Author: Insight·Seven Let the bullets fly for a while. 01 A few days ago, I was cooking in the kitchen. My daughter hurried over and shouted, "You lied! There was no winter vacation homework left in France!" I was stunned...

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Author: Insight·Seven Let the bullets fly for a while. 01 A few days ago, I was cooking in the kitchen. My daughter hurried over and shouted, 'You lied! There was no winter vacation homework left in France!' I was stunned... - Lujuba

Author: Insight·seven

Let the bullet fly for a while.


The other day, I was cooking in the kitchen.

My daughter hurried over and shouted, "You are lying! There is no winter vacation homework left in France!"

I was confused, and I didn't know what was going on until I saw the news on the Internet.

It turns out that during the Spring Festival this year, the well-known Internet celebrity blogger @猫杯 once released a video:

said that he picked up the homework book of Qin Lang, a first-year primary school student in China, while dining at a restaurant in Paris, France.

Author: Insight·Seven Let the bullets fly for a while. 01 A few days ago, I was cooking in the kitchen. My daughter hurried over and shouted, 'You lied! There was no winter vacation homework left in France!' I was stunned... - Lujuba

For a time, the video triggered widespread discussions and even a search for a person. Related topics such as "Qin Lang, Class 8, First Grade" and "Qin Lang Lost His Winter Vacation Homework in Paris" quickly appeared on the hot search list on social platforms.

has ushered in the “ultimate reversal” after almost two months.

Just recently, the police issued a notice: The entire series of videos was planned and fabricated by blogger Mao Beipi and his colleagues.

I had mentioned this matter before and jokingly educated my daughter: "See? Even if you run away to the ends of the world, you still have to do your homework."

My daughter looked unconvinced.

I didn’t expect that the truth would be reversed now, and it was me who was slapped in the face.

After the police report, the People's Daily also "striked hard" against the fraud.

Author: Insight·Seven Let the bullets fly for a while. 01 A few days ago, I was cooking in the kitchen. My daughter hurried over and shouted, 'You lied! There was no winter vacation homework left in France!' I was stunned... - Lujuba

Nowadays, WeChat, Weibo, and Douyin have permanently banned “Mao Cup”.

Seeing this ending, many netizens expressed their satisfaction.

Because today, with the rise of the Internet and the prosperity of self-media, the majority of netizens have long suffered from those fake news that have no limit and are eye-catching.


Do you remember the "Reading Machine Girl" incident?

Actor Gao Junyu is well-known to the public for starring in the BBK reading machine commercials and is known as the "Reading Machine Girl".

On February 29 this year, she suddenly disclosed the news that she had a rare brain tumor on her social account. In the

video, she shaved her long hair and was preparing for the next craniotomy. Once the

Author: Insight·Seven Let the bullets fly for a while. 01 A few days ago, I was cooking in the kitchen. My daughter hurried over and shouted, 'You lied! There was no winter vacation homework left in France!' I was stunned... - Lujuba

video was released, it quickly ignited the sympathy of thousands of netizens.

Not only netizens, but also many official media have begun to pay attention to the progress of Gao Junyu's surgery.

Many kind-hearted netizens also prayed for her in the comment area.

Author: Insight·Seven Let the bullets fly for a while. 01 A few days ago, I was cooking in the kitchen. My daughter hurried over and shouted, 'You lied! There was no winter vacation homework left in France!' I was stunned... - Lujuba

However, as the surgery ended successfully and follow-up videos were released one after another, sharp-eyed netizens discovered something unusual.

Gao Junyu's surgery was performed at Beijing Tiantan Hospital. The temperature in March in Beijing is not very high, but many doctors and nurses in the video are wearing short sleeves.

Author: Insight·Seven Let the bullets fly for a while. 01 A few days ago, I was cooking in the kitchen. My daughter hurried over and shouted, 'You lied! There was no winter vacation homework left in France!' I was stunned... - Lujuba

In addition, Gao Junyu’s account IP address shows “Zhejiang”, which is obviously inconsistent with Beijing, where the surgery was performed.

Author: Insight·Seven Let the bullets fly for a while. 01 A few days ago, I was cooking in the kitchen. My daughter hurried over and shouted, 'You lied! There was no winter vacation homework left in France!' I was stunned... - Lujuba

Public opinion gradually fermented, and Gao Junyu’s mother finally came forward to respond to the matter under pressure.

She said that her daughter was indeed sick and the account was managed by the contracted company.

The mcn organization later issued an apology statement, admitting that "serious errors occurred" in the copywriting.

is obviously a stock video from last year, but it pretends to be updated in real time for the sake of traffic. Isn’t this treating the majority of netizens like monkeys?

Author: Insight·Seven Let the bullets fly for a while. 01 A few days ago, I was cooking in the kitchen. My daughter hurried over and shouted, 'You lied! There was no winter vacation homework left in France!' I was stunned... - Lujuba

The protagonist Gao Junyu was admitted to the Communication University of China as a graduate student, but his public image plummeted because of this incident.

In recent years, the self-media’s value orientation of “traffic theory” and “eyeballs first” has led to an endless stream of such incidents of fraud and misfortune.

Have you ever seen this little boy carrying a bamboo basket to help his grandma sell pomegranates?

Author: Insight·Seven Let the bullets fly for a while. 01 A few days ago, I was cooking in the kitchen. My daughter hurried over and shouted, 'You lied! There was no winter vacation homework left in France!' I was stunned... - Lujuba

A simple and sensible child with clear eyes has become a tool for some people to sell goods, and has harvested thousands of sympathy.

The reporter interviewed the grandma and learned that the words and actions she and her grandson said and did were all taught by the photographer, and her family did not produce pomegranates at all.

Some time ago, a video of a man who graduated from 211 was laid off and delivered food without telling his wife made waves on the Internet. In the

video, the man posted a screenshot of his income. The sad number - 128.1 yuan, seemed to tell the hardships of life.

Author: Insight·Seven Let the bullets fly for a while. 01 A few days ago, I was cooking in the kitchen. My daughter hurried over and shouted, 'You lied! There was no winter vacation homework left in France!' I was stunned... - Lujuba

Prestigious universities, middle-aged unemployment, husband and wife are of the same mind, all the heart-wrenching gimmicks are gathered together. The results of

confirmed that the video was staged by the couple, and the screenshot of the income was that of another delivery rider.

has really betrayed the trust of netizens time and time again, grinding the public’s views to the ground.


Some people say that this is an era where entertainment leads to death. These fabricated and staged jokes are just for fun, why should we be so serious.

But in the Internet society, the attention of everyone and every group is extremely limited.

attracts everyone's attention and disrupts the order of the Internet, which is taking up precious public resources.

As CCTV commented: It doesn’t matter who Qin Lang is, but the proliferation of “new yellow news” is very dangerous.

What is "New Yellow Journalism"?

refers to the large number of fast-food "news" that appear on short video platforms with superficial but provocative and eye-catching content.

Author: Insight·Seven Let the bullets fly for a while. 01 A few days ago, I was cooking in the kitchen. My daughter hurried over and shouted, 'You lied! There was no winter vacation homework left in France!' I was stunned... - Lujuba

With limited attention, "new yellow news" takes up a lot of public resources, causing valuable news to be marginalized.

For example, some time ago, wildfires broke out in many places in Guizhou. Despite official notifications and follow-up reports from mainstream media, they still failed to gain widespread attention. It took many days to become a hot search topic.

Author: Insight·Seven Let the bullets fly for a while. 01 A few days ago, I was cooking in the kitchen. My daughter hurried over and shouted, 'You lied! There was no winter vacation homework left in France!' I was stunned... - Lujuba

When there are more and more "new yellow news", those people and things that really need attention will be submerged in invisible corners.

Do you still remember the "Liangshan Mengyang" who became popular because of his "poor girl" character design? In the

video, she lives in a dilapidated adobe house. She has dark skin, a thin figure, and wears tattered clothes. She either goes up the mountain to cut firewood or works in the fields every day;

Author: Insight·Seven Let the bullets fly for a while. 01 A few days ago, I was cooking in the kitchen. My daughter hurried over and shouted, 'You lied! There was no winter vacation homework left in France!' I was stunned... - Lujuba

In fact, she has a dedicated team for packaging and production. She usually goes to high-end places and wears Famous watches and expensive clothes.

When false suffering is magnified and sought after in people's eyes, real suffering will be buried and ignored...

A few people know that those children deep in the mountains are so skinny that one person has to support half A family.

Do you still remember Hu Zi, the up owner of station B who became famous for his video "36-year-old collapsed due to lung cancer and was at the end of his rope, his mother took care of his father who was suffering from all kinds of diseases and suddenly suffered a stroke"?

Author: Insight·Seven Let the bullets fly for a while. 01 A few days ago, I was cooking in the kitchen. My daughter hurried over and shouted, 'You lied! There was no winter vacation homework left in France!' I was stunned... - Lujuba

He claimed that he owed hundreds of thousands of dollars in foreign debt for medical treatment. In fact, he had made nearly a million dollars by selling these miserable videos.

Some netizens revealed that he has visited nearly 500 shopping malls in the past two years, spending huge amounts of money, and also owns a luxury home in Sanya worth several million.

When netizens’ sincere care and goodwill are consumed and harvested by false illnesses;

The information channels of those who really need help will become narrow or even blocked.

Author: Insight·Seven Let the bullets fly for a while. 01 A few days ago, I was cooking in the kitchen. My daughter hurried over and shouted, 'You lied! There was no winter vacation homework left in France!' I was stunned... - Lujuba

When the kindness in people’s hearts is repeatedly ravaged by perfectly crafted lies, the trust system of this society will gradually collapse.


This is an era of information explosion. In the face of all kinds of fame, wealth and temptation, one wave of rumors dissipates, and another wave of rumors is still coming.

"New Yellow News" accurately teases the weaknesses of human nature, making us easily moved, easily angered, and easily induced...

When our emotions are incited, it is easy to ignore the information without thinking. If it is true or false, it acts as a "traffic porter" for this kind of garbage sentiment.

No matter what happens, let the bullets fly for a while.

Richard Burton once said a famous saying:

The truth is a mirror scattered into countless fragments. Everyone thinks that the small piece they see is the complete truth.

Living in the "post-truth era", we can easily be blinded by fragmented information and make wrong judgments.

When you only see the tip of the iceberg, please don’t think you know the truth of the matter, and don’t jump to conclusions when you don’t know the whole picture.

Time will destroy rumors, and the truth will be exposed after all the stones are laid.

Like , in this era of information explosion and lies everywhere, be a sober person with a clear mind.

Tags: entertainment