120 years ago, "The Cherry Orchard" premiered in Moscow directed by Stanislavsky. Today, 120 years later, have the events described in "The Cherry Orchard" passed by? On April 17, the 120th anniversary stage play "The Cherry Orchard" directed by Rimas Tuminas, starring Venus and

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120 years ago, 'The Cherry Orchard' premiered in Moscow directed by Stanislavsky. Today, 120 years later, have the events described in 'The Cherry Orchard' passed by? On April 17, the 120th anniversary stage play 'The Cherry Orchard' directed by Rimas Tuminas, starring Venus and  - Lujuba

120 years ago, "The Cherry Orchard" premiered in Moscow directed by Stanislavsky. Today, 120 years later, have the events described in "The Cherry Orchard" passed by? On April 17, the 120th anniversary stage play "The Cherry Orchard" directed by Rimas Tuminas, starring Venus and performed by Mars Theater Company, officially opened for sale. The play will be performed at Shanghai Cultural Plaza from August 16th to 18th.

The debt-ridden female aristocratic manor owner, the Lyubov family, had to face the cruel fact that their beloved cherry orchard was auctioned off to pay off the debt. The young wealthy businessman Robashin was originally a serf in the cherry orchard. Now he bought the cherry orchard and became a The new owner here, the cherry trees were also chopped down one by one...

120 years ago, 'The Cherry Orchard' premiered in Moscow directed by Stanislavsky. Today, 120 years later, have the events described in 'The Cherry Orchard' passed by? On April 17, the 120th anniversary stage play 'The Cherry Orchard' directed by Rimas Tuminas, starring Venus and  - Lujuba

As Chekhov's last work, "The Cherry Orchard" can be said to be the culmination of Chekhov's dramatic artistic achievements. Whether it is the skillful use and sublimation of realism, the mastery of lyrical poetry, or the restrained and cold comedy hidden in it, this play has reached a state of perfection.

Mars Drama Club was founded in 2021 by dancer and actor Jin Xing. The previously produced stage play "Sunrise" received rave reviews once it was released. The creation and production of "The Cherry Orchard" follows closely. It not only continues the consistent strength of physical creation of Mars Theater Club headed by Venus, but also has the blessing of world-class director and artist Tuminas. It is bound to present a visual performance to the Shanghai audience. A new feeling of spirituality.

120 years ago, 'The Cherry Orchard' premiered in Moscow directed by Stanislavsky. Today, 120 years later, have the events described in 'The Cherry Orchard' passed by? On April 17, the 120th anniversary stage play 'The Cherry Orchard' directed by Rimas Tuminas, starring Venus and  - Lujuba

For Tuminas, the cruelty of "The Cherry Orchard" is self-evident. "People died in Chekhov's other works, Ivanov, Tussenbach... But this time there was no death, instead there was the taking away of your homeland. This is the most terrible punishment, taking away your homeland and killing it. Everything is beautiful." In order to interpret the comedy of Chekhov's plays in such a situation, Tuminas, who has spent his life rehearsing Chekhov's works, said: "What is comedy? The end of the world is tomorrow, and there is still singing and dancing today. "

has collaborated with director Tuminas for 30 years, and has co-created the stage design of "The Cherry Orchard" three times with Adomas Yakovsky, who is well aware of Tuminas's dedication to Chekhov's poetry. Pursue. In this version of "The Cherry Orchard", through the rendering of the atmosphere of a home and a train station, and the stacking of shabby chairs and suitcases, Adomas strives to present an abstract, light stage space full of poetic possibilities.

120 years ago, 'The Cherry Orchard' premiered in Moscow directed by Stanislavsky. Today, 120 years later, have the events described in 'The Cherry Orchard' passed by? On April 17, the 120th anniversary stage play 'The Cherry Orchard' directed by Rimas Tuminas, starring Venus and  - Lujuba

's search for the truth runs through the entire rehearsal process of this version of "The Cherry Orchard". Director Tuminas has been tirelessly leading the actors of the Mars Theater Club to search for the truth behind the appearance, striving to present the audience with a drama leading to the truth after repeated tempering.

120 years ago, 'The Cherry Orchard' premiered in Moscow directed by Stanislavsky. Today, 120 years later, have the events described in 'The Cherry Orchard' passed by? On April 17, the 120th anniversary stage play 'The Cherry Orchard' directed by Rimas Tuminas, starring Venus and  - Lujuba

Tuminas firmly believes that what the writer expresses in his words is not everything, and there are richer and more precious treasures under the iceberg. He has to dig down like a mine, leading the actors to find deeper ores, and then polish them in rehearsals. This version of "The Cherry Orchard" excavates treasure mines in the vast world of Chekhov's text, focusing on the characters and their lives in the play, discovering and establishing more profound character relationships and subtle plots, and bringing the great text under the The surging undercurrent is excavated and presented to the audience in a form full of poetic beauty.

Under the leadership of Tuminas, the actors of the Mars Theater Club also embarked on a completely new creative path. Tuminas told the actors: "Try to catch up with life and play like a child." In Tuminas's master class, the young actors of the Mars Theater Society learned the secret of how to combine personal characteristics with classic characters. . As Jin Xing, who plays Lyubov, said: "Tuminas requires actors to continuously explore the characters in depth and support their lines with a substantial heart." Jin Xing said frankly that Tuminas was the first to put her on the stage. people.

Author: Wang Xiaoli

Text: Wang Xiaoli Pictures: Pictures provided by the performer Editor: Wang Yan Editor: Xing Xiaofang

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