"The truth is demonstrated in words. - Tang Lei" Korean movie "Broken Tomb". The number of moviegoers in South Korea quickly exceeded 10 million. This is a supernatural suspense thriller film that tells the story of the strange events that occurred when a geomancer, a wizard, and

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"The truth is demonstrated in words. - Tang Lei"

Korean movie "The Tomb". The number of

movie viewers in South Korea quickly exceeded 10 million.

This is a supernatural suspense thriller film that tells the story of strange events that occurred when a geomancer, a wizard, and an embalmer accepted huge sums of money to move suspicious tombs.

As a genre movie, it is loved by audiences almost all over the world.

director Jang Jae-hyun was very surprised.

But there is another thing, perhaps more interesting.

This upstart filmmaker behind the scenes in the Korean film industry said in an interview, "I have not considered making a sequel, but if there is a chance, I would like to shoot the Hong Kong version of "The Tomb" with Aaron Kwok in Hong Kong."

'The truth is demonstrated in words. - Tang Lei' Korean movie 'Broken Tomb'. The number of moviegoers in South Korea quickly exceeded 10 million. This is a supernatural suspense thriller film that tells the story of the strange events that occurred when a geomancer, a wizard, and - Lujuba

Let’s take a look first at what the director said when talking about Aaron Kwok.

He said, "Because I am a loyal fan of Aaron Kwok, my favorite Hong Kong movies are "Anna Madeleine " and "Little Kiss". I have watched these two movies more than fifty times respectively. They are the most popular in the world." I like Aaron Kwok the most in the world. I still have the signature I received at the Busan Film Festival. "

There is a very interesting detail hidden in it.

Although the number of Aaron Kwok's films is not very high, he is an actor with a high rate of high-quality works.

If we talk about acting alone, the ones that may often be mentioned are " loves ", " unparalleled ", " temporary robbery ", " father and son ", " Floating City Tycoon " and "" Movies such as "Sanchakou ", " The Murderer ", "Traveling in Blood and Looking for Plum Blossoms".

If we discuss aura and image, it is likely to be works such as " Dominate the World ", " Cold War " and "Secret Visitor".

But the director mentioned "Anna Madeleine" and "Little Kiss".

What does this mean?

'The truth is demonstrated in words. - Tang Lei' Korean movie 'Broken Tomb'. The number of moviegoers in South Korea quickly exceeded 10 million. This is a supernatural suspense thriller film that tells the story of the strange events that occurred when a geomancer, a wizard, and - Lujuba

Aaron Kwok's acting career is ever-changing.

Of course, this concept began after "Sanchakou" and "Father and Son".

What is "ever-changing"?

In terms of performance, this is a way to abandon one's own appearance and spirit and completely transform into a movie character.

is just like from "Father and Son", "c+Detective", "Silver Empire", "The Murderer", "The Favorite", "Floating City Tycoon", "Chill" and "The Taoist Descends the Mountain", "Traveling Blood to Seek Plum Blossoms", " In movies such as "Unparalleled" and "Prompt Heist", you can't see anything similar to Aaron Kwok's "self" in appearance and temperament.

So what is Aaron Kwok’s “self” like on the big screen?

Of course, it would be "Anna Madeleine" and "Little Kiss", and you can even add "Stand By Me", "Barefoot Boy", "Summer Love", "Romantic Storm" and "2000 AD" "Thunder Men", "Romantic Sakura" and "Judo Dragon and Tiger List".

These movies have mixed reviews, but in terms of performance, they are all "additions and subtractions" on top of their "original" characters.

is lively, kind and sincere, with boyish inspiration, courage, passion and drive. This is Aaron Kwok's "self", and it is also what many Aaron Kwok fans love.

Anyone who really likes these movies is an absolute "fanatic".

Director Jang Jae Hyun is exactly "such and such".

'The truth is demonstrated in words. - Tang Lei' Korean movie 'Broken Tomb'. The number of moviegoers in South Korea quickly exceeded 10 million. This is a supernatural suspense thriller film that tells the story of the strange events that occurred when a geomancer, a wizard, and - Lujuba

And that’s it.

Birds of a feather flock together and people flock together, these eight words quietly emerged again.

Of course there are always misunderstandings in this world.

html A close friend for many years can stab you in the back, and an old married couple can share a different bed, not to mention the world of idols and fans.

Therefore, any logic, cognition, and opinion are not absolute. Just like there are bad people among good people, and there is a "high probability" that there will be good people among bad people.

But "not absolute" does not negate "relative".

Relatively speaking, within a group, there are always roughly similar and similar attributes.

To put it simply, the relationship between fans and idols generally comes from aesthetic standards and preferences, and may also be affected by "temperament."

So, what kind of person is Aaron Kwok?

'The truth is demonstrated in words. - Tang Lei' Korean movie 'Broken Tomb'. The number of moviegoers in South Korea quickly exceeded 10 million. This is a supernatural suspense thriller film that tells the story of the strange events that occurred when a geomancer, a wizard, and - Lujuba

There is an old saying, listen to what they say and watch what they do. When

was not yet popular, Aaron Kwok faced a reporter's question "Are you afraid of poverty?" He said, "I'm not afraid of poverty, I'm afraid of not working hard." After

became popular, he also said that it doesn't take a hundred days to become famous.

Every time, whether it is a setback or recognition, he will always say, I will continue to work hard.

Along the way, he rose from a beginner in dance to the "Asian Dance King" and "Oriental Stage Myth", from a "tone-deaf" layman to the king of music, and in a short period of time, his singing skills reached a level of Extremely high level, from a newcomer in the film industry to a movie king who has entered the top acting camp.

He regards charity as a kind of experience in the world, and said, don’t compare or show off.

This is Aaron Kwok.

'The truth is demonstrated in words. - Tang Lei' Korean movie 'Broken Tomb'. The number of moviegoers in South Korea quickly exceeded 10 million. This is a supernatural suspense thriller film that tells the story of the strange events that occurred when a geomancer, a wizard, and - Lujuba

The world is very interesting.

Everyone may have his or her own idol.

Idols themselves are no exception. They also have their own favorite and beloved characters. For example, Aaron Kwok publicly said that his idol is Michael Jackson and sang a song specifically for him, "mj".

But the meaning of idols is not only about fanaticism and liking, but also about reference and guidance.

So Aaron Kwok certainly deserves praise.

As for director Jang Jae-hyun, please hurry up and write the script for the Hong Kong version of "Broken Tomb".

This is exciting.

Tags: entertainment