The online drama "Rebirth", starring Jing Boran as the male version of "Anna", is the most popular suspense film and television work in recent times: short and concise, with tight rhythm and frequent reversals. After understanding many details, it makes people feel chilled all ov

entertainment 6169℃

web drama " reborn ", the male version of "Anna" starring Jing Boran , is the most popular suspense film and television work in recent times: short and concise, tight rhythm, frequent reversals, many details are even more vivid after being understood. cold.

The online drama 'Rebirth', starring Jing Boran as the male version of 'Anna', is the most popular suspense film and television work in recent times: short and concise, with tight rhythm and frequent reversals. After understanding many details, it makes people feel chilled all ov - Lujuba

1. Chen Jiajia, the daughter of a coal boss, is not a lover.

In Chen Shufa’s narration, Fei Ke, the son-in-law, went from initially disagreeing, to being unable to resist his daughter and being forced to agree, to being surprised by the fake identity, extremely satisfied, and finally gave him absolute trust, which led to him being deceived several times. Ten million, his career was ruined, and his daughter committed suicide due to guilt.

The online drama 'Rebirth', starring Jing Boran as the male version of 'Anna', is the most popular suspense film and television work in recent times: short and concise, with tight rhythm and frequent reversals. After understanding many details, it makes people feel chilled all ov - Lujuba

It seems that the cause of the tragedy was entirely due to her daughter falling deeply in love and being unable to extricate herself, which gave Fei Ke the opportunity.

But Chen Jiajia is obviously not a lover. She has questioned the authenticity of Feike's house and noticed all kinds of things wrong with Feike. If she really married the one she loved, how could she cry before the wedding ceremony?

The online drama 'Rebirth', starring Jing Boran as the male version of 'Anna', is the most popular suspense film and television work in recent times: short and concise, with tight rhythm and frequent reversals. After understanding many details, it makes people feel chilled all ov - Lujuba

In reality, Chen Shufa insisted on pushing forward this marriage regardless of his daughter's anxiety. It was Chen Shufa who saw "power" and insisted that his daughter complete the "marriage" to get a golden husband.

The death of her daughter is not a tragedy of love, but the bitter fruit of depression caused by Feike's deception and her father's coercion.

The online drama 'Rebirth', starring Jing Boran as the male version of 'Anna', is the most popular suspense film and television work in recent times: short and concise, with tight rhythm and frequent reversals. After understanding many details, it makes people feel chilled all ov - Lujuba

2. When Zhang Xuan cried and complained about being cheated out of her innocence by Fei Ke, Cheng Hao and Chen Shufa had scornful smiles on their faces.

"What did Fei Ke lie to you?"

"He cheated me of my innocence!"

"Innocence is more important than money!"

The camera scanned the faces of Cheng Hao and Chen Shufa, and what they saw were disdain and contempt, and A slight smile on the lips.

The online drama 'Rebirth', starring Jing Boran as the male version of 'Anna', is the most popular suspense film and television work in recent times: short and concise, with tight rhythm and frequent reversals. After understanding many details, it makes people feel chilled all ov - Lujuba

As greasy middle-aged men, they have long lost their innocence, and naturally they do not think innocence is precious. They laugh at Zhang Xuan's pretentiousness and fussiness, and feel that Zhang Xuan's experience and degradation are far less than the weight of the tens of millions they were defrauded of. .

The online drama 'Rebirth', starring Jing Boran as the male version of 'Anna', is the most popular suspense film and television work in recent times: short and concise, with tight rhythm and frequent reversals. After understanding many details, it makes people feel chilled all ov - Lujuba

Thinking a little more viciously, they may think that Zhang Xuan's innocence was ruined by self-will and depravity, and it had little to do with Fei Ke's deception.

At this moment, some men's inability to empathize with women spreads to the entire screen in a subtle manner. Perhaps they have long learned to "self-interest and self-love" in the struggle of society, so they sneered at Zhang Xuan who had not yet learned to "love others first, love yourself".

The online drama 'Rebirth', starring Jing Boran as the male version of 'Anna', is the most popular suspense film and television work in recent times: short and concise, with tight rhythm and frequent reversals. After understanding many details, it makes people feel chilled all ov - Lujuba

The online drama 'Rebirth', starring Jing Boran as the male version of 'Anna', is the most popular suspense film and television work in recent times: short and concise, with tight rhythm and frequent reversals. After understanding many details, it makes people feel chilled all ov - Lujuba

They will not think about the social advice that women receive when they grow up, which always leads them to fall into the abyss. In the voice of "Be good, be dedicated, be obedient, be weak, be sensible, and be dependent" everywhere, How could they fall? Do you deserve it?

The biggest attraction of the web drama "Rebirth" is that all the characters are evil. This does not mean that all of them are extremely evil, but the dark side of human nature shines into every character.

Love, power, money, vanity, career... When greed is infinitely magnified, Fei Ke's lies full of loopholes can deceive everyone, but there is no need to laugh at the people who are deceived because they are stupid, ordinary people Everyone has seven emotions and six desires, and everyone is blinded sometimes.

Tags: entertainment