Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from "Only Thirty" and "It's All Good" to "I Am Yu Huanshui", whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. ....

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Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

Copywriting | Yuan Ying

Editor | Nan Feng

Urban drama really fell down in 2024?

still remembers that from " is only thirty, ", " is very good, " to ", I am Yu Huanshui ", whether it is a big star drama or a small online drama, there is always a hit every year.

But this year, even the blockbuster "City within a City" was in disarray. It seems that the urban drama market really has no strength.

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

The most popular dramas to be aired are also suspense and costumes, such as "Above the Dark Clouds", "The Boy Who Can't See a Shadow" and the upcoming "Celebrating More Than Years 2".

There is no urban drama at all. Is this really planning to "retire"?

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

Sure enough, at this time, we have to look at the handiwork of Hunan TV, the "big brother of satellite TV" -

"Another Kind of Blue" will be launched on Star Mango Channel in a low-key manner and meet the audience in prime time.

's seemingly unappealing lineup has seen its ratings directly break 2 after releasing 4 episodes (6 episodes were broadcast online), which is as close as the next-door spy war production.

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

It seems that Hunan Satellite TV has found another treasure this time!

What is the charm of "Another Blue"? Let's take a closer look -

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

Female group portraits are not new, and there are a lot of workplace dramas.

Why can "Another Kind of Blue" be chosen by Hunan Satellite TV at this time?

In my opinion, this drama is actually somewhat similar to the fresh and natural style of Mango in the past two years. There are contradictions but not bloody, and the characters are not exaggerated at all.

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

At the beginning, the heroine completely lost her job.

The pregnant female colleague persuaded the hostess to help with the form and said she would pay 5,000 yuan. After

finished the form, the female colleague felt aggrieved and said that she wanted to reduce it to 3,000. In fact, this was not the point. The problem was that she did not finish the form work and the boss saw it.

But the superior discovered that the form had comments from others and became furious.

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

However, when he learned that it was the female boss of the next department who did it, the female boss’s expression immediately became subtle.

even threatened the female colleague with a job and asked her to tell her personally at the meeting that the annotations on this form were made by the female lead.

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

Generally speaking, forms need to be printed out and distributed to participants.

While the heroine and her friend were working at the printer, a colleague happened to come over and said that there was no need to type the form over there, and they wanted to project the screen at the meeting.

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

After hearing this sentence, the heroine immediately had an ominous premonition.

She thought about it and immediately called her female colleague. Of course, it was impossible for her to answer the phone.

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

When she found that the other party did not answer the phone, the heroine ran to the conference room as fast as she could, only to witness her female colleague "cheeking and talking loudly" with her own eyes. The data of

is a business secret. It is wrong for the female colleague to let others do it, and it is also wrong for the heroine to take on this job as a member of other groups. Obviously, they need an excuse to suppress other groups.

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

According to the routine, the heroine can only admit that she is unlucky and then be scooped up by the CEO male protagonist with a wave of his hand. The beautiful and charming wife pretends to be the heroine.

However, the heroine in "Another Kind of Blue" is not like that.

In fact, their conversation was recorded by a voice recorder. Although it was not enough evidence to change the outcome, it at least left the scheming female colleague speechless.

And when the heroine said: , this job is very important to you, but it is also very important to me.

I think the thousands of workers in front of the screen can already fully empathize.

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

In my opinion, this drama can perfectly capture the pain points of young audiences in terms of line design and character design.

There is no intrigue among the three girls. They are as close and natural as real best friends.

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

The lines that collide with each other are also extremely down-to-earth.

"It's good to be a printer. I will be a printer in my next life."

These are a bit colloquial and mixed with a hint of humor, which is exactly what young people would say today.

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

A positive life, a work attitude that never gives up in the face of ups and downs, and three or two sisters by your side. Isn't this the dream life of contemporary young people?

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

is indeed a work that Hunan Satellite TV has chosen. There is something good about bringing all my favorite actors together.

ranks first, Liu Mintao.

Long time no see, Liu Mintao is even more aura.

In the play, she played Song Qian's mother. The moment she appeared on the stage, her whole face was radiant. She looked very noble, calm and generous, which made people's eyes brighten.

is really beautiful.

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

second place, Dong Yong.

Dong Yong really plays what he looks like, a noisy but kind-hearted boss in "Flowers", and a righteous and awe-inspiring general in various revolutionary dramas.

Anyway, as long as he changes his appearance, he can perform a completely different feeling.

In "Another Kind of Blue", there are not many scenes of Dong Yong in front of him, and he only appears in memories. However, it is this scene that vividly displays the father's love as a mountain. He is kind, honest, and speaks softly. The scenes in the following scenes should be There are more.

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

ranked third, Lin Peng.

The gold-rimmed contestant of urban dramas, I believe many people will suddenly realize it when they see this face.

He is the mayor of the fishing village in "The Wind Blowing Pinellia", Teacher Wu in "The Long Season", and many well-known dramas such as "The Rival" and "Ideal City".

This time Lin Peng plays a boss, who is somewhat cunning but very sincere. He will definitely have more business dealings with the heroine in the future.

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

ranked fourth, Cao Lei.

I would like to call Cao Lei "the god in the drama". Although he is not a front-line character in the Mesozoic Era, as long as Cao Lei is in the drama, that scene is definitely one of the highlights of the entire drama.

Li Bai in "Breaking East" was played to the extreme by him, and the moment of heroic sacrifice made people burst into tears.

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

It’s just that the first few episodes of the urban drama were not enough for this guy. From the perspective of character relationships, he is also a passer-by in the heroine’s story line. In just two scenes, the shadow of the character he played before is completely gone.

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

Of course, in addition to these supporting characters, the protagonists are also very familiar.

ranks first, Song Qian.

Who would have thought that this sister is already 37 years old. With her frozen age and the demeanor of a girl, her performance is very natural, and she has no pressure to support the leading heroine of Hunan Satellite TV.

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

ranked second, Zhang Jianing.

Zhang Jianing can always show off his little energy.

feels awkward but also has a hint of selfishness. It can be seen that the female colleague she plays is a little guilty, but she still chooses to hurt the heroine for her own work.

's faint crying scene is heartbreaking and very real.

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

The third place is Zhuyan Manzi.

In Zhu Yan Manzi, you can always feel the stubbornness of the grass swaying in the wind but clinging to the soil.

Needless to say more about this actor. Her makeup has not changed much, but she is still able to vividly display the inner emotions of the character. She is an excellent actress.

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba

ranked fourth, Bu Guanjin.

is really cute.

In the drama, she appeared with almost no makeup. Although the fourth episode was offline, her lively sunshine formed a sharp contrast with her inner gloom. The director

really knows what the audience wants to see.

Copywriter | Yuanying Editor | Nan Feng Will urban dramas really fail in 2024? I still remember that from 'Only Thirty' and 'It's All Good' to 'I Am Yu Huanshui', whether it was a big star drama or a small online drama, there was always a hit every year. .... - Lujuba


Last time it was "Go Where the Wind Is" and this time it is "Another Kind of Blue". From Liu Yifei to Song Qian, Hunan TV can always accurately select the actress that everyone likes and make her beauty fully bloom. in front of an audience.

This drama does not have the refreshing feeling of escaping from urban life, but it also makes people feel the sadness and warmth of ordinary people's constant struggle in life.

The mixture of several emotions also makes "Another Kind of Blue" more realistic.

's slow-moving plot incorporates elements that promote traditional Chinese culture. When ceramic craftsmanship that few people know about is substituted into urban dramas, what kind of surprises will appear?

We will see you every night at the Golden Eagle Theater on Hunan Satellite TV during prime time!


Nanfeng Entertainment Circle

Quality Entertainment Viewpoint

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