There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls "85 flowers". That is, the top female stars born after 1985, including "Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi". Now among these four people, it seems that only...

entertainment 1984℃

There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls "85 Flowers".

are the top actresses born after 1985, including "Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, Liu Shishi".

There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls '85 flowers'. That is, the top female stars born after 1985, including 'Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi'. Now among these four people, it seems that only... - Lujuba

Among the four people now, from the top spot to the subsequent transformation, seems to be the only one who is really anxious.

"Harbin 1944" has recently become a hit on a certain art channel. Although the click-through rate continues to rise, its reputation is gradually declining, and the reviews on Douban are basically negative. There is currently no score for

There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls '85 flowers'. That is, the top female stars born after 1985, including 'Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi'. Now among these four people, it seems that only... - Lujuba

. According to the current evaluation, it is estimated that the score will not be too high. It is difficult to even reach the passing mark for .

In fact, after watching it, I can still feel Yang Mi’s determination to perform this drama well.

There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls '85 flowers'. That is, the top female stars born after 1985, including 'Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi'. Now among these four people, it seems that only... - Lujuba

After all, this is one of the important works that will determine her future development. If she does not produce hit works, she will be squeezed out of the ranks of "85 flowers".

So in this TV series, can clearly feel that Yang Mi wants to change.

There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls '85 flowers'. That is, the top female stars born after 1985, including 'Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi'. Now among these four people, it seems that only... - Lujuba

After leaving Jiaxing, Yang Mi's desire to transform became stronger, so she chose such a spy film.

But as the plot progresses, this TV series has been characterized by the audience as "four different" .

There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls '85 flowers'. That is, the top female stars born after 1985, including 'Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi'. Now among these four people, it seems that only... - Lujuba

Before the broadcast started, the audience was actually quite curious.

First of all, Yang Mi's setting in the drama has several labels. Words like spy and fierceness alone are enough to attract the expectations of many fans. Perhaps if the expectations are too high, the disappointment will be greater.

There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls '85 flowers'. That is, the top female stars born after 1985, including 'Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi'. Now among these four people, it seems that only... - Lujuba

First of all, let’s analyze why it is called four different images by netizens.

The story took place in 1944, with the puppet Manchukuo as the background on the eve of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.

There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls '85 flowers'. That is, the top female stars born after 1985, including 'Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi'. Now among these four people, it seems that only... - Lujuba

So when I saw Yang Mi’s style, I felt that she was not from that era.

Not a single bit of makeup was left behind, which made people suspect that this was an idol drama.

There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls '85 flowers'. That is, the top female stars born after 1985, including 'Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi'. Now among these four people, it seems that only... - Lujuba

This TV series should be positioned as an idol drama. Yang Mi’s current appearance and status seem to be unable to support it.

After all, she is no longer an 18-year-old girl, and there are many places on her face that should not be looked at carefully.

There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls '85 flowers'. That is, the top female stars born after 1985, including 'Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi'. Now among these four people, it seems that only... - Lujuba

Not only that, her current form is even more difficult to look at directly, and her hunchback is too obvious, so she needs to be positioned as an idol drama. Just these two points will make netizens madly complain.

There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls '85 flowers'. That is, the top female stars born after 1985, including 'Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi'. Now among these four people, it seems that only... - Lujuba

Speaking of his acting skills, it can only be described as the most popular "short play".

At present, short plays are the most prominent project on major short video platforms. Even Brother Yang has joined in. These short plays generally have a template, with similar plots and acting methods, and even more actors. Likes to have a crooked mouth.

There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls '85 flowers'. That is, the top female stars born after 1985, including 'Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi'. Now among these four people, it seems that only... - Lujuba

However, everyone knows that this kind of short drama is not nutritious enough, and they will forget it after watching it.

But Yang Mi also performed this feeling in "Harbin 1944". can be described in one word, that is "pretend".

There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls '85 flowers'. That is, the top female stars born after 1985, including 'Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi'. Now among these four people, it seems that only... - Lujuba

There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls '85 flowers'. That is, the top female stars born after 1985, including 'Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi'. Now among these four people, it seems that only... - Lujuba

Perhaps in Yang Mi's mind, acting means shouting, hitting people or throwing things at every turn, and sometimes pretending to be serious. This is what she thinks of as acting, which makes the audience very entertained. This What on earth is being performed?

There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls '85 flowers'. That is, the top female stars born after 1985, including 'Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi'. Now among these four people, it seems that only... - Lujuba

In contrast, Wang Ou, as a supporting role, has more temperament. Whether it is her every move or the management of her expression, it is more in line with that era and that background.

There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls '85 flowers'. That is, the top female stars born after 1985, including 'Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi'. Now among these four people, it seems that only... - Lujuba

There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls '85 flowers'. That is, the top female stars born after 1985, including 'Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi'. Now among these four people, it seems that only... - Lujuba

There is also the male protagonist Qin Hao, not to mention, one person plays two roles, and his character is quite well handled by him, so Yang Mi is still a little unable to handle such a powerful party scene.

There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls '85 flowers'. That is, the top female stars born after 1985, including 'Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi'. Now among these four people, it seems that only... - Lujuba

Actually, it is understandable why Yang Mi is so anxious now.

and her 85 Flowers in the same period, everyone has their own best choice. Tang Yan recently starred in "Flowers" with Hu Ge, which became a hit, and her popularity also increased.

There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls '85 flowers'. That is, the top female stars born after 1985, including 'Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi'. Now among these four people, it seems that only... - Lujuba

Zhao Liying's development is even more comprehensive, and she has blossomed in film and television. Even if she is not the heroine in "Article 20", the audience is deeply impressed, and they can also see her comprehensive acting skills, a solid and capable , now her announcements are also received with a soft hand.

There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls '85 flowers'. That is, the top female stars born after 1985, including 'Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi'. Now among these four people, it seems that only... - Lujuba

As for Liu Shishi, although she has not yet transformed, she has established her own position in costume dramas. Last year alone, two costume dramas were released.

is also currently filming a costume drama called "Palm", so she doesn't need to transform at all, she can just cultivate her world of costumes.

There is a class in the entertainment industry that everyone affectionately calls '85 flowers'. That is, the top female stars born after 1985, including 'Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zhao Liying, and Liu Shishi'. Now among these four people, it seems that only... - Lujuba

is also an 85 flower. Seeing that the popularity of others is not decreasing but increasing, it must be fake to not panic, so Yang Mi gives people the illusion of being eager for success.

"Harbin 1944" will basically end in disappointment for now, so we have to watch the May 1st episode to see how Yang Mi's new movie will make everyone feel.

Tags: entertainment