"Surgery Live Room" is adapted from the novel of the same name by Zhen Xiong Chumo, author of Qidian.com. It tells the story of the genius doctor Zheng Ren (played by Zhang Binbin) who came to Haicheng Hospital to find out the truth about the "unjust case" eighteen years ago. Su

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"Live Surgery Room" is adapted from the novel of the same name by Qidian.com author Zhen Xiong Chumo. It tells the story of the genius doctor Zheng Ren (played by Zhang Binbin) who came to Haicheng Hospital to find out the truth about the "unjust case" eighteen years ago. Su Yun (played by Dai Xu), the "salted fish" director of the emergency department, formed a pair of "happy friends" to work together to overcome difficult diseases one after another. A few days ago, the director of the drama Qiu Zhongwei accepted an exclusive interview with a reporter from the Beijing News and said that the theme of the occupational medical drama itself is very attractive to him. In addition, the original author of "Surgery Room" Zhen Xiong Chumo is an interventional doctor in the hospital. In the story, the medical drama is The selection of cases on the show is quite unique. There are many unpopular cases in the play that are closely related to life. In addition, the whole drama is very challenging from pre-preparation to on-site shooting and post-production. There are a lot of professional vocabulary and details in the medical industry, and the entire filming process is also supported by medical consultants.

'Surgery Live Room' is adapted from the novel of the same name by Zhen Xiong Chumo, author of Qidian.com. It tells the story of the genius doctor Zheng Ren (played by Zhang Binbin) who came to Haicheng Hospital to find out the truth about the 'unjust case' eighteen years ago. Su  - Lujuba

"Surgery Live Room" created a group portrait of doctors at Haicheng Hospital.

Preparation: A large number of medical guidance assisted us in completing the operation

Beijing News: The "professionalism" of medical dramas has always been a core issue that everyone is concerned about. Before and during the filming, what kind of methods did "Surgery Live Room" adopt? To ensure the true professionalism of the medical aspects of the drama?

Qiu Zhongwei: A large number of medical guidance assisted us in completing each operation. During the script revision stage, we hoped that each scene would be authentic and have ups and downs to help the characters succeed. We found doctors from Beijing’s top tertiary hospitals to cooperate with us in revising the script in the early stage. During the early preparations for filming, we also set up a medical coordinator to coordinate with the crew. The communication between each department and the medical director, such as the clothing format of the clothing department, the medical equipment of the props department, the internal organs of the special props and the model production of conjoined twins, etc. Everything must be clearly communicated with the medical director, as small as the hospitalization order registration Single and large C-arms for interventional use, etc. During the filming period, there were also many medical directors to cooperate with us in filming each operation. According to the departments mentioned in the operation content, we found corresponding experts to come to the scene to guide the actors and dismantle the steps of each operation, so there were most people on site every day. Eleven medical directors, sometimes at least three medical directors, assist us in completing our work.

Beijing News: Did the main creators in the play go to the hospital to experience life? After learning about the real life and work conditions of doctors, is there anything different from what you imagined before?

Qiu Zhongwei: The actors and I are reading around During the script period, we went to the hospital to experience life. Since our drama involves many departments, including interventional, cardiac, general surgery, urology, renal, emergency, etc., we went to all the departments corresponding to the plot to experience life. The most impressive thing was in the emergency room, because it was the first time we faced death in the hospital outside of our relatives. A very young life passed away in front of us, and we saw all the medical staff doing their best to save this young life. The process was so shocking, and I deeply felt how hard it was for the medical staff.

Characters: Binbin’s appearance is very close to what I imagined Zheng Ren to be.

Beijing News: The male protagonist Zheng Ren is highly skilled in the play. He appears to be colder in terms of speaking and acting style. In terms of the portrayal of Zheng Ren, the play is What's the idea in

Qiu Zhongwei: (Zhang) Binbin's appearance is close to the Zheng Ren I imagined in my mind, especially when we chose to let him break through his previous screen image during the makeup stage and make what everyone sees. When he styled his short hair, it made me believe that he is the meticulous doctor. Moreover, Zhang Binbin is a very serious young actor, especially when acting in emotional scenes, he is very involved, which left a deep impression on me. After the broadcast, I saw everyone's recognition of Zheng Ren's character, which proved that our choice was correct.

'Surgery Live Room' is adapted from the novel of the same name by Zhen Xiong Chumo, author of Qidian.com. It tells the story of the genius doctor Zheng Ren (played by Zhang Binbin) who came to Haicheng Hospital to find out the truth about the 'unjust case' eighteen years ago. Su  - Lujuba

Zhang Binbin plays Zheng Ren, a man with superb medical skills.

Beijing News: In comparison, the other male protagonist Su Yun seems cynical. What are your thoughts on the portrayal of Su Yun? Is there any reference prototype for this character?

Qiu Zhongwei: This is the second time I have worked with the actor Dai Xu. From the very beginning when I revised the script, his image appeared in my mind. Dai Xu is also a very serious actor. Before joining the cast, he went to a hospital in Beijing with a friend to observe the operation. During the script reading period, he kept discussing the characters with me and exchanging his feelings about reading the script. Six years later this time Working with him again gave me a new understanding of him, he is excellent.

Shooting: Showing the ups and downs of the surgical process is the biggest difficulty

Beijing News: During the shooting, what kind of difficulties are there in terms of the concept of "surgery live broadcast room" and the specific details of the operation, in terms of the scale and authenticity of the presentation? ?

Qiu Zhongwei: How displays the ups and downs of each operation is the biggest difficulty. Since we are a Taiwanese online drama, we have to take into account the audience's experience of watching the drama, so we must also pay attention to the scale of presentation. If we only show the character status and dialogue, the audience will definitely find it boring and difficult to understand, so we combine special effects. Show some details of the operation and add some lines from the characters who observe the operation to let the audience understand the process of the operation and the difficulties of achieving that stage. In terms of editing, many technical means are used to deal with the rhythm, such as jump cuts and split-screen cuts, so that an operation can have changes and rhythms in rhythm.

Beijing News: The "Separation of Conjoined Twins" in the original work is an impressive operation. How was this case made into a film?

Qiu Zhongwei: has great challenges, ranging from how to show it to as small as props How to make a replica, especially how to implement the steps of the script, because there are very few successful cases so far. Coincidentally, during the filming, a hospital in Hangzhou completed a case of separation of conjoined twins. We also went to that hospital to exchange some experiences and adjust the rhythm of the script. Although the connecting organs of the conjoined twins were different from our script It’s not the same, but it’s also a valuable experience.

Theme: We can face the disease and face life and death

Beijing News: Medical themes include various difficult and complicated diseases, as well as various aspects of the world. In your opinion, what do you most hope to convey in "Surgery Live Room"? Or what is the most important part?

Qiu Zhongwei: The greatest significance of medical-themed film and television dramas is that they can not only popularize some medical knowledge, but also convey positive energy, showing the hardships and hard work of the doctor's profession, and how to treat diseases and save people as a lifelong pursuit. Let us face the disease and face life and death. I hope everyone can have a healthy body and mind and face life positively.

'Surgery Live Room' is adapted from the novel of the same name by Zhen Xiong Chumo, author of Qidian.com. It tells the story of the genius doctor Zheng Ren (played by Zhang Binbin) who came to Haicheng Hospital to find out the truth about the 'unjust case' eighteen years ago. Su  - Lujuba

"Surgery Live Room" shows various aspects of life.

Beijing News: What is the biggest challenge for you in the entire creative process?

Qiu Zhongwei: This is my first time filming a medical drama. For me, every stage is a challenge, from the script to the shooting. When it comes to post-production, the completion of each item requires 200% effort. We have a total of 21 operations. How to present each operation in front of the audience without being boring and understandable is the biggest challenge we have encountered. It also spans departments and fields. Even the medical consultants thought we were too bold when they first came into contact with us. Yeah, that's crazy. After constant communication with medical directors and repeated revisions of the script, we completed the filming of this drama with an average of 16 hours of intensive work per day for 113 days. Because the slogan that we want to be a "professional drama" has been shouted out, everyone has to spend time and hard work to polish it repeatedly. Realizing the slogan has become the belief in each of us, which is huge for all the cast and crew. challenge.

Beijing News reporter Liu Wei

editor Tong Na

proofreader Liu Jun

Tags: entertainment