdle. Either he goes overseas to start a business, or he goes ashore to seek stability." At this stage, Many ordinary people are rushing to take postgraduate and public examinations for stability. And I don’t know since when, the trend of "postgraduate entrance examination" finally spread to the entertainment industry. Is this the new "skin" of celebrities? Or is it a new way out as traffic gradually fails?

The postgraduate entrance examination in the entertainment industry has become a new character design

When I mentioned "Lin Gengxin" before, except for the role of "Fourteenth Master" which became popular in "Step by Step", most of the other hotly searched events have nothing to do with his major. Therefore, when the entry #林gentin wants to take a PhD# suddenly appeared in the hot news search, it really aroused the surprise of many netizens.

Cover news reporter Wang Yili On May 9, the admissions website of Shanghai Theater Academy released the 'Notes and List of Reexamination Candidates for Doctoral Candidates of Shanghai Theater Academy in 2024 (Application-Assessment System)'. Some netizens noticed that actor Lin G - Lujuba

According to other media reports, in response to the celebrity entrance examination incident, the staff of the Shanghai Theater Academy Admissions Office confirmed that "it is (the star) himself." In addition, the staff member also said, "Every candidate is the same, there will be no special treatment, and the re-examination will be admitted according to the normal process." It is understood that the "Drama, Film and Television Performance Creation" that Lin Gengxin applied for, the academic system is 4 years, the study period in school is 3 to 6 years, and the study mode is full-time.

It is worth mentioning that Lin Gengxin once said in an interview with the media that he knows that most of the news about himself in the past was not due to his works, but he still hopes that one day he will become a hot search based on his drama and acting skills. This is the dream he has been pursuing. Finally, on the morning of May 10th, Lin Gengxin broke people's previous stereotypes of him, allowing the audience to see the side of a young actor who is quietly working hard professionally.

Coincidentally, recently, actor Zhang Jingchu, who has been dormant in the entertainment industry for a long time, started a live broadcast to share her study and life, which attracted more than 700,000 people to watch online. In fact, as early as March last year, Zhang Jingchu's studio publicly announced that Zhang Jingchu had been admitted to the directing department of the American Film Academy, and from preparing for the exam to officially attending class, Zhang Jingchu had been sharing her study routine on social platforms. Seeing her doing her homework during the live broadcast, many netizens said: "I feel like she's involved", "It's such a breath of fresh air" and "It makes me want to study too".

Cover news reporter Wang Yili On May 9, the admissions website of Shanghai Theater Academy released the 'Notes and List of Reexamination Candidates for Doctoral Candidates of Shanghai Theater Academy in 2024 (Application-Assessment System)'. Some netizens noticed that actor Lin G - Lujuba

Zhang Jingchu live broadcasts her homework

Whether it is 700,000 people watching Zhang Jingchu do her homework, or Lin Gengxin taking the postgraduate entrance examination, his diligent and professional appearance is in sharp contrast to the frequently criticized "nine leaky fish", which makes people feel confused in the impetuous online world. Sending out a series of praises. It's a bit like you are still shouting about products on a video website. Zhang Xiaohui is already talking about the culture and history of woolen shawls, and you have won a beautiful victory inadvertently.

The era of looking at faces is over. Traffic is not a panacea.

If you were to use one keyword to describe this year’s movie market, it would probably be “cruel.” As early as this year's Spring Festival, four of the eight films were withdrawn, including "Mr. Red Carpet" starring Andy Lau and "Let's Shake the Sun Together" starring popular actors Peng Yuchang and Li Gengxi. Obviously, even if there is a lot of investment in publicity and the joining of traffic stars in the early stage, as the audience's rationality in watching movies gradually returns, the appeal of relying on traffic actors is no longer as good as before.

On the last day of this month's May Day holiday, Yang Mi's movie "Nothing That Can't Be Solved by Hot Pot", starring Yang Mi, was officially withdrawn after her new drama "Harbin 1994" was met with failure. In five days, it only grossed over RMB 50 million at the box office.Putting aside the plot issues and the controversy over the film's character setting, the character played by Yang Mi was criticized for lacking a sense of reality and making it difficult for people to relate to. Against this background, the film's pre-sale box office was naturally unsatisfactory.

As the entertainment industry becomes increasingly saturated, what kind of actor can avoid being overwhelmed by the torrent of market competition? Perhaps the "Shen Ma Combination" has already given the answer to "You need to be tough to make iron." In March this year, according to data from Beacon Professional Edition and Maoyan Professional Edition, Shen Teng and Ma Li joined forces to become the highest-grossing male and female lead in Chinese film history. In addition to the support of good works, their success is also inseparable from their hard skills from thousands of plays to the big screen. Even when they appear in comedy movies, their accurate experience and expression of the characters' emotions all show that they are drama actors. Professional skills.

Falling into age panic and looking for career value accumulation?

In the entertainment industry, success may depend on talent, connections, and emotional intelligence, but it is almost clear at a glance whether an actor has connotation and cultural accomplishment. There is a BBC program called "Desert Island Discs". The host once asked the guests if they were stranded on a desert island and could only take one book with them, what would they choose? Nolan chose Borges’ novels, Cillian Murphy chose Beckett’s plays, Clooney chose War and Peace, and Nicole Kidman chose Dickinson’s poems. It just so happens that they are all people who have been shining in their respective fields for many years.

Zhang Jingchu, who had already made great achievements, chose to start over again at the age of 40+. She prepared for the TOEFL for 26 days and was finally admitted to afi, "the most difficult film school in the United States." Last year, Zhang Jingchu gave a speech about the reasons for constantly challenging herself in career planning. She said frankly: "Compared to my older self in the future, this moment will always be my most golden time... I want to live a good life." Bloom, live unrestrainedly, even if I will wither tomorrow, I will bloom the most beautiful flowers today."

In addition to the artists mentioned above who still choose to take the postgraduate entrance examination after seeing the beauty, there are also actors like Jiang Shuying. In this way, he did not join the entertainment industry immediately after graduation, but chose to pack his bags and go abroad for further study. In a talk show a few years ago, when talking about her "hiatus" experience, Jiang Shuying expressed that she had no regrets. In her opinion, it was that experience that created her value and allowed her to have relationships with others. A little different.

Cover news reporter Wang Yili On May 9, the admissions website of Shanghai Theater Academy released the 'Notes and List of Reexamination Candidates for Doctoral Candidates of Shanghai Theater Academy in 2024 (Application-Assessment System)'. Some netizens noticed that actor Lin G - Lujuba

Jiang Shuying talks about her early graduate school experience

In 2018, British Prime Minister Theresa May visited China. At the exchange exhibition, Jiang Shuying served as the commentator and translator for the British Prime Minister. This surprised many people. There are so many excellent foreign language talents in China, why is Jiang Shuying responsible for accompanying them? In fact, before that, she was named the "Smart Ambassador" of the British Embassy. And this is inseparable from her experience of studying abroad for graduate school.

Admittedly, not all artists who have worked hard to improve themselves have finally received a satisfactory response. In 2022, Liu Meihan, who plays "Dark Fairy" Yan Lili, became a hot search because she failed to take the postgraduate entrance examination at Peking University. However, her experience and courage in taking the postgraduate entrance examination at the age of 30 have received a lot of resonance and praise. In the face of failure, she said: "Study is at least a life jacket. Before the tide recedes, although I still don't know where I will eventually go, and I don't know how much help what I am doing can really help my life, but It can ensure that I have the ability to swim, drift, and even fight against the waves. One day, the tide will take me in the right direction.”

(Picture of this article is from the Internet)

Tags: entertainment