I have to admit that "Liaoyue Battle" has become the best IP in the CBA League in the past 10 years, bar none. On the evening of May 3, in the Liaoning Gymnasium, despite the roaring noise of the home fans, the Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team defeated the Liaoning Men’s Basketbal

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I have to admit that 'Liaoyue Battle' has become the best IP in the CBA League in the past 10 years, bar none. On the evening of May 3, in the Liaoning Gymnasium, despite the roaring noise of the home fans, the Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team defeated the Liaoning Men’s Basketbal - Lujuba

I have to admit that the "Liao-Guangdong War" has become one of the best IPs in the CBA League in the past 10 years.

On the evening of May 3, in the Liaoning Gymnasium, despite the roaring noise of the home fans, the Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team defeated the Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team 110-94, evening the total score of the semi-finals to 1-1, taking the home team Advantage returns to Dongguan.

For the Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team, this is a victory that may change the trend of the series. The return of core insider Zhou Qi has found a fulcrum for the team, and team coach Du Feng's initiative to change the formation is the key to the victory of the Guangdong Men's Basketball Team - using Jordan Bell to replace Waters and using Wilms to limit Zhang Zhenlin , sending Li Yizhen to fight Zhao Jiwei...

Since they met in the finals of the 2007-2008 season, these two teams have become out-and-out "rivals" in the CBA. Gratitudes, conflicts, and confrontations, when they are in the season After meeting for the 11th time in the post-match match, CBA's intensity of confrontation and topic discussion were once again filled to the brim.

I have to admit that 'Liaoyue Battle' has become the best IP in the CBA League in the past 10 years, bar none. On the evening of May 3, in the Liaoning Gymnasium, despite the roaring noise of the home fans, the Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team defeated the Liaoning Men’s Basketbal - Lujuba

roared into the hot search

With 6 and a half minutes left in the third quarter, Xu Jie of the Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team and Zhang Zhenlin of the Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team “created” the most topical moment in the game.

At that time, Xu Jie controlled the ball outside the three-point line to organize the offense. Zhao Jiwei followed closely. Without a chance, Xu Jie handed the ball to the big foreign aid Jordan Bell, and then he accelerated and got rid of it. Defend, get inside. Jordan Bell had quick eyes and quick hands, and he found Xu Jie again with a ground-breaking pass. At that moment, in front of Xu Jie was Zhang Zhenlin, who was 2.05 meters tall, but without any hesitation, he used a throw over the latter's long arm and sent the ball into the basket.

This offense allowed the Guangdong Men's Basketball Team to rewrite the point difference to 70 to 53 in the away game, and also allowed Xu Jie to completely vent his emotions. He did not immediately return to defense, but walked towards Zhang Zhenlin step by step, clenched his fists, and faced himself. The opponent who was 22 centimeters taller roared.

’s roar this time earned Xu Jie a technical foul, but it also made him the number one trending search topic on social networks after the game. The reason why Xu Jie suddenly became popular all over the Internet is partly due to Zhang Zhenlin's "contribution".

I have to admit that 'Liaoyue Battle' has become the best IP in the CBA League in the past 10 years, bar none. On the evening of May 3, in the Liaoning Gymnasium, despite the roaring noise of the home fans, the Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team defeated the Liaoning Men’s Basketbal - Lujuba

In the first game of this series, Zhang Zhenlin once completed a stunning dunk against Guangdong Men's Basketball insider Xu Xin, which instantly ignited the passion of the home fans. After dunking, Zhang Zhenlin pointed at his opponent and chattered endlessly, and also made the "too small" gesture common on the basketball court. This move also caused a lot of discussion and controversy after the game.

"About Zhang Zhenlin's ball, what I want to say is that the playoffs are a war...so to a certain extent, Zhang Zhenlin just did what he should do, so next time we encounter this situation, I will Support Xu Xin or other players and just spray them back." After the first game, there were such online comments supporting Zhang Zhenlin, and after the second game, Xu Jie's roar brought a response from Guangdong fans. , "To a certain extent, Xu Jie just did what he should do in order to win. I can understand his behavior. So next time we encounter this situation, I support Zhang Zhenlin or other players to directly spray back."

Xu Jie's roar and Zhang Zhenlin's dunk will obviously become a hot topic discussed by fans for a long time in the future. At the same time, this has also become the best footnote in this series - in the two games, the relationship between the players Physical collisions occur every round; Zhao Jiwei, Hu Mingxuan, and even insider Han Dejun will fall to the ground and fight at all costs; in addition, there are also episodes of Jordan Bell "eavesdropping" on the Liaoning men's basketball team's tactical arrangements and then getting pushed.

Even Su Qun, a well-known basketball commentator, lamented on social networks, "Zhang Zhenlin yells at Xu Xin, and Xu Jie yells at Zhang Zhenlin. It's a bit interesting, a bit like the playoffs."

Coaches fight, Du Feng changes formation

"Xu Jie The entry "Roaring" can reach the top of the hot search, which is enough to show how high the attention and traffic of the "Liao-Guangdong War" are. However, when the Guangdong Men's Basketball Team and the Liaoning Men's Basketball Team stand on the same court in the playoffs, their The reason why confrontation has attracted attention is because of the high level of confrontation.In the first game of the

series, the Guangdong Men's Basketball Team only lasted two quarters without Zhou Qi. Zhang Zhenlin's 34 points helped the Liaoning Men's Basketball Team completely widen the point difference in the second half. In the third quarter of the first game alone, , Zhang Zhenlin scored 14 points, 4 rebounds, 1 assist and 3 steals.

After the first game, many self-media in the basketball circle began to look down on the Guangdong Men's Basketball Team, believing that Zhang Zhenlin was the biggest "unsolvable" problem for the Guangdong Men's Basketball Team.

But the charm of the series is that the fighting skills of the two teams, from coaches to players, can make the "best of five games" trend full of suspense. In the second game of the

series, the Guangdong Men's Basketball Team not only welcomed back core insider Zhou Qi, but also coach Du Feng took the initiative to change the lineup. He abandoned the small foreign aid Waters in the game to increase the height of the lineup; on the defensive end, he handed over the important task of guarding Zhang Zhenlin to the 37-year-old veteran Wilms; on the outside defense, Du Feng He also sent Li Yizhen, who was only 18 years old, to cooperate with Xu Jie in taking turns to consume Zhao Jiwei.

The "one old and one young" with an age difference of nearly 20 years helped Du Feng's change of formation achieve results beyond expectations.

I have to admit that 'Liaoyue Battle' has become the best IP in the CBA League in the past 10 years, bar none. On the evening of May 3, in the Liaoning Gymnasium, despite the roaring noise of the home fans, the Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team defeated the Liaoning Men’s Basketbal - Lujuba

Zhang Zhenlin played nearly 4 minutes more than in the first game, but his score dropped from 34 points to 15 points. He only hit 4 goals in 17 shots and made 5 turnovers. The Liaoning men's basketball team made 26 turnovers. This statistic is one of the highest records of the Liaoning men's basketball team in the past few seasons.

Not only that, coach Du Feng is also constantly adjusting his on-the-spot command. One of the most obvious changes is that in the second half of the second game, Du Feng asked the core offensive and defensive players Zhou Qi and Wilms to sit off the court at the beginning. Instead, Jordan Bell was used as the central axis on the court. Although Jordan Bell only had 6 points in 23 minutes, he grabbed 9 rebounds and provided 10 assists.

"Ever since I was playing, I have liked players who can pass the ball. I think in basketball, it is impossible for one person to beat a team. I hope everyone can share the ball better and play the way I play." Win After playing a key away game, Du Feng also spoke highly of Jordan Bell, "We brought Bell back because he is a more comprehensive player and he is very selfless. This is special to the team. "

If Jordan Bell is an engine adjusted by Du Feng, then Zhou Qi is the support that allows this engine to continue to work. In 24 minutes of playing time, Zhou Qi contributed 12 points, 18 rebounds, and 2 blocks. It was his return that allowed the Guangdong Men's Basketball Team to go from losing 14 rebounds in the first game to winning the second game. Got 3 rebounds.

"I think Zhou Qi is one of the best inside players in China so far." Du Feng also mentioned Zhou Qi's influence and changes on the trend of the game after the game, "His help to the team, both offensive and defensive, The contribution of the national team is obvious to all. "

Use basketball to resolve the grudges between old enemies.

In fact, Zhou Qi's impact on this series goes far beyond just being on the court.

Just after the Guangdong men's basketball team won the game, Guangdong and team media reporters shared the video of the locker room after the game. After Du Feng praised the performance of the young players, Zhou Qi also specifically emphasized the contribution of Li Yizhen and Zhang Haojia, "The two of them helped us a lot defensively and consumed the opponent's physical strength. They will make some mistakes, but I think They spare no effort to give us the greatest help. I hope you two can continue."

Just 3 minutes and 19 seconds before the end of the game, Li Yizhen suffered from thigh cramps, but the 18-year-old came on at 22 minutes. Over time, he repaid coach Du Feng's trust and became a surprise player in this game.

"Now there are fewer players who dare to take responsibility and cause damage. Guangdong has been breaking points, picking and rolling, and sharing the ball. I hope more players can take the responsibility." After the game, even the coach of the Liaoning Men's Basketball Team Yang Ming gave his opponent He gave affirmation, "Guangdong's intensity is full, and the adjustment of foreign aid has increased the intensity of the game. Bell's defense allows us to share less balls, and his defensive area is large."

I have to admit that 'Liaoyue Battle' has become the best IP in the CBA League in the past 10 years, bar none. On the evening of May 3, in the Liaoning Gymnasium, despite the roaring noise of the home fans, the Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team defeated the Liaoning Men’s Basketbal - Lujuba

After regaining the leadership of the Liaoning men's basketball team, young coach Yang Ming also improved the chemistry of the defending champions in many aspects. However, in the absence of backcourt core Guo Ailun, Yang Ming still has no championship team. Qi Zheng said, "Only Zhao Jiwei controls the ball better. Other defenders, including foreign players, control the ball poorly. This is a flaw in our lineup. After the game, I said that foreign players and young defenders needed to step up, otherwise the Guangdong team would keep making mistakes and counterattack. "

It is not difficult to see from Yang Ming's post-game summary that in the next two away trips, he will also make adjustments to the team in response to coach Du Feng's changes in the second game of the series.

Since the 1995-1996 season, the Guangdong Men's Basketball Team and the Liaoning Men's Basketball Team have met in the playoffs 11 times, 9 of which were on important stages such as the semi-finals and finals. The two teams of Liaoning and Guangdong are fully worthy of it. Known as the "old rivals", the "Liao-Guangdong Battle" is already the most anticipated matchup every season.

For the CBA League, it is a surprise to see such an "old rivalry" in the league for many years. A lucky thing, but also a valuable asset.

However, some disharmonious factors off the court cast a shadow on such a wonderful "rival battle", and there was dissatisfaction on social networks after two games in the series. The video after the game brought the CBA's game viewing atmosphere to the forefront of public opinion. Among them was the irrational behavior of a fan throwing a water bottle at foreign aid Bell.

The fans' sentiment of supporting the home team is understandable, even in the NBA, the "Mayor of New York". The dispute between Trae Young and the fans and the scolding between Westbrook and the fans also make the game more narrative. But how to grasp this "degree" requires fans to become more mature.

After all, the grudges on the court. The feud should still be resolved with basketball. Just like after the game, Xu Jie and Zhang Zhenlin still shook hands and greeted each other.

"Zhou Qi grew up from the Liaoning youth team, so he cares deeply for Zhou Qi and hopes that the two regions will be happy." The fans are more loving and wish each other the two teams and the players of the two teams. "As Du Feng said, he also hopes that fans from both sides can treat such "rivalry" in a more mature way.

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