At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet.

entertainment 4614℃

At 0:00 on April 19, Shu Qi rarely showed her sweetness. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate the 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet.

Shu Qi expressed her love for Feng Delun: Thank you for your tolerance and companionship for so many years, thank you for everything you have arranged for today, there are so many things to say, thank you, thank you, thank you, happy anniversary, love u!

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

In the photo, Feng Delun and Shu Qi are both wearing Chinese dresses that many couples wear at weddings. The background is festive red, but the two cartoon characters are very trendy. Shu Qi is not wearing various gold hairpins and is dressed simply. Continuing the casual and comfortable style of the two in the past.

Feng Delun is holding a fan and a jade tree facing the wind, Shu Qi is making scissor hands, cute and cute, and there is no hint that she is 48 years old. She must have received unlimited favor from Feng Delun on weekdays to be in such a young and girly state.

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

Shu Qi also posted a sweet picture of her and Feng Delun kissing passionately. There are many couples in the entertainment industry who have not been able to get over the seven-year itch, but Shu Qi and her husband have been married for eight years and are still in love. Feng Delun said that he still feels excited when he sees Shu Qi now.

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

Feng Delun also arranged the process of pouring wine. Isn't this the process of a wedding scene?

Therefore, rather than saying that this was Feng Delun’s 8th wedding anniversary event for Shu Qi, it would be better to say that he wanted to make up for a late wedding for Shu Qi.

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

Feng Delun also turned the stage into a concert, showing off his talents to entertain Shu Qi and the guests. He was either playing drums or playing guitar and singing. His good mood was clearly written on his face, which also showed that she loved Shu Qi very deeply.

Shu Qi leaned on her husband's back, pouting playfully, clearly looking like a little girl in her twenties.

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

Feng Delun also prepared a cake, on which stood the model of her and Shu Qi when they took wedding photos, and their pets beside them. If there were children sitting in front of them, the picture would definitely be more warm.

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

April 16th is Shu Qi’s 48th birthday. Feng Delun posted two early photos of Shu Qi to celebrate her birthday. Shu Qi sweetly responded by asking him to kneel down and do abacus calculations.

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

Feng Delun later attended the event and pretended to be puzzled and asked: The photo is so beautiful, why do you have to kneel? They also claim that they are an old married couple who don’t need surprises, but they do have to kiss.

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

thought that his birthday would just be spent in such a simple way. Unexpectedly, Feng Delun secretly arranged such a grand party to celebrate his beloved wife's birthday and also celebrated their wedding anniversary.

There were many guests who came to the scene, such as Ruby Lin and Xilei Lin. It is reported that the guests present did not know that they were attending such a big occasion, otherwise Ruby Lin might dress more formally.

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

You must know that Shu Qi and Ruby Lin are famously good sisters, so you must not miss this occasion.

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

Also invited to the scene were Xiao Jingteng, Xu Ruyun, Yang Jinhua, etc. It can be described as a star-studded and full lineup.

Feng Delun secretly played such a big game, which really didn't fit with his low-key style, but the surprise it brought to Shu Qi was even greater.

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

Shu Qi and Feng Delun met in 1998 because they collaborated on the movie "Young Love". However, Feng Delun turned around and started dating Karen Mok in 1999, which later ended in their breakup.

In 2012, Feng Delun and Shu Qi were photographed while traveling in Japan, and their relationship was exposed. In March 2014, Shu Qi officially announced their relationship. On September 3, 2016, the two posted a set of outdoor fresh wedding photos to share the good news of their marriage.

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

Over the years, Shu Qi and Feng Delun's relationship has always been a pattern of loving each other in their hearts, but they can't help but tease each other.

Shu Qi was once asked on a show why she didn't get together with Feng Delun twenty years ago. Shu Qi bluntly said that she didn't like him at first because she was working with handsome guys like Andy Lau and Takeshi Kaneshiro, so who got Feng Delun.

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

Shu Qi also frowned in disgust during the interview, complaining that Feng Delun thought he was very handsome, which was very humorous.

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

Maybe another boy would be a little unhappy after seeing these remarks from his wife, but the heroine is Shu Qi. Shu Qi has always been a goddess-like existence in Feng Delun's eyes, and Feng Delun also understands very well that Shu Qi is just joking. It's just that I know that the other person still loves me very much in his heart, so he is so tolerant.

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

The only regret in the relationship between Feng Delun and Shu Qi is probably that they were unable to give birth to a son and a half. When the two announced their marriage, Shu Qi was already over 40 years old. Now that she is 48 years old, it is even more impossible for her to have another child. Such good genes have been It's a shame to waste it.

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

However, Feng Delun and Shu Qi were photographed staying in Ruby Lin and Huo Jianhua's "good pregnancy house". The paparazzi said that the two were trying to have a baby, but this was just subjective speculation from the outside world. Maybe the two had no plan to have a baby from the beginning. .

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

It is said that children are the bond of marriage, but it is different with Shu Qi and Feng Delun. Even if they do not have children, they still live a happier life than a family with children. I wish Shu Qi and Feng Delun can continue to grow old together and be happy forever.

At midnight on April 19, Shu Qi showed off her sweetness rarely. She shared a group of sweet photos with Feng Delun on social platforms to celebrate her 8th wedding anniversary. However, the scene was grandly decorated and from the details, it was comparable to a wedding banquet. - Lujuba

Tags: entertainment