The crosstalks of Jiang Kun, Tang Jiezhong and Niu Qun and Feng Gong are both very good. If you say this in the crosstalk circle, no one will object. Guo Degang and Cao Yunjin's cross talk are both very good. If you say this in the cross talk circle, you will be bullied by the In

entertainment 1209℃

Jiang Kun, Tang Jiezhong and Niu Qun Feng Gong's cross talk are both very good. If you say so in the cross talk circle, no one will object.

Guo Degang and Cao Yunjin’s cross talk are very good. If you say this in the cross talk circle, you will be bullied by the Internet.

The key is that this time it was none other than Guo Degang’s first teacher, Chang Baofeng.

The crosstalks of Jiang Kun, Tang Jiezhong and Niu Qun and Feng Gong are both very good. If you say this in the crosstalk circle, no one will object. Guo Degang and Cao Yunjin's cross talk are both very good. If you say this in the cross talk circle, you will be bullied by the In - Lujuba

1. Chang Baofeng’s words

Chang Baofeng, a famous cross talk artist, invited Tian Lihe, a famous cross talk artist of the same generation as Bao Zi, to live broadcast together in his live broadcast room. Their identities are very interesting. One is Guo Degang’s first teacher, and the other is Guo Degang’s first teacher. This is Cao Yunjin’s first teacher.

Because Tian Lihe was Cao Yunjin’s first teacher, Chang Baofeng said this: Someone mentioned Cao Yunjin just now. Cao Yunjin was taught by the old man, and he was the apprentice taught by Mr. Tian. Now he (Cao Yunjin) is performing It's so good, not only everyone is happy, Mr. Tian is also happy.

This passage caused huge controversy in the cross talk circle. Many cross talk bloggers, especially Gangsi bloggers, criticized Chang Baofeng verbally and in writing, believing that Chang Baofeng's words were completely wrong.

So here comes the question, is there anything wrong with Chang Baofeng’s words?

The crosstalks of Jiang Kun, Tang Jiezhong and Niu Qun and Feng Gong are both very good. If you say this in the crosstalk circle, no one will object. Guo Degang and Cao Yunjin's cross talk are both very good. If you say this in the cross talk circle, you will be bullied by the In - Lujuba

2. Mutual praise in business

To be honest, what Chang Baofeng said is a bit exaggerated, but it is not unreasonable.

Chang Baofeng said that Cao Yunjin was taught by Tian Lihe. The reason is that Tian Lihe was indeed Cao Yunjin’s first teacher, but Tian Lihe was not the only person who taught Cao Yunjin cross talk. His former master Guo Degang was also very important.

Chang Baofeng invited Tian Lihe to chat in his live broadcast room. He praised Cao Yunjin, Tian Lihe’s former student, and said that Cao Yunjin, who is now popular, was taught by Tian Lihe. In essence, this is business mutual support, that is, The polite words of our lives.

The crosstalks of Jiang Kun, Tang Jiezhong and Niu Qun and Feng Gong are both very good. If you say this in the crosstalk circle, no one will object. Guo Degang and Cao Yunjin's cross talk are both very good. If you say this in the cross talk circle, you will be bullied by the In - Lujuba

For example, when you go home during the Chinese New Year and a group of elementary school classmates invite your class teacher to dinner, the class teacher will emphasize that everyone is very promising, and everyone will praise the teacher in turn: You taught us!

Although in addition to the primary school teacher, there are many teachers from middle school to university during our studies, it is not too much to say "you taught me" to the primary school teacher.

The crosstalks of Jiang Kun, Tang Jiezhong and Niu Qun and Feng Gong are both very good. If you say this in the crosstalk circle, no one will object. Guo Degang and Cao Yunjin's cross talk are both very good. If you say this in the cross talk circle, you will be bullied by the In - Lujuba

For another example, if this is Tian Lihe’s live broadcast room and Chang Baofeng comes to be a guest, and someone in the live broadcast room mentions the popular cross talk star Guo Degang, Tian Lihe will also greet Chang Baofeng: Guo Degang is so good, then It was taught by Master Chang Jiu.

This kind of polite words and business compliments themselves depend on the specific context. Even if Guo Degang and Cao Yunjin are here, they cannot deny the fact that the two enlightenment teachers taught them, and the fans of Guo Degang and Cao Yunjin cannot deny it either.

Therefore, the author believes that although Chang Baofeng's words may sound a bit exaggerated, as the owner of the live broadcast room, it is not incomprehensible for him to be polite to Tian Lihe who is a guest.

The crosstalks of Jiang Kun, Tang Jiezhong and Niu Qun and Feng Gong are both very good. If you say this in the crosstalk circle, no one will object. Guo Degang and Cao Yunjin's cross talk are both very good. If you say this in the cross talk circle, you will be bullied by the In - Lujuba

3. Why is Gangsi blogger angry?

After the live broadcast of Chang Baofeng and Tian Lihe, quite a few Gangsi bloggers seized on this sentence to make a fuss, but most of them made a mistake, that is, they added a word to Chang Baofeng's words. The word "du".

"Cao Yunjin was taught by Mr. Tian" was changed by some editors to "Cao Yunjin's skills were taught by Mr. Tian". The difference between one word and one word is a thousand miles, and it directly changed Chang Baofeng's original meaning.

In this case, these gangsters’ views of attacking Chang Baofeng are untenable.

The crosstalks of Jiang Kun, Tang Jiezhong and Niu Qun and Feng Gong are both very good. If you say this in the crosstalk circle, no one will object. Guo Degang and Cao Yunjin's cross talk are both very good. If you say this in the cross talk circle, you will be bullied by the In - Lujuba

In addition, some Gangsi bloggers believe that what Chang Baofeng said is equivalent to giving Cao Yunjin a promotion. Tian Lihe is an artist of the Bao generation, so Cao Yunjin will become a literary generation. He has changed from Guo Degang's former apprentice to Guo Degang's. Uncle Master.

These views are obviously a further exaggeration of Chang Baofeng's slightly exaggerated statement. Chang Baofeng said that Cao Yunjin was a disciple "taught" by Tian Lihe, but he did not say that Cao Yunjin "knocked" or "worshipped" Tian Lihe. The same is true. A difference of one word can make a difference of a thousand miles.

Let’s take the example of Guo Degang. Everyone in the cross talk circle knows that Chang Baofeng taught Guo Degang, but no one has ever said that Guo Degang “bowed” or “knocked” to Chang Baofeng.

The fundamental reason why some Gangsi bloggers have great misunderstandings on this issue is that some Gangsi bloggers do not understand cross talk at all, and have no idea about the rules and sayings of the cross talk industry. They just easily interpret " "Teaching" was understood as Tian Lihe accepting Cao Yunjin as his disciple.

The crosstalks of Jiang Kun, Tang Jiezhong and Niu Qun and Feng Gong are both very good. If you say this in the crosstalk circle, no one will object. Guo Degang and Cao Yunjin's cross talk are both very good. If you say this in the cross talk circle, you will be bullied by the In - Lujuba

4. Chang Baofeng was brutally bullied by the Internet

After Chang Baofeng opened a professional live broadcast room, whether he started the broadcast himself or invited celebrities to broadcast together, the comment area of ​​the live broadcast room was relatively normal, but after Chang Baofeng said this, , his live broadcast room began to encounter a large number of cyber violence attacks from Gangsi.

had direct scoldings like "80 years old is a waste of time", "80 years old is ignorant", "you are nothing".

The crosstalks of Jiang Kun, Tang Jiezhong and Niu Qun and Feng Gong are both very good. If you say this in the crosstalk circle, no one will object. Guo Degang and Cao Yunjin's cross talk are both very good. If you say this in the cross talk circle, you will be bullied by the In - Lujuba

used the title "Chang Jiufeng" to mock that Chang Baofeng was only assigned to Guo Degang as his apprentice.

also used "Without Guo Degang, I really don't know who you are" to ridicule Chang Baofeng, who is not as famous as Guo Degang.

At the same time, there were also comments insulting Jiang Kun and Cao Yunjin in the live broadcast room. So many troublemakers made the good live broadcast room a mess.

The crosstalks of Jiang Kun, Tang Jiezhong and Niu Qun and Feng Gong are both very good. If you say this in the crosstalk circle, no one will object. Guo Degang and Cao Yunjin's cross talk are both very good. If you say this in the cross talk circle, you will be bullied by the In - Lujuba

Why? Since Chang Baofeng is Guo Degang's first teacher, these gangsters should also "love the house and the bird" and respect Chang Baofeng as much as they respect Hou Yaowen. After all, Hou Yaowen never taught Guo Degang, but Chang Baofeng really taught Guo Degang step by step. .

To take a step back, even if the gangsters don't respect Chang Baofeng, they can't commit online violence against Chang Baofeng. For Lao Guo's sake, they can't do that.

In the final analysis, the reason why these Gangsi did not let go of Guo Degang's first teacher Chang Baofeng was that they were bewitched by some Gangsi bloggers, thinking that Chang Baofeng said something wrong and called Cao Yunjin Tian Li. He's apprentice.

The crosstalks of Jiang Kun, Tang Jiezhong and Niu Qun and Feng Gong are both very good. If you say this in the crosstalk circle, no one will object. Guo Degang and Cao Yunjin's cross talk are both very good. If you say this in the cross talk circle, you will be bullied by the In - Lujuba

Essentially speaking, these gangsters have a serious wrong idea of ​​only taking sides and not caring about others. In their eyes, it is a sin not to praise Guo Degang, it is also a sin to praise Cao Yunjin, and it is a sin to praise Jiang Kun, Yang Zhigang, Miao Fu and other colleagues.

Chang Baofeng had praised Jiang Kun in public before, and this time he affirmed Cao Yunjin in the live broadcast room and also praised Cao Yunjin. This violated the taboo of gangsters. They didn't care whether what Chang Baofeng said was distorted or not. Being exaggerated will not work as long as Chang Baofeng praises Jiang Kun and Cao Yunjin.

The crosstalks of Jiang Kun, Tang Jiezhong and Niu Qun and Feng Gong are both very good. If you say this in the crosstalk circle, no one will object. Guo Degang and Cao Yunjin's cross talk are both very good. If you say this in the cross talk circle, you will be bullied by the In - Lujuba

In fact, Chang Baofeng not only praised Cao Yunjin but also Guo Degang in the live broadcast room. Even such an even-handed statement still didn't work for Gang Si, and he was still bullied by them online.

I don’t know how Guo Degang would feel when he saw the Gangsi’s online abuse of his first teacher Chang Baofeng. On the one hand, he would also feel inappropriate, and on the other hand, he would also feel the Gangsi’s “loyalty”. "?

In any case, the gangsters launched an online violence just because Chang Baofeng was exaggerated and distorted by the gangster blogger. This behavior seriously affected the image and reputation of Guo Degang and Deyun Club. After all, Guo Degang always likes to respect respect. Teachers are always respected, but now looking at what happened to Guo Degang’s first teacher, Chang Baofeng, we can’t help but ask, what about respecting teachers and teachers as promised by Deyun Society?

The crosstalks of Jiang Kun, Tang Jiezhong and Niu Qun and Feng Gong are both very good. If you say this in the crosstalk circle, no one will object. Guo Degang and Cao Yunjin's cross talk are both very good. If you say this in the cross talk circle, you will be bullied by the In - Lujuba

Can we understand this? Although Chang Baofeng was Guo Degang’s first teacher, he could not praise Jiang Kun and Cao Yunjin when he praised Guo Degang’s excellence. Once he praised other colleagues besides Guo Degang, he would lose his followers. The qualifications of respect have even become the enemies of Tsunasu.

I don’t know how Teacher Guo Degang feels about his fans’ online violence against his enlightenment teacher.

Tags: entertainment