China Youth Daily Client News (China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Shen Jiequn) Recently, Mao Dun Literature Award winner and writer Mai Jia participated in the "Exchange Your Book of Life" event and shared his own "Book of Life". When he was 12 years old, the Mai family

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China Youth Daily client news (China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Shen Jiequn) Recently, Mao Dun Literature Award winner and writer Mai Jia participated in the "Exchange Your Book of Life" event and shared his own "Book of Life".

When he was 12 years old, the Mai family encountered "Lin Hai Xue Yuan" for the first time. Before reading this book, he took it for granted that people all over the world lived rough lives like the people in the village. This book opened up the Mai family's understanding of the world. The knowledge of the outside world planted the seeds of studying well. In order to let more people find the "book of life" that turns the gears of destiny, Maijia launched the "Maijia Reads with You" series of books. He joined hands with Li Jingze, Alai, Ge Fei, and Su Tong to select many world-class classics for readers.

Starting in 2017, the Mai family plans to spend 20 years to accompany readers to read 1,000 classics. He asked book reviewers to select and unpack the books, invited professional anchors to give lectures, paired with beautiful background sounds, and published them on the official account of "Maijia Reads with You".

Book cover of the second series of "Mai's Reading with You". Photo courtesy of the publishing house

"Maijia Reads with You" is dedicated to thinning out seemingly unattainable classics, condensing each classic into a high-quality interpretation of less than 10,000 words. The themes of the

series range from the pursuit of the meaning of life, questioning confusion, returning to one's true nature, and accepting the regrets of life in the first volume, to the realization of love and ideals, exploring human nature, and recognizing the true face of life in the second volume, which is in line with what young people are most concerned about today. issues. The works included in the second volume include not only classics such as "Love in the Time of Cholera" and "Kong Yiji", but also "Grandma's Apology Letter" and "You Should Fly Like a Bird to Your Mountain" that are in line with young people's tastes.

China Youth Daily Client News (China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Shen Jiequn) Recently, Mao Dun Literature Award winner and writer Mai Jia participated in the 'Exchange Your Book of Life' event and shared his own 'Book of Life'. When he was 12 years old, the Mai family - Lujuba

Book cover of the second series of "The Mai Family Studying with You". Picture provided by the publishing house

"Writing is a kind of self-healing for me. I feel that I have soothed and healed the deepest pain points in my heart." Mai Jiazai said when talking about his latest work "Letters from the World" with Dong Yuhui .

Literature can also be another prescription for healing. “When people are absent, literature will definitely fill the place.”

Mai Jia said: "Twenty years is enough time for me to grow old, but I think it is also a very romantic thing to accompany readers to grow old while reading."

(Source: China Youth Daily Client)

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