Top Rated Chinese Movies

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01 "Operation Red Sea"

, as a movie for the Spring Festival, should undoubtedly be a comedy movie for the whole family in the general impression of the public. Whether it is a movie that looks like the seven aunts and eight aunts will walk out of the theater with a smile.

The movie "Operation Red Sea" broke people's inherent cognition at the box office.

Top Rated Chinese Movies - Lujuba

"Operation Red Sea" is based on the 2015 "Yemen Evacuation" incident.

is different from most of the main theme movies, "Operation Red Sea" has no absolute protagonist, there is no so-called lone hero, every soldier in it can resonate with the audience. The

Top Rated Chinese Movies - Lujuba

movie has a "blood and flesh flying" scene that some viewers cannot adapt to, but it is this kind of scene that tells us that this is not just a movie, but also the cruel and real war.

Top Rated Chinese Movies - Lujuba

The film is mostly in fighting scenes for two hours, and some people may think that the literary play is too weak, but it is these "braves are fearless, the strong are invincible" images that arouse the Chinese feelings of the viewers.

Some people may be provocative and think that the "main theme" is used to set off the box office, but isn't a good movie aimed at moving people's hearts?

02 "I am not the god of medicine"

If there is a movie in July that impresses you, I think it must be the movie of "I am not the god of medicine".

has a good enough design in every scene in the movie, soft and deep, and inspiring. The best Chinese movie of the year must be this one.

"I am not a medicine god" is undoubtedly a sensational film, but there is no such thing as love and friendship, the keynote of the film is set high from the beginning, the director uses the things that everyone will encounter, To catch the tears of the audience with small views and great success, the various forms of life come one by one under the interpretation of small characters.

Some delicate emotions came slowly under the slow foreshadowing of the director.

When you start watching a movie, you will experience hardships, all of which have appeared in the years, and you can simply create the calmest waves in your heart.

"I am not the God of Medicine" condenses the conflict between a group of people who are struggling on the edge of life and death and have infinite desire for life and a group of elites living at the top of society in "suits, leather shoes and well-dressed", which makes the plot more full. Make the audience more heartbroken.

There is a confrontation between human feelings and the law in the whole film, and every line is people's desire for life.

watched the film, wiped away the tears and walked out of the theater, still can't forget the line that has exhausted the bitterness and pain of many people's hearts:

"there is only one disease in this world, that is, poor disease".

03 "No Questions West and East"

Tsinghua University, a century-old institution, has a profound school song. There is a line in the school song, "Lide and stand, no question, West and East." spirit.

"Wuwenxidong" as the name of the movie, its meaning is just like the name.

Youth is the two words that many people can't live without. The simple two words contain infinite emotions.

has ignorant and sweet first love, but also the sadness of saying goodbye to the past, there are joys and regrets. The

movie "No Question West East" shows us the emotional struggle of four generations in their youth in a comprehensive way.

Those stories about youth are mixed in several interlaced time and space, there are chaotic times of war, there are times of resistance, and some are returned to the ordinary present.

Young and brave, not forgetting a heart of a child is the common point of these stories, and it is also the point that impresses the audience the most. From the confusion at the beginning of the film to the end of the film, we understand that "Wuwen Xidong" is a cherished child The youth of the heart sings once.

04 "Wushuang"

National Day archives of many movies released, "Wushuang" burst into the mainland can be described as unexpected.

Just look at the trailers and posters, and many people will worry that this is a "fried cold rice" and "sentimental" routine movie.

But after walking into the cinema, everyone will be attracted by the explosive reversal plot. The shots of

shooting with two guns and Fa Ge's lighting a cigarette with burning US dollars have stretched time and space and brought the audience back to the golden age of Hong Kong movies.

Several actors with superb acting skills prop up the skeleton of the whole movie.

zAs a good movie, 0z can win the box office championship and not just rely on these. As a film with bones and blood, the actors are bones, so the script without flaws must be its blood. The greatest magic of

is that when you think you understand the plot and sort out the relationship between the characters, the plot reverses again.

When we thought that this was the enduring duo setting of Hong Kong movies, the plot was reversed and everything seemed confusing. The most exciting thing about

is the reversal at the end, when we all believe that everything has settled.

Before watching this movie, many people must have imagined how good they would be if they had the ability to print money. After all, everyone’s heart carries a desire for money.

But after watching the movie, we discovered that what attracted us was not the pile of dollars in the play, but the plot.

05 "The Richest Man in Xihong City"

In the field of comedy films in the Mainland, presumably Happy Twist has become the No. 1 recognized by everyone. The "Richest Man in Xihong City" released in the summer of 2018 really did not disappoint everyone.

believes that everyone has a dream of getting rich overnight, so if one day, one billion yuan will fall in front of you from the sky, how would you spend it? The movie's protagonist Wang Duoyu tells you. The protagonist of

Wang Duoyu, a loser who can be called a life, has achieved nothing in middle age, and a goalkeeper of the C-level team who missed a hundred pounds, was fired by the team and touched by others.

​​was expelled because of stadium violations and could only play women's football, be a model, "sushi", hold several jobs, and live at the bottom of the society. Life seemed to have no hope, but suddenly I was told that you can get it with just one billion a month An inheritance worth 30 billion. The plot of

unfolds in Wang Duoyu’s fancy spending billions of dollars. The hilarious sections are hilarious. The plot interspersed with other happy twists also surprises the old audience. The hero at the end prefers to abandon his daughter to save Beauty, although old-fashioned, it makes people feel the warmth behind money after the hilarious laugh.

The success of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" is that the director and actors release most people's inner desires, and allow movie viewers to substitute themselves in it. After you walk out of the theater, do you think with those around you:

If I were Wang Duoyu, how would I spend all this money?

06 "The Unknown Person"

Splashing security guards, sturdy but inactive poison-tongue women, absurd robbers, bankrupt developers, and high school students who hate their fathers. These characters are piled up and put together. Who can think of this? A movie labelled as a comedy?

The biggest impression of "The Unknown" is that in a small world, a few actors can make the audience laugh and cry. The

movie tells the story of a group of losers who live at the bottom of society, trying to fight with life, but finally being fooled by life.

Like most of us, they have both good and bad lives. They may have experienced despair, but they can also see a glimmer of hope. Although they are not enough to change their lives, they can keep people alive.

does not have the overnight richness in a comedy movie, nor does it have the “poor people relying on mutation” in the heroic blockbuster to change their destiny. Throughout the story, there is only the word “real”.

Most people in this world are unknown people described in movies.

Although it is not easy to live, but to live with a proud smile.

07 "Dog Thirteen"

, a movie that has been banned for five years, finally met with you in 2018.

The content of "Dog Thirteen" is very sparse and common, that is, it tells the story of a child becoming an adult.

is equally profound, telling the cruel way a child becomes an adult. The

film begins, what kind of kid is Li Wan? She is full of imagination, is interested in astronomy, likes to watch "A Brief History of Time", and even chooses the universe as the theme when she speaks English.

She will pay attention to the "bird calls" from upstairs, she will put the instant noodles in the window to cool down, she will be happy with roller skating, she will be curious about everything, and she will be forced to come over. Einstein" walked into his heart.

But how did she get out of ivoryTower, become an adult?

may be when "Einstein" was lost but couldn't get an apology, when the whole family forced her to accept the fake Einstein. Maybe it was when she was found to be severely beaten when she was drinking outside, but was forced to drink in her father's liquor bureau. In the end, Li Wan finally stopped resisting and became a sensible child according to the adult's wishes.

Those of us who can watch the movie know that Li Wan grew up in the most helpless way. The child lived in an adult early, and everyone around him took it for granted. The most distressing thing in the

film is not just Li Wan's forced growth, the younger brother who was forced to learn to skate and drink milk, and he will be another Li Wan in the near future.

Think about it carefully. Did we or the people around us all grow up like this?

​​"Dog Thirteen" is a movie that prevents everyone from watching it a second time.

"Milk has been changed to red wine, roller skating has been changed to knife ice, there are always things we can't learn while growing up." Are we really happy like this?

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