The suspense drama "Dark Fire" starring Tong Yao is currently on the air! To be honest, at the beginning of this drama, I really followed Tong Yao and Zhang Xincheng. But as the plot progresses, especially with the reversal design, the layers are peeled away. I'm really fascinate

entertainment 3838℃
The suspense drama " The Dark Fire " starring

Tong Yao is now on the air!

To be honest, at the beginning of this drama, I really followed Tong Yao and Zhang Xincheng.

But as the plot progresses, especially with the reverse design, layers are peeled away.

I was really shocked by the large-scale plot of this drama.

The suspense drama 'Dark Fire' starring Tong Yao is currently on the air! To be honest, at the beginning of this drama, I really followed Tong Yao and Zhang Xincheng. But as the plot progresses, especially with the reversal design, the layers are peeled away. I'm really fascinate - Lujuba

First of all, Nanya’s life experience is really miserable!

lost his biological mother when he was a child, and later got a vicious stepmother.

But this is not over yet. The most terrifying thing is that the brother brought by the stepmother actually violated her.

The suspense drama 'Dark Fire' starring Tong Yao is currently on the air! To be honest, at the beginning of this drama, I really followed Tong Yao and Zhang Xincheng. But as the plot progresses, especially with the reversal design, the layers are peeled away. I'm really fascinate - Lujuba

The most unacceptable thing for Nanya is that her biological father knew clearly that she had been violated, but in the end he advised her to forget it and not to call the police.

This is the beginning of Nanya's misfortune. This is the beginning of Nanya's tragedy.

She was beautiful, but without the love of her parents, Nanya's life was destined to be a tragedy.

The suspense drama 'Dark Fire' starring Tong Yao is currently on the air! To be honest, at the beginning of this drama, I really followed Tong Yao and Zhang Xincheng. But as the plot progresses, especially with the reversal design, the layers are peeled away. I'm really fascinate - Lujuba

Secondly, Xu Yi’s life is also a tragedy!

Although from the plot point of view, Xu Yi is also a scumbag, and he really deserves to die.

But from a certain perspective, Xu Yi's life is also a tragedy.

It can be said that from the moment Xu Yi met Nanya, his life was completely out of control.

For Nanya, he killed Hu Lifan.

The suspense drama 'Dark Fire' starring Tong Yao is currently on the air! To be honest, at the beginning of this drama, I really followed Tong Yao and Zhang Xincheng. But as the plot progresses, especially with the reversal design, the layers are peeled away. I'm really fascinate - Lujuba

Later, he became extreme, suspicious, and even lost control.

It can be said that Xu Yi's life was completely changed by Nanya.

So in the end the police asked Nanya, why didn’t you run every time Xu Yi hit you?

Nanya’s sentence: Maybe from that night on, Xu Yi and I were destined to only sneak in the darkness. The sentence

is very flavorful.

Because they know a secret together, they are both trapped in the same secret.

Xu Yi became a domestic violence man, and Nanya silently endured the domestic violence, but did not dare to escape.

This is the punishment that the two of them receive in this secret together.

The suspense drama 'Dark Fire' starring Tong Yao is currently on the air! To be honest, at the beginning of this drama, I really followed Tong Yao and Zhang Xincheng. But as the plot progresses, especially with the reversal design, the layers are peeled away. I'm really fascinate - Lujuba

Finally, there is Chen Ling, which is also quite miserable!

Chen Ling, the nurse, is actually really nice to Nanya.

was sincerely good to Nanya, but who knew that Xu Yi would later fall in love with Nanya and even kill someone for Nanya.

The most unacceptable thing for Chen Ling may be that she has become an important part of Nanya and Xu Yi's witness.

Chen Ling came to catch the rapist, which indirectly proved that Xu Yi and Nanya were not present.

It can be said that Chen Ling was also used by Xu Yi and Nanya in her life.

The suspense drama 'Dark Fire' starring Tong Yao is currently on the air! To be honest, at the beginning of this drama, I really followed Tong Yao and Zhang Xincheng. But as the plot progresses, especially with the reversal design, the layers are peeled away. I'm really fascinate - Lujuba

But this drama is high-energy, and there are major reversals in each character.

For example, Nanya may not be the real murderer of Xu Yi.

The person who most likely killed Xu Yi was Chen Ling.

Because according to the logic of this drama, it is very likely that Nanya felt sorry for her best friend. After her best friend accidentally killed Xu Yi, she chose to take the blame for her best friend.

After all, everyone in the town knew that Xu Yi liked to domestically abuse her.

The suspense drama 'Dark Fire' starring Tong Yao is currently on the air! To be honest, at the beginning of this drama, I really followed Tong Yao and Zhang Xincheng. But as the plot progresses, especially with the reversal design, the layers are peeled away. I'm really fascinate - Lujuba

She couldn't be sentenced to death even if she accidentally killed Xu Yi.

Of course this is just a conjecture.

Because among these people, there is another most crucial person, and that person is the young Zhou Luo played by Zhang Xincheng.

Zhou Luo claimed to have witnessed the murder with his own eyes, but he did not report the crime for several hours. The gap during this period of time is unclear and cannot be explained.

And the most important thing is that Zhou Luo sympathizes with Nanya's experience and has feelings for Nanya in his heart.

It is difficult to guarantee that Zhou Luo did not lie. It is even difficult to predict that Zhou Luo was not involved in the killing of Xu Yi.

This is the most brain-burning part of "Dark Fire".

The suspense drama 'Dark Fire' starring Tong Yao is currently on the air! To be honest, at the beginning of this drama, I really followed Tong Yao and Zhang Xincheng. But as the plot progresses, especially with the reversal design, the layers are peeled away. I'm really fascinate - Lujuba

The town is not big, but everyone has secrets in their hearts.

And all people and things seem to be related to Xu Yi and Nanya.

Generally speaking, the script design of this drama is progressive and seamless. As a suspenseful and brain-burning drama, I am willing to give this drama more than 8 points.

The suspense drama 'Dark Fire' starring Tong Yao is currently on the air! To be honest, at the beginning of this drama, I really followed Tong Yao and Zhang Xincheng. But as the plot progresses, especially with the reversal design, the layers are peeled away. I'm really fascinate - Lujuba

Coupled with the wonderful performances by Zhang Xincheng, Tong Yao, Ye Zuxin and others, I think this drama is qualified to win the suspense drama king in 2024.

I don’t know how you watch this drama. You are welcome to tell me what you think about this drama!

Tags: entertainment