China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily reporter Jiang Xiaobin's unscripted impromptu reality show "Brilliant Garden" was launched on April 26. The real life of actor Zhang Songwen was put in front of the camera for the first time and was fully documented. He said: "My life does

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China Youth Daily·China Youth Network reporter Jiang Xiaobin

The unscripted impromptu reality show "Brilliant Garden" was launched on April 26. The real life of actor Zhang Songwen was put in front of the camera for the first time, and it was fully documented. He said: "My life is not based on a script."

From bargaining with the flower seller, eating home-cooked shirras with the villagers, to discussing performances with new and old friends, and even starting "no physical performances" anytime and anywhere ..."Brilliant Garden" follows Zhang Songwen's perspective and shows the actor's "spiritual world". Under the real and vivid picture of life, the program gradually clarifies the true meaning of "performance and life" - always maintain love and curiosity, take root in the fertile soil of life, and get into the middle of ordinary people.

China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily reporter Jiang Xiaobin's unscripted impromptu reality show 'Brilliant Garden' was launched on April 26. The real life of actor Zhang Songwen was put in front of the camera for the first time and was fully documented. He said: 'My life does  - Lujuba

Zhang Songwen. Picture provided by the program team

"He is the most curious person I have ever seen, and he is very eager to explore everything." Zhang Songwen was once evaluated in this way, and he himself wrote, "You must cultivate your curiosity about the world. "Only when we are willing to embrace life will life embrace us." In the

program, Zhang Songwen's curiosity runs throughout. When I encounter a herd of sheep on the way to buy flowers, I am curious about the whereabouts of the sheep dung, so I will temporarily change my itinerary, get off the car, chat with the villagers, and even visit the villagers' homes. After going back and forth, Zhang Songwen learned about sheep dung and the life of the villagers.

These moments of actively embracing life not only appear in the program, but also accumulate in Zhang Songwen's "not seen for more than 20 years." Old friends Lin Jiachuan and Yiwei Yiwei "revealed" the past. Zhang Songwen met and became friends with the "plant god" because of his love for raising plants. He also went to the forum to communicate with netizens because of his curiosity about literature, and finally became a forum moderator.

Zhang Songwen said: "The green plants growing in the city will not be blown down by strong winds only if they are connected to the land." For literary and art workers, this land is "life." Zhang Songwen also specially set up the stage in "Brilliant Garden". In addition to "Garden Family" Zeng Shunxi, Ma Jiaqi and Jiang Peiyao of the Times Youth League, he also wanted to "find some new actors he knows and discuss performances together."

China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily reporter Jiang Xiaobin's unscripted impromptu reality show 'Brilliant Garden' was launched on April 26. The real life of actor Zhang Songwen was put in front of the camera for the first time and was fully documented. He said: 'My life does  - Lujuba

Zhang Songwen. Picture provided by the program team

"I gave some food to the villagers and we all got along well." "He is quite easy-going. He just wants to eat and chat with us." A villager in Xiaosu Village, Liqiao Town, Shunyi District, Beijing mentioned Zhang Songwen It's like talking about your neighbors. During the filming of the

program, we happened to encounter a wedding banquet in the village. Zhang Songwen specially dressed in red to attend the banquet. During the open-air banquet, he was skillful in serving dishes and chatting with the villagers at the table, "Do you live in the east or west?" and "You guys eat more." When asked by the program crew, "Is there any difference between (Zhang Songwen) and the TV series?" the village man said: "He wants to bring the TV series (character) here, who cares about him?"

When buying new plants, Zhang Songwen can both The flower seller discusses how to grow plants, and she also unabashedly and skillfully bargains in front of the camera, "Can it be less, I will buy more." After several bargaining "confrontations", the flower seller couldn't help but said: "Why are you so stingy?" Zhang Songwen responded with a smile: "I am really stingy."

drove a three-wheeler and passed by the neighbor's door warmly. To say hello, Maizi came to the door carrying 5 pounds of garlic to apologize because he had oppressed the villagers... As the villagers said, Zhang Songwen separated the TV series from reality and did not bring the characters into daily life. Zhang Songwen shared her experience in raising plants, "You can see the lush branches and leaves, but what supports the lush branches and leaves is its root system." This is also his experience as an actor and as a person.

China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily reporter Jiang Xiaobin's unscripted impromptu reality show 'Brilliant Garden' was launched on April 26. The real life of actor Zhang Songwen was put in front of the camera for the first time and was fully documented. He said: 'My life does  - Lujuba

Zhang Songwen. Picture provided by the program team

"Brilliant Garden" brings the performance class to the real world. The audience can observe for themselves how it will develop next.

Source: China Youth Daily client

Tags: entertainment