Chao News Client Reporter Xie Chunhui Yesterday (April 22) around 10:15 pm, many Hangzhou netizens posted on WeChat Moments that their home was "shaking". According to the official measurement of the China Seismological Network: at 22:11 on April 22, in Hualien County, Taiwan (..

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Chao News Client Reporter Xie Chunhui

Yesterday (April 22) around 10:15 pm, many Hangzhou netizens posted on WeChat Moments that their home was "shaking".

According to the official measurement by the China Seismological Network, a magnitude 5.9 earthquake occurred in Hualien County, Taiwan (23.79 degrees north latitude, 121.49 degrees east longitude) at 22:11 on April 22, with a focal depth of 9 kilometers. (Previous report: Hualien, Taiwan, 5.9 magnitude earthquake, felt in many places in Zhejiang: Hangzhou mother took Xiaobao to hide in the bathroom)

Today (April 23) around 2:30 in the morning, two more 6 earthquakes occurred in Hualien County, Taiwan. An earthquake of magnitude above 100 magnitude shocked netizens in many places in Zhejiang again.

According to the official determination of the China Seismological Network, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake occurred in the waters of Hualien County, Taiwan (23.70 degrees north latitude, 121.68 degrees east longitude) at 02:26 on April 23, with a focal depth of 10 kilometers.

0A magnitude 6.2 earthquake occurred at 02:32 on April 23 in Hualien County, Taiwan (23.81 degrees north latitude, 121.53 degrees east longitude), with a focal depth of 10 kilometers.

Chao News Client Reporter Xie Chunhui Yesterday (April 22) around 10:15 pm, many Hangzhou netizens posted on WeChat Moments that their home was 'shaking'. According to the official measurement of the China Seismological Network: at 22:11 on April 22, in Hualien County, Taiwan (.. - Lujuba

Source "China Earthquake Network Express"

Hangzhou netizen "Wu Tang" posted on WeChat Moments: At around 2 o'clock in the morning, I was sitting alone in the living room. Suddenly there was an abnormal noise outside the window, the lights in the living room began to shake, and then I felt The whole building was shaking. I thought I was stupid on the night shift. I looked around carefully and found that it was really shaking. I was so scared that I almost packed up and ran away.

Chao News Client Reporter Xie Chunhui Yesterday (April 22) around 10:15 pm, many Hangzhou netizens posted on WeChat Moments that their home was 'shaking'. According to the official measurement of the China Seismological Network: at 22:11 on April 22, in Hualien County, Taiwan (.. - Lujuba

comes from netizen

Chao News Client Reporter Xie Chunhui Yesterday (April 22) around 10:15 pm, many Hangzhou netizens posted on WeChat Moments that their home was 'shaking'. According to the official measurement of the China Seismological Network: at 22:11 on April 22, in Hualien County, Taiwan (.. - Lujuba

comes from netizen

. Some netizens said that they were "just woken up by the shock, and the bed was shaking hard."

A netizen from Binjiang, Hangzhou, said, "The location is Binjiang! On the 12th floor, I woke up at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night. After hesitating, I woke up my husband and ran downstairs. He fell asleep after 4 o'clock in the middle of the night."

Ms. Pan from Hangzhou I asked a question in the group early in the morning: "My husband woke me up in the middle of the night yesterday. After waking up for a while, I felt an earthquake again. This time I didn't get up. I felt that it should be safe in Zhejiang, so I continued to sleep."

A netizen who went to college in Ningbo also said that the bed in the dormitory felt like it was shaking.

Of course, some people found out about the earthquake in Taiwan after seeing the earthquake news in their circle of friends: "Did I sleep too deeply? Didn't feel anything at all?"

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