Changjiang Daily Wuhan Client, April 28th "Many people ask me, what makes me insist on dialysis for 16 years? I will tell them this story." On the 28th, talking about the treatment process over the years, the 62-year-old Zou Fang (pseudonym), a uremia patient, said emotionally wi

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Changjiang Daily Wuhan Client April 28 News "Many people ask me, what makes me insist on dialysis for 16 years? I will tell them this story." On the 28th, talking about the treatment process over the years, Zou Fang (pseudonym), a 62-year-old uremia patient, said emotionally with tears in her eyes.

A few days ago, at the "Kidney Friends Meeting" held by the Blood Purification Center of the Department of Nephrology, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, 62-year-old Zou Fang received the "Longest Dialysis Age" award from the doctor. Everyone present applauded her. Thumbs up for her persistence and courage. On that day, she spoke to the public for the first time about her experience fighting the disease.

Changjiang Daily Wuhan Client, April 28th 'Many people ask me, what makes me insist on dialysis for 16 years? I will tell them this story.' On the 28th, talking about the treatment process over the years, the 62-year-old Zou Fang (pseudonym), a uremia patient, said emotionally wi - Lujuba

Zou Fang shared her treatment experience at the Kidney Friendship Meeting.

Zou Fang is from Jingzhou, Hubei Province. She came to Wuhan more than 20 years ago and made a living selling fruits and vegetables in the market. In 2009, she noticed something strange in her body. After going to the hospital for examination, she was diagnosed with stage 5 chronic renal failure, which gave her a big blow. With the comfort and company of her family, Zou Fang gradually adjusted her mentality. After learning that the Blood Purification Center of Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University was the earliest blood purification center in the province, she chose to start dialysis treatment here. She comes for dialysis on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays every week, and will continue to work at other times as long as her body allows. Under careful medical treatment, her condition was under control.

"Don't just think of yourself as a patient, do what you can." At the kidney friendship meeting, she said that this confidence and positive attitude were passed on to her by the dialysis doctor. Zou Fang said that the medical staff here never regarded her as a patient for treatment. In addition, in addition to giving her advice on disease management in her life, they also took the trouble to answer her questions, and their actions revealed their sincere emotions.

Zou Fang recalled that one night at 12 o'clock, her arteriovenous fistula suddenly developed a thrombosis. After contacting the doctor, the doctor immediately came from home to treat her without saying a word. He paid attention to her condition and feelings throughout the process, and provided Comforting, no complaints at all. "My motivation for insisting on dialysis is that I have never been 'given up'. Over the years, I have gotten along with the medical staff like family members." On the stage, Zou Fang lamented that she had never won any awards since she was a child. This time " "Winning the award" is a bit unexpected, but it is also a great encouragement. I hope that I can keep going and pass on the courage to fight against the disease to more patients.

Professor Gao Ping, an expert in nephrology, said that dialysis is a long road and a good attitude is very important. Zou Fang’s experience and spirit have also infected all the medical staff in the department. The team is also committed to improving technology and providing patients with higher quality. services.

It is reported that the Blood Purification Center of Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University currently has 41 hemodialysis machines, 14 backup dialysis machines, and 9 continuous blood purification machines. It has carried out services including high transposition internal fistula, balloon dilation thrombectomy, percutaneous Technologies such as transluminal angioplasty and artificial vascular arteriovenous fistulaplasty. In the future, the center hopes that through continuous medical innovation and in-depth humanistic care, every patient can feel hope in treatment and enjoy a higher quality of life. (Yangtze Daily reporter Liu Xuan, correspondent Liu Lian Shikun, Ding Yanfei, video producer Liu Xuan)

[Editor: Yu Lina]

[Source: Yangtze Daily-Changjiang Net]

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