Zhang Songwen's new variety show "Brilliant Garden" has launched. This meal replacement variety show is called "Longing for Life" by netizens. It has only been online for two days. The response from the audience is quite great, with mixed reviews online. Some people think it is Z

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Zhang Songwen 's new variety show "Brilliant Garden" has been launched. This meal replacement variety show is called " Longing for Life " by netizens. It has only been online for two days. The response from the audience is quite great, with mixed reviews online.

Zhang Songwen's new variety show 'Brilliant Garden' has launched. This meal replacement variety show is called 'Longing for Life' by netizens. It has only been online for two days. The response from the audience is quite great, with mixed reviews online. Some people think it is Z - Lujuba

Some people think that it is Zhang Songwen's version of "The Longing for Life", continuing the story of the mushroom house, but turning it into a garden story.

thus gave rise to a lot of ridicule.

Some complained that the program was not good to watch and too pretentious...

Some complained that the content was boring and trending toward routine...

Zhang Songwen's new variety show 'Brilliant Garden' has launched. This meal replacement variety show is called 'Longing for Life' by netizens. It has only been online for two days. The response from the audience is quite great, with mixed reviews online. Some people think it is Z - Lujuba

Some people even complained about Zhang Songwen's pretentiousness and that he even had to bargain for a few yuan items, complaining about his fussing over everything. Not down-to-earth, stealing people's hard-earned money...

Zhang Songwen's new variety show 'Brilliant Garden' has launched. This meal replacement variety show is called 'Longing for Life' by netizens. It has only been online for two days. The response from the audience is quite great, with mixed reviews online. Some people think it is Z - Lujuba

Zhang Songwen's new variety show 'Brilliant Garden' has launched. This meal replacement variety show is called 'Longing for Life' by netizens. It has only been online for two days. The response from the audience is quite great, with mixed reviews online. Some people think it is Z - Lujuba

I'm convinced, I'm really convinced by these people, have you really watched this variety show? How come you squirt when you open your mouth!

Most of the viewers who actually watched the first episode of the show said that "Brilliant Garden" is much better than "Longing for Life".

doesn’t need a bunch of people to cook together. A few of them just cook instant powder. Most of the shots are not about cooking.

Zhang Songwen's new variety show 'Brilliant Garden' has launched. This meal replacement variety show is called 'Longing for Life' by netizens. It has only been online for two days. The response from the audience is quite great, with mixed reviews online. Some people think it is Z - Lujuba

Zhang Songwen is more unconventional. There is no script at first glance, and the advertisements are not stiff. Later I heard that they will have guests in every issue, and there are scenes of students acting, which is completely different from the life they yearn for...

Real, real The audience has given rave reviews, but some people want to find faults and deliberately criticize...

Zhang Songwen's new variety show 'Brilliant Garden' has launched. This meal replacement variety show is called 'Longing for Life' by netizens. It has only been online for two days. The response from the audience is quite great, with mixed reviews online. Some people think it is Z - Lujuba

Zhang Songwen was mocked and pretended to be b. This is what I can't stand the most. I really can't stand it. Not only the audience is disgusted, but CCTV can't bear it. For this reason, I secretly He posted a message to support Zhang Songwen.

CCTV Online Entertainment named Zhang Songwen in the program when he choked up while recalling the past with his mother. In fact, what he wanted to express was that he was sincere and not artificial.

Zhang Songwen's new variety show 'Brilliant Garden' has launched. This meal replacement variety show is called 'Longing for Life' by netizens. It has only been online for two days. The response from the audience is quite great, with mixed reviews online. Some people think it is Z - Lujuba

CCTV’s intention is very obvious, which is to support Zhang Songwen’s truthfulness and sincerity in the program, so those sarcastic remarks about pretending to be a b are simply untenable!

"Brilliant Garden" has no script and no screenwriter. It focuses on a novel

. It is really a magical variety show. There is really no screenwriter. The whole team focuses on making money together with Zhang Songwen. The first issue of

was filmed around Zhang Songwen.

Zhang Songwen's new variety show 'Brilliant Garden' has launched. This meal replacement variety show is called 'Longing for Life' by netizens. It has only been online for two days. The response from the audience is quite great, with mixed reviews online. Some people think it is Z - Lujuba

We can also intuitively see that the team members are hopeless but painful and happy. They can never keep up with Zhang Songwen's pace and ideas. Many funny parts are contributed by amateurs, which is very unexpected. This variety show and Everything else is different, something completely new.

's kind of unknown joy is really great. There is no script, and you can feel the sincerity and authenticity through the screen. It is a thick and interesting "variety show record".

Zhang Songwen is down-to-earth and charming, focusing on sincerity.

Zhang Songwen's new variety show 'Brilliant Garden' has launched. This meal replacement variety show is called 'Longing for Life' by netizens. It has only been online for two days. The response from the audience is quite great, with mixed reviews online. Some people think it is Z - Lujuba

It is said that sincerity is a must-kill skill. Zhang Songwen's desire to create a garden for himself and his friends is very touching. He does everything by himself and plans everything beforehand.

The audience sighed with emotion, Teacher Zhang Songwen, how could there be such a delicate person! He speaks slowly, loves life, plants, animals, people, picks up sheep dung, sews quilts, and repairs windows...

The audience can’t help but wonder, do you know that feeling? He is down-to-earth and very sincere at the same time, but also There is yearning.

Zhang Songwen's new variety show 'Brilliant Garden' has launched. This meal replacement variety show is called 'Longing for Life' by netizens. It has only been online for two days. The response from the audience is quite great, with mixed reviews online. Some people think it is Z - Lujuba

Especially the way he threads and sews the quilt is really cute. He has a very clean temperament and is not greasy.

People immediately feel the charm of Teacher Zhang Songwen.

He is truth-seeking and pragmatic. When filming a variety show, a script is not required. He said that if a script is required and arranged, there is no need to film it. There is no script in life.

No wonder many viewers said they fell in love with this variety show as soon as they saw it. It feels like I have dug up a treasure. Compared with "Longing for Life",

Zhang Songwen's new variety show 'Brilliant Garden' has launched. This meal replacement variety show is called 'Longing for Life' by netizens. It has only been online for two days. The response from the audience is quite great, with mixed reviews online. Some people think it is Z - Lujuba

is more core-oriented and is not limited to just eating, drinking and gathering.

The best thing about this variety show is that it quickly calms down people's minds and creates a strong desire to love life and observe life.

netizens said that it is really suitable for all friends who are a little confused and anxious to read and experience another perspective of life.

This variety show is so comfortable, especially if you watch too many flashy ones, you will really like to watch this kind of real, calm and down-to-earth show. Zhang Songwen is really charming. He has a calming and reassuring personality. energy.

Zhang Songwen's new variety show 'Brilliant Garden' has launched. This meal replacement variety show is called 'Longing for Life' by netizens. It has only been online for two days. The response from the audience is quite great, with mixed reviews online. Some people think it is Z - Lujuba

Otherwise, Hunan Satellite TV is definitely No. 1 in variety shows. Although "Longing for Life" was stopped, he made "Brilliant Garden" again. The first episode of

was edited very smoothly, and the starting point and intention were sincere. I was once again a fan of Zhang Songwen, and we saw a performing artist who truly loves life.

's other guests, Ma Jiaqi, Zeng Shunxi, Lin Jiachuan and others are also very interesting. I look forward to their more exciting next issue with teacher Zhang Songwen!

[Picture source network, intrusion and deletion]

Tags: entertainment