I recently learned about several things in succession, which refreshed my understanding of human nature and made me realize that a terrible personality can really kill people without blood. The first incident happened in Japan in the 1990s. There was a man named Matsunaga Tai in

entertainment 1119℃

I recently learned about several things, which refreshed my understanding of human nature and made me realize that a terrible personality can really kill people without blood.

The first incident happened in Japan in the 1990s. There was a man named Matsunaga Tai in Kitakyushu City. He had an affair even though he was married. One of his lovers was Junko.

I recently learned about several things in succession, which refreshed my understanding of human nature and made me realize that a terrible personality can really kill people without blood. The first incident happened in Japan in the 1990s. There was a man named Matsunaga Tai in  - Lujuba

He first seduced Junko by sweet-talking her, and then deliberately let her know that she was "being raped by a mistress". He threatened her that if she stayed with him, he would divorce her and marry her. If she dared to leave him, she would be ruined.

Junko and her family are very traditional, and they felt ashamed about this matter, so they acquiesced.

Soon Matsunaga showed his fierce look, punched and kicked Junko, and burned words on her body with cigarette butts. Junko wanted to die and failed to commit suicide.

From then on, Junko seemed to have lost her independent personality and became Matsunaga's puppet.

Under his control, Junko deceived a rental agency, and the two of them forced him to borrow money from people around him, drained him of all his wealth, and finally tortured him to death. They also used the same method to control His 12-year-old daughter had her father cut into pieces. During

, Matsunaga also used the persona of being rich, handsome, and deceived two other women. They all used sweet words in the early stage and beat and abused them in the later stage. One of them was abandoned after he drained all the money and committed suicide by jumping into the sea; the other was better. , jumped out of the window to escape, and was left with a lifelong disability.

Having lost his money-making target, Matsunaga began to target Junko's family. He approached Junko's family on the grounds that Junko was suspected of murder and relied on himself to cover it up, and asked for a large amount of wealth. He also found out the secrets between the family members. Sowing discord, and under high mental pressure, the family gradually gave up their jobs and moved into the apartment rented by Matsunaga.

In order to make money, he electrocuted Junko's father with high intensity, and after draining all the money, he electrocuted him to death;

Then, he brainwashed everyone. Junko's mother went crazy, and sooner or later the police would be called in to cause trouble for everyone. He asked his family to kill Junko's mother, cut her body into pieces and cooked it for more than 20 pots. Even a 10-year-old girl was involved in the whole process;

Then, Junko's sister also developed a mental disorder, so he used the same method. At this time, the only remaining adult in Junko's family was her brother-in-law, who had been a policeman. He may have been involved in the killing of many people in succession because of too much mental pressure. Coupled with Matsunaga's inhumane torture, he fell seriously ill and died within a month;

The most cruel thing is that he did not even spare Junko's sister's two children and kept brainwashing them. He was an orphan and suffered a lot while he was alive. He let a 10-year-old girl kill her 5-year-old brother, and then he was willing to lie down and be strangled to death.

I recently learned about several things in succession, which refreshed my understanding of human nature and made me realize that a terrible personality can really kill people without blood. The first incident happened in Japan in the 1990s. There was a man named Matsunaga Tai in  - Lujuba

All this happened in less than two years. Except for Junko's father who died of electric shock, Matsunaga didn't do anything personally.

In court, Junko recalled that she had no idea what she was doing, as if she had lost control of her body and mind, and she only knew how to obey Matsunaga's instructions.

This is when the spiritual boundaries are eroded, and the entire person's mind and soul are occupied by others - this is what the ultimate NPD personality is best at doing.

Another thing is the recent popular article "The Death of My Wife". It is a memorial written by Dr. Qingbei who immigrated to Canada to his late wife. It recalls the daily life of the two of them working and living together, immigrating and raising their children, and My wife’s entire journey from diagnosis to death.

I recently learned about several things in succession, which refreshed my understanding of human nature and made me realize that a terrible personality can really kill people without blood. The first incident happened in Japan in the 1990s. There was a man named Matsunaga Tai in  - Lujuba

The writing style throughout the book is warm and restrained, and some even say it has a bit of the flavor of "Xiang Ji Xuan Zhi".

But soon, some sober netizens removed the lyrical content and extracted the facts, and found that this article only contained two words: is delicious.

This deceased wife was very good. After getting a master's degree in the United States, she obtained a visa and was able to live in the United States. However, she fell in love with this man who was more than ten years older than her when she was studying. She got married as soon as she graduated. In order to return to China to take care of her two daughters, she gave up. Got a US visa.

Later, the two became pregnant with a boy. Since the domestic three-child policy was not relaxed at that time, the man gave up his job in the system in order to have a child, and the two immigrated to Canada.

Then, the man used the excuse that his English was not good and he did not have a work visa to stop working and take care of the children at home.

As for the woman, she found a full-time job in a bank to support her family of five.

In order to support his family, he has to tutor people in English and Mathematical Olympiad for 6 hours in the basement on weekends.

As for the man who takes care of the child, since he does not have a driver's license, the woman is usually responsible for picking up the child and purchasing supplies.

Judging from the boyfriend’s circle of friends, he can only cook basic entry-level dishes such as fried shredded potatoes. Usually, his wife has to make complicated dishes.

In addition, the wife also has to tend the vegetable garden, shovel snow, move furniture and other heavy objects at home - she is said to be "the male boss". What does this mean?

I only see people lying down with peace of mind and confidently passing the blame on the grounds that they “can’t” and “can’t do it well”.

Moreover, because this man himself is highly educated, he is particularly good at "whitewashing the facts" and packaging them all under a tender love narrative, which makes people feel very confused for a moment, for example -

I recently learned about several things in succession, which refreshed my understanding of human nature and made me realize that a terrible personality can really kill people without blood. The first incident happened in Japan in the 1990s. There was a man named Matsunaga Tai in  - Lujuba

Some netizens asked, In the materially developed Shanghai, is fishing labor or entertainment? Is killing fish labor or entertainment? Seeing that the refrigerator is full and you keep fishing, is it to supplement nutrition for your wife or because you just like fishing?

Obviously he likes fishing, so he added a lot of extra work to his wife, but he just said it was for her sake-this deception ability is worthy of Dr. Qingbei.

Just like this, while working full-time and part-time to support a family of five and having to do heavy housework, the woman finally fell ill and was diagnosed with late-stage lung cancer, which developed extremely rapidly. Next, the man used a lot of words to criticize Canada for being backward. Slow and unscientific medical system - this paragraph makes some sense, but it is not the point - the point is that more than 20 days ago, his wife fell into a coma before her death. In order to save the government's cost of handling the inheritance, he forced her out of the coma. He was woken up to sign - although this was already very irritating, it was not the point - the point was that after his wife signed, he couldn't help but sigh, her wife was worthy of being a college tyrant with a TOEFL score of nearly 9 and an IELTS score.

As we all know, it is impossible for people to pretend to be something they have never seen before, and he is the most typical example.

thinks that praising his wife like this seems very affectionate, but in the eyes of normal people, it will only feel cold - a couple who have been married for more than ten years, have three children in 7 years, and support a family of five. In the last moment before his death, he thought of his wife. IELTS score 9.

puts it more clearly - at the last moment, his greatest praise for his wife is to praise her instrumental attributes, just like a boss praises a subordinate, and a master praises a slave - I think you are good because you treat me Be useful, not because of your existence per se.

This is also one of the biggest traits of NPD personality. They cannot see the value and significance of others as independent existences. In his eyes, everyone can be objectified and instrumentalized. In the eyes of this kind of person, there are only pros and cons, not Right and wrong.

I have a hard time speaking, so let me start by saying that this woman died of illness. She was completely sucked by a parasite until the oil ran out.

The proportion of this kind of NPD personality in the population is actually not low, but some have a relatively high degree of "socialization" and their nature is suppressed. Only by careful experience can they be distinguished.

People like this will continue to erode your boundaries and destroy your subjectivity in the name of "love", just like cutting flesh with a dull knife. Unknowingly, you are no longer able to escape.

Like the Bao Li case at Peking University, Mou Linhan constantly used the "virgin complex" to sexually humiliate Bao Li. Bao Li would answer him at first, "My most precious thing is my future." She is such a confident and sober girl, but because she did not escape immediately, she eventually became a degenerate under the long-term, repeated humiliation and blows in the name of love. Feeling depressed and self-loathing, leading to the abyss of self-destruction.

is a person like who is born sick and has a "sucking" personality, turning everyone around him into his blood bag and energy source.

recommends that everyone search for the detailed characteristics and countermeasures of NPD personality immediately, right away, and now, and learn to identify and prevent it. In short, if a relationship does not make you feel more and more relaxed, free and confident, but makes you feel more and more depressed, cautious and inferior, then he is very likely to be npd personality -

recommends everyone to run away immediately, it is really dangerous and can kill people.

Tags: entertainment