Is the year of tangerine peel fake? The Make a Friend live broadcast room has responded. After this year's "March 15" ended, Luo Yonghao once expressed some luck in the Make a Friend live broadcast room: "If we haven't had an accident this year, we dare not say that we will never

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Is the year of tangerine peel fake? The Make a Friend live broadcast room has responded. After this year's 'March 15' ended, Luo Yonghao once expressed some luck in the Make a Friend live broadcast room: 'If we haven't had an accident this year, we dare not say that we will never - Lujuba

Is the year of tangerine peel fake?

Make a Friend Live Room has responded

After this year's "March 15" ended, Luo Yonghao once expressed some luck in the Make a Friend Live Room: "If nothing happens to us this year, I dare not say that nothing will ever happen."

didn't expect that his words came true. After a month, making friends became a real problem.

A few days ago, media reports stated that the "authentic 10-year-old Xinhui old tangerine peel" previously sold in the Make a Friend live broadcast room was suspected of having a fake year, and the place of origin was not Jiangmen Xinhui.

Is the year of tangerine peel fake? The Make a Friend live broadcast room has responded. After this year's 'March 15' ended, Luo Yonghao once expressed some luck in the Make a Friend live broadcast room: 'If we haven't had an accident this year, we dare not say that we will never - Lujuba

It is reported that a reporter randomly bought Xinhui tangerine peel for sale in three live broadcast rooms on Douyin, including the "authentic 10-year-old Xinhui old tangerine peel" from Make a Friend live broadcast room, priced at 149 yuan/250 grams; China Post Anhui Province The "15-year-old Xinhui tangerine peel" from the live broadcast room of Taihe County Branch is priced at 88 yuan/250 grams; there is also the 10-year-old Xinhui tangerine peel from the live broadcast room of Little Tea Grandpa, which is priced at 198 yuan/250 grams. After

received the goods, the reporter sent the samples to the local "domestic only professional tangerine peel testing agency" in Jiangmen City. The final test report of showed that the "10-year Xinhui tangerine peel" sold in the Make a Friend live broadcast room was identified as around 2019, and the origin identification results showed that it was not produced in Xinhui.

The dates of the dried tangerine peel from the other two live broadcast rooms were also around 2020, which was inconsistent with the advertised year.

Live broadcast clips circulating on the Internet show that Luo Yonghao once introduced this tangerine peel in the live broadcast room and said: "This must be true. If this is fake, you will be fined. Your poverty limits your imagination. You can't do anything." Just imagine how much the fine will be, it will be so severe that your nose will be bruised and your face will be swollen."

As soon as the report came out, the topic #Luo Yonghao Makes a Friend Live Broadcast Room Chenpi was exposed to have fake years# quickly became a hot search on Weibo, triggering thousands of discussions. After

noticed this incident, the Make a Friend live broadcast room immediately responded on the evening of April 18, saying that it attached great importance to this matter and had quickly formed an internal investigation team to investigate. The incident will be properly handled and any progress will be updated to the public in a timely manner.

Early on the morning of April 19, the Make a Friend live broadcast room announced the preliminary survey results.

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Is the year of tangerine peel fake? The Make a Friend live broadcast room has responded. After this year's 'March 15' ended, Luo Yonghao once expressed some luck in the Make a Friend live broadcast room: 'If we haven't had an accident this year, we dare not say that we will never - Lujuba

According to him, the tangerine peel brand involved in the media report is "Bairu", which is a well-known tea brand with omni-channel sales of 150 million yuan last year. At the same time, its suppliers also have all kinds of qualifications, including the officially authorized "Xinhui Chenpi" geographical indication. In addition, the supplier's contract to purchase tangerine peel from local farmers in Xinhui also shows that the transaction date was 2013, which is indeed more than 10 years ago.

According to Make a Friend, the product selection department has reviewed the product’s authorization qualifications, procurement links, quality inspection reports and other information according to company procedures before the broadcast, showing that the product’s authorization qualifications and procurement links are both Complete, there should be no falsification of the year.

Make Friends live broadcast room said, "This matter is indeed very strange." Because multiple online media affiliated with Guangdong TV Station that originally reported this matter have all deleted relevant reports, I will communicate with the relevant media to understand the situation.

finally said: "This time we will also follow the company's values ​​and traditions, use the fastest time to find out the truth, and give our consumers and the public a convincing explanation." "But we will thoroughly investigate the matter." , it is estimated that it will take about a week.”

Is the year of tangerine peel fake? The Make a Friend live broadcast room has responded. After this year's 'March 15' ended, Luo Yonghao once expressed some luck in the Make a Friend live broadcast room: 'If we haven't had an accident this year, we dare not say that we will never - Lujuba

The after-sales reputation established by Luo Yonghao

has become a moat for Make a Friend

For a long time, the issue of "counterfeit sales" in Luo Yonghao and Make a Friend's live broadcast rooms has received high attention.

This is because, on the one hand, Make a Friend is the leading live broadcast room and has great influence; on the other hand, it is because when similar problems were encountered in the past, the way Make a Friend dealt with the problem has been widely recognized, and some consumers even " "Hope" to make a friend and buy a fake product, thinking that it is equivalent to buying a "financial management product" with high returns.

It was the "Take Time" and "Pierre Cardin" incidents in 2020 that made Luo Yonghao and Make a Friend live broadcast "famous in one battle".

First, on the eve of May 20 this year, Luo Yonghao sold roses from the flower e-commerce brand "Take Time" in the live broadcast room. He promoted that after users place an order, the roses will be delivered to their partners at a designated time. a surprise.

But starting from May 19, some consumers have reported on major social platforms that many of the flowers they received have withered or rotted, the quality control is worrying, and some have not been delivered at the agreed time.

After paying attention to the feedback from consumers, Luo Yonghao posted nearly 30 Weibo messages on May 20, expressing his apology to consumers and asking for an explanation from the brand.

Is the year of tangerine peel fake? The Make a Friend live broadcast room has responded. After this year's 'March 15' ended, Luo Yonghao once expressed some luck in the Make a Friend live broadcast room: 'If we haven't had an accident this year, we dare not say that we will never - Lujuba

Later that day, Luo Yonghao published a long article announcing the solution. He said that the commercial and legal departments of the live broadcast room have requested to "take some time" to return the entire original amount of the purchase price to consumers in accordance with the spirit of the agreement signed by both parties in advance. In order to express their apology, Luo Yonghao's team made friends in the live broadcast room and will also compensate all users with an additional cash payment from the original price.

Immediately afterwards, the CEO of "Take a Time" also apologized through the official Weibo, saying that in addition to the 100% refund of "Take a Time" and the compensation to users by Luo Yonghao's team, all users who placed orders will also receive equal cash compensation or wait. Worth the flowers.

So far, consumers who bought flowers in Luo Yonghao’s live broadcast room have received triple compensation including refunds, and Luo Yonghao has also pioneered the “advanced payment + triple compensation” live broadcast e-commerce.

After this experience, if Luo Yonghao and his friends encounter similar problems again, they will proactively pay compensation in advance once it is confirmed.

For example, at the end of November this year, a "Pierre Cardin" brand wool sweater was sold in the Make a Friend live broadcast room, but some consumers reported that after receiving the goods, they suspected that it was not a pure wool product. So I asked a friend to recall some samples for inspection, and it turned out that the product was really not a wool product.

then made a friend and immediately issued a statement, admitting that the "Pierre Cardin" brand sweaters it carried were fake. The official statement of

shows that before cooperation, Make a Friend has signed a complete legal agreement and contract with the supplier, and has checked the brand authorization letter, distribution authorization letter, genuine inspection report, etc. If there are counterfeit and shoddy products, the supplier needs to bear the responsibility High compensation.

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Is the year of tangerine peel fake? The Make a Friend live broadcast room has responded. After this year's 'March 15' ended, Luo Yonghao once expressed some luck in the Make a Friend live broadcast room: 'If we haven't had an accident this year, we dare not say that we will never - Lujuba

The problem is that the supplier's supplier is suspected of forging documents, counterfeiting and shoddy goods, deliberate fraud, etc. Make friends and the supplier has reported the case.

As for the issue of compensation, since the enforcement period of rights protection lawsuits is usually long, while making a claim with the supplier, I also contacted all consumers who purchased the product and paid triple the compensation on my behalf. Based on the calculation of more than 20,000 consumers and a price of 79.9 yuan per sweater, making friends has advanced at least 4.8 million yuan for this.

With these two cases, the compensation standard of Make a Friend has long been at the top of the live broadcast industry. This is why in this Chen Pi incident, Make a Friend particularly emphasized that "the Make a Friend live broadcast studio has always had a good record of not avoiding, not deceiving, and resolving problems for consumers in a timely manner when dealing with such disputes" to reassure consumers.

Obviously, for Make a Friend, its past handling methods and attitudes towards after-sales issues have left a good impression on consumers, and it has also become a major competitive advantage for Make a Friend.

However, it is different from the previous " Compared with the "overturn" of "real hammer", this time the tangerine peel incident is indeed full of doubts. From a process perspective, there seems to be no problem with the product selection of Make a Friend, but the possibility of falsification of brand qualifications, quality inspection reports, etc. cannot be ruled out.

At the same time, the media reporting on this incident only used the report results of one testing agency, and whether it is authoritative enough is still open to question.

In this matter, it will probably take a lot of time to make friends and find out the truth.

Is the year of tangerine peel fake? The Make a Friend live broadcast room has responded. After this year's 'March 15' ended, Luo Yonghao once expressed some luck in the Make a Friend live broadcast room: 'If we haven't had an accident this year, we dare not say that we will never - Lujuba

Live streaming e-commerce has many entities and a long chain

The “First Ask Responsibility System” is of great significance

In early April this year, the relevant departments introduced the new regulations in detail at a briefing on the Implementation Regulations of the Consumer Rights Protection Law.

When it comes to consumer rights protection issues, the Regulations clearly stipulate that operators are the first person responsible for consumer rights protection. Operators are required to implement the first question of responsibility, "whoever sells is responsible" and "whoever serves is responsible". Consumers have the right to go directly to sellers and service providers.

At the same time, entities that directly face consumers are also encouraged to make advance payments. For example, shopping malls, platforms, scenic spots, etc. can advance payments to consumers when merchants refuse to perform their responsibilities.

In the field of live broadcast e-commerce, the “first question responsibility system” is even more significant. Just like Make a Friend’s past several advance compensations, an important reason behind it is that there are many live broadcast e-commerce entities and the chain is long, making it difficult for consumers to accurately find the person responsible.

Although Make a Friend is only a seller, "because consumers place orders based on their trust in us", the responsibility of the live broadcast room cannot be avoided to a large extent.

Especially after the "Regulations" are officially implemented on July 1, the responsibilities of anchors and live broadcast rooms will be further clarified. As for "advance compensation", it is currently only an "optional" - although it is encouraged, there is no explicit regulation.

However, this has also taken an important step. At least after the "first question is responsible" is implemented, more live broadcast rooms will join the ranks of first compensation.

author | Li Songyue

Tags: entertainment