"Hello, friends! Welcome to the 'Let's Get Employment' live broadcast room. Here is the ongoing 'Face-to-face live broadcast of the director of the department.'" April 26, 2024 College Graduates Employment Attack and Advanced Manufacturing Industry Youth employment action launche

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"Hello, everyone! Welcome to the 'Let's Get Employment' live broadcast room. Here is the ongoing 'Face-to-face live broadcast of the director of the department.'"

April 26, the 2024 College Graduates' Employment Campaign and Advanced Manufacturing The employment action for professional youth was launched at Central South University. At the event, Jiao Huafang, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Hunan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, walked into the live broadcast room and promoted jobs to online netizens through "live broadcast guidance" to build an efficient supply and demand docking platform for enterprises and workers.

'Hello, friends! Welcome to the 'Let's Get Employment' live broadcast room. Here is the ongoing 'Face-to-face live broadcast of the director of the department.'' April 26, 2024 College Graduates Employment Attack and Advanced Manufacturing Industry Youth employment action launche - Lujuba

"Although this is my first time to participate, I have always been concerned about live broadcast guidance. I hope all netizens can give us more opinions to help the human resources and social security department better carry out live broadcast guidance activities in the future." At 10:30 a.m., the live broadcast was officially launched. start. Sitting in the live broadcast room, "anchor" Jiao Huafang is full of style, talking eloquently in front of the camera.

This live broadcast activity is one of the important contents of the "2024 College Graduate Employment Action and Advanced Manufacturing Youth Employment Action". "Xingrenshe", "Hunan Minsheng Network", "Hunan People's Society Douyin Account", "Talent Employment and Social Security Information Report Douyin Account" and other platforms are broadcast live on the same frequency. Just click on the job details column in the lower right corner of the live broadcast room screen to view For specific work details, or directly contact the company's HR by phone.

"Compared with traditional offline on-site job fairs, live job recruitment has the characteristics of new format, strong interaction, and easy organization, which can effectively improve the efficiency and frequency of communication between employers and job seekers."

started broadcasting in less than 10 minutes. Millions of netizens flooded into the live broadcast room on the "Xingrenshe" platform alone to watch online.

"Wow! The director's position is really good. I want to go to the company to try it!" "The benefits of the company are very good!" "You can submit your resume while sitting at home. There can be more recruitment methods like this!"

in the live broadcast room , barrage after barrage went by, job seekers asked each other about job status, and the staff in the background were not idle either. While they patiently answer questions about company development prospects, job requirements, job content, salary and other information for fans who ask questions, they also promote relevant employment policies to benefit the people, and also pay attention to the needs of job seekers.

According to statistics from the organizer, the total online viewing volume of this live broadcast event on all major platforms reached 4.85 million, and hundreds of resumes were received in real time.

A message to the youth: Hunan should have confidence in its employment and entrepreneurship space.

Faced with the host’s questions, Jiao Huafang gave serious and detailed answers. She said that currently, the employment of college graduates in our province is indeed facing certain pressure. From a supply perspective, the number of college graduates is increasing year by year and will exceed 510,000 this year. From the perspective of demand, due to the impact of the international and domestic macroeconomic environment, there are still some difficulties in the production and operation of some industries and enterprises, and the market demand for jobs is generally shrinking.

"Everyone must also see that our country's economic development is extremely resilient. The construction of our province's 'three highlands' is in full swing. Strategic emerging industries such as advanced manufacturing, digital economy, and green economy are developing at an accelerated pace. The rural revitalization strategy is comprehensive." If we go forward, these will provide a broad space for employment and entrepreneurship for graduates. Everyone must have confidence."

Jiao Huafang hopes to take the opportunity of this live broadcast to give some suggestions to graduates.

You must have the courage to pursue your dreams and a down-to-earth spirit. You can either take traditional paths such as entering higher education, taking the public examination, or taking the public education examination, or you can make contributions by joining small, medium and micro enterprises and serving the grassroots. It is necessary to combine one's own interests, abilities and market demand, and on the basis of fully considering the actual situation, reasonably determine career positioning and formulate career plans...

How to prevent graduates from "stepping into pitfalls" and "falling into pits" during the job search process? Jiao Huafang said that priority should be given to public employment talent service agencies and formal market intermediaries to avoid black intermediary traps and fee traps. Be wary of promotions such as making a lot of money easily, getting hired directly without an interview, and promising employment after training, and avoid pyramid schemes and loan traps.

In addition, we must pay close attention to specific terms such as job position, working location, salary, labor conditions, contract period, etc. during the contract signing process to avoid contract traps and probation period traps.Don't believe in easy and profitable jobs, learn about recruitment information through legal and legitimate information channels, and avoid part-time job traps and information traps.

Policies support precise services to help achieve "good employment and good careers"

The "face-to-face with department directors" live broadcast activity is an epitome of Hunan Province's work to stabilize employment.

Since 2023, the Hunan Department of Human Resources and Social Security has joined hands with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Employment Online, China People’s Social Media and other units and media to hold special live broadcast activities for college graduates. High-tech enterprises such as Zoomlion Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., Yuanda Technology Group Co., Ltd., Wasion International Trading Co., Ltd., and Hunan Ruitu Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. were invited to participate, providing service engineers, logistics engineers, and software to college graduates. Key employment positions include development engineers, marketing management trainees, R&D management trainees, domestic marketing representatives, and international account managers.

In order to effectively expand the service radius of online job placement and improve the quality and capacity of employment services, Hunan's human resources and social departments at all levels, provincial media and universities have carried out a comprehensive publicity and linkage warm-up, and some live broadcast previews have attracted more than 2 million followers. , not only expanded the coverage of the event, but also created a good momentum. The live job promotion activity is a six-in-one real-time interaction of "policy presentation + company promotion + job introduction + tutor online Q&A + resume delivery + live connection", allowing the government, enterprises and job seekers to gather "in the cloud", greatly It has broadened the channels for job seekers to obtain employment information.

In the next step, the province's human resources and social security system will continue to put the employment of college graduates at the top of the province's employment work, and strive to work hard in policy support, precise services, etc., to help college graduates achieve "good employment and good careers." . Next, the "Let's Get Employment" live broadcast room will also invite bureau leaders from 14 cities and states to provide continuous guidance to netizens.

It is reported that after the live broadcast of the "face to face with department directors" event that day, the organizer also carefully organized 9 relevant department directors to come to the live broadcast room to answer relevant policy questions that college graduates may encounter on the way to employment. Escort college graduates’ first step into society!

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Peng Haoze correspondent Liu Zhangjing

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