The spring is bright and the flowers are whirling. On the Shangsi Festival (April 11), the traditional Chinese Valentine's Day, the "Shangsi Spring Festival Love Warm Xian City" large-scale single young employee dating event was launched in Fengxian District. The event is guided

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The spring is bright and the flowers are whirling. On the Shangsi Festival (April 11), the traditional Chinese Valentine's Day, the "Shangsi Spring Festival Love and Warm Xian City" large-scale single young employee dating event was launched in Fengxian District. The

event is guided by the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions, Shanghai Committee of the Communist Youth League, Shanghai Women's Federation, Shanghai Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, and hosted by the Fengxian District Federation of Trade Unions. It aims to create a platform for single young workers in the district that combines emotional exchange, social development and A high-quality interactive platform for true love exploration.

The spring is bright and the flowers are whirling. On the Shangsi Festival (April 11), the traditional Chinese Valentine's Day, the 'Shangsi Spring Festival Love Warm Xian City' large-scale single young employee dating event was launched in Fengxian District. The event is guided  - Lujuba

The picture shows young male and female workers completing a pixel puzzle together. Pictures provided by the interviewees

Deepening emotions in interactive games

The event began. Two model couples who have won the honor of the most beautiful family in the country appeared on the stage. They spoke affectionately of the legend of love and the wisdom of life, establishing a positive, harmonious and happy atmosphere for the single employees present. model of marriage and love. Immediately afterwards, two model couples joined hands with the intangible inheritors of the "Nanqiao Tear Paper" to jointly create the word "hi" with auspicious meaning as an affectionate blessing to the employees who successfully held hands during the event. In the romantic music of

, the game sessions gradually unfolded. In the "Love Hug" segment, the music stopped abruptly following the host's command. Participants quickly followed the number shouted by the host to find the corresponding opposite-sex partner and hugged each other. This session not only quickly broke the awkwardness of first acquaintance, but also allowed the participants to quickly get closer. Immediately afterwards, the successfully matched male and female employees were invited into the open-air tent for a "heartbeat signal" session and one-on-one in-depth communication. After further understanding, male and female employees joined hands to participate in the "Shen Yuan Search" session. The boys were blindfolded and relied on the girls' verbal guidance to find balls of the corresponding color in a field full of obstacles. At the scene, Ms. Jia, who came from Pudong New Area, happily showed reporters the gifts she had won with her male partner in the game. She said: "This link tested the tacit understanding and trust between both parties, and also allowed us to experience the excitement of the game. The fun of cooperation. "

" Working together" pushed the event to another climax. Participants need to work together to complete a pixel painting composed of multiple small colored squares. During this process, male and female workers chatted and collaborated on the assembly. "You are very patient!" Ronaldinho from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences praised the male partner working next to him. They deepened their communication during the relaxed interaction.

Build a different kind of dating space

"I didn't expect to experience Shanghai's intangible cultural heritage traditional skills at the blind date." In front of the "Shangsi Yaji" - "Fengcheng Wood Carving" booth at the event site, a young employee from a technology company Xiao Liu showed reporters the simple wood carving bunny he had just made, which was completed under the guidance of Xu Huabing, a local master wood carving master in Fengxian.

reporters saw that this event cleverly integrated intangible cultural heritage into the modern dating scene. "Shangsi Yaji" combined the market with intangible cultural heritage, allowing employees to experience "mortise and tenon skills" and "Nanqiao paper tearing" The charm of city and district-level intangible cultural heritage skills such as "Youth League Making" and "Feather Inlay" allows you to feel the rich heritage of China's excellent traditional culture.

Talking about the creativity of this event, the relevant person in charge of the organizer Fengxian District Federation of Trade Unions said that in recent years, camping activities and market stalls have become very popular among many young people born in the 90s and 00s. We hope that everyone will participate in this " Enjoy the spring scenery, feel the local traditional culture of Fengxian, and harvest beautiful love at the "Four Seasons Love Song" event. At the

event, the reporter interviewed many participants, most of whom signed up through the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions’ “Huiyuan” applet.

It is worth mentioning that many young employees reported that the activities are not only interesting and fun, but also provide a reliable and convenient way to make friends for young people who are eager to "get out of singles." It is understood that the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions' "Four Seasons Love Song" youth employee dating activity service adopts a combination of "online interaction + offline dating" model, organizing large-scale offline dating activities every quarter, optimizing and upgrading the "Yuanyuan" online interaction The mini program continues to optimize the "four highlights" of safety, efficiency, colorfulness, and public welfare, serving single young workers in the city, and its influence continues to expand.

Since its operation in 2019, the "Huiyuan" mini program has registered 42,000 employees, held 514 online and offline dating activities, and participated in 33,914 employees. It has facilitated 778 pairs of young employees to get married, becoming the "official matchmaker" for young people to form a good relationship. Awarded as a typical case of the ACFTU’s “Internet + Trade Union Rights Protection Services”.

After the Fengxian District Federation of Trade Unions used the optimized and upgraded "Huiyuan" applet for this event, more than 200 people registered, and employees from more than a hundred different units, including universities, financial systems, and foreign companies, actively participated. The live broadcast of the event pictures received over 50,000 views. Many young men and women held hands and expressed their love to each other live. Most of them established contact information and started a sweet love journey.

(Labor News reporter Chen Hengyang)

Source: China Engineering Network

Tags: entertainment