New Yellow River Client, Beijing, May 10 (Reporter Wang Likui) In January this year, Hunan’s “Overall Plan for the Construction of a Pilot Zone for Deep Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Africa” was approved by the State Council. On May 10, at a press conference on

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New Yellow River Client, Beijing, May 10 (Reporter Wang Likui) In January this year, Hunan's "Overall Plan for the Construction of a Pilot Zone for Deep Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Africa" ​​was approved by the State Council. On May 10, at a press conference on the theme of "Promoting High-Quality Development" held by the State Council Information Office, Chen Xianchun, Deputy Secretary-General of the Hunan Provincial Government, said that in 2019, the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo will be settled in Hunan for a long time and has been held for three times so far. . By holding the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo, Hunan has become one of the provinces with the most active economic and trade activities in Africa. The scale of Hunan's import and export trade with Africa has ranked 8th in the country and 1st in the central and western regions for five consecutive years. It has grown continuously in the past three years. 23.1%, ranking among the top in the country.

New Yellow River Client, Beijing, May 10 (Reporter Wang Likui) In January this year, Hunan’s “Overall Plan for the Construction of a Pilot Zone for Deep Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Africa” was approved by the State Council. On May 10, at a press conference on - Lujuba

Chen Xianchun, Deputy Secretary-General of the Hunan Provincial Government

Chen Xianchun introduced that the China-Africa Deep Economic and Trade Cooperation Pilot Zone has been approved by the State Council, which provides Hunan Province with an important opening platform to serve the national economic development strategy. Hunan will strive to build the pilot zone into a China-Africa pilot zone. The experimental fields and model areas for economic and trade cooperation focus on the following three aspects:

First, achieve win-win results in the integration of industry and trade. Hunan will speed up the deployment of public overseas warehouses and inspection and testing laboratory systems in Africa, strengthen integrated cooperation in industry, industry and trade in African countries, support enterprises to accelerate the construction of non-resource product processing projects, and help more African agricultural products export to China. At the same time, we will organize Hunan’s advantageous industries and high-quality commodities to actively and steadily enter the African market.

The second is to achieve mutual benefit and reciprocity through institutional innovation. Hunan will actively carry out pilot trials and differentiated exploration of economic and trade cooperation policies with Africa to achieve a higher level and deeper facilitation of China-Africa trade and investment. We will promote the pilot of new barter trade with Africa, improve the "overseas warehouse + offshore account local currency settlement" model to solve cross-border settlement problems; give full play to the effectiveness of the China-Africa cross-border e-commerce service center, and help Hunan e-commerce platforms accelerate the localization process in Africa ; Strengthen the construction of rail-sea intermodal transport corridors between Hunan, Guangdong and Africa, and promote the establishment of China-Africa multimodal transport logistics standards and rules.

The third is to promote mutual learning in people-to-people and cultural exchanges. Since the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo, Hunan has held a series of themed activities such as cultural tourism, women's, and youth innovation and entrepreneurship, which have effectively promoted cultural exchanges and mutual trust and cooperation between China and Africa. A number of African embassies and consulates and national-level Business Association settled in Hunan. We will rely on Hunan's advantages in foreign aid training and platforms such as the China-Africa Economic, Trade, Industry and Education Alliance to strengthen human resources and professional and technical training for Africa. Develop distinctive cultural and creative products for Africa, leverage the media cooperation advantages of Hunan TV and Mango TV in Africa, create a bridgehead for the dissemination of Hunan-Africa cultural film and television, and tell "Chinese stories" and "Hunan stories" well.

In the next step, Hunan will further deepen and improve the long-term mechanism for economic and trade cooperation and exchanges with Africa, and contribute Hunan's strength to building a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future.

Reporter: Wang Likui Editor: Sun Feifei Proofreader: Yang Hefang

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