In August 2023, a netizen met Bi Fujian by chance in a county in Liaoning and took a photo of Bi Fujian's current embarrassing situation. I saw Bi Fujian riding a tricycle with a lot of crops on it. He was dressed in ragged clothes and looked like an experienced farmer. When peop

entertainment 4926℃

In August 2023, a netizen met Bi Fujian by chance in a county in Liaoning and took a photo of Bi Fujian's current embarrassing situation.

I saw Bi Fujian riding a tricycle with a lot of crops on it. He was dressed in ragged clothes and looked like an experienced farmer.

people will definitely say that Bi Fujian now will say that he deserves it, and "a generation of famous mouths" is so disappointed. Is

just a show or does it have a hidden agenda? Is Bi Fujian's current situation in life caused by himself or framed by others?

Everything starts with a party.

In August 2023, a netizen met Bi Fujian by chance in a county in Liaoning and took a photo of Bi Fujian's current embarrassing situation. I saw Bi Fujian riding a tricycle with a lot of crops on it. He was dressed in ragged clothes and looked like an experienced farmer. When peop - Lujuba


1959, a little boy was born in an ordinary family in Dalian, Liaoning Province, ranked sixth. His parents named the boy Bi Fujian. Unexpectedly, many years later, this boy would become a shining light in the hosting world.

Bi Fujian has been active and somewhat naughty since he was a child. There are many children in the family, and his parents are busy trying to make a living and have no time to discipline him too much.

Therefore, Bi Fujian's childhood was spent full of vitality and excitement.

In August 2023, a netizen met Bi Fujian by chance in a county in Liaoning and took a photo of Bi Fujian's current embarrassing situation. I saw Bi Fujian riding a tricycle with a lot of crops on it. He was dressed in ragged clothes and looked like an experienced farmer. When peop - Lujuba

In 1976, Bi Fujian, who was only seventeen years old, responded to the "Going to the Mountains and Going to the Countryside" movement and resolutely joined the team of going to the mountains and countryside and became an educated youth. In the educated youth,

, Bi Fujian drew versatile skills. He could sing a few sentences of Peking opera, play Erhu, and even twisted Da Yangge one or two.

Bi Fujian seems to have an innate understanding of various literary and artistic forms, and he can master them at a glance.

was very popular with the leaders because Bi Fujian could speak for a meeting. It didn't take long for him to become a street propagandist.

By chance, 19-year-old Bi Fujian got the opportunity to enlist in the army and became a navy man.

In August 2023, a netizen met Bi Fujian by chance in a county in Liaoning and took a photo of Bi Fujian's current embarrassing situation. I saw Bi Fujian riding a tricycle with a lot of crops on it. He was dressed in ragged clothes and looked like an experienced farmer. When peop - Lujuba

During his time in the army, Bi Fujian lived a fulfilling and colorful life. It was perhaps the happiest time in his life.                                                                                                                                                                                  He is highly praised by the officers for his outstanding performance and talents, and he is highly praised by the officers. He is always able to complete various tasks with excellence, and therefore holds many positions in the army.

However, the sudden "millions of troops reduction" order broke his plan and forced him to end his military career early.

In an era when talents are in urgent need, major universities are extending olive branches to the public. Bi Fujian felt that he had certain talents and walked into the examination room of Beijing Broadcasting Institute with a trying mentality. On the day of the

exam, he participated in the group interview of the directing department. The examiner gave Bi Fujian and his team the title of the sketch "Bus Stop", which required 5 minutes to conceive and 3 minutes to perform.

The roles include driver, conductor, fare evader, and break-up person.

Other candidates have their own roles, but Bi Fujian does not have his own role.

Due to the set scene: the car arrives at the station, the youth who escape the ticket to get out of the car and be held by the seller, and told the driver not to open the door.

At this time, Bi Fujian had an idea and thought of his own role.

The 3-minute performance time was over, and the examiner asked Bi Fujian in confusion: "What role are you playing in the sketch?" Bi Fujian said, "I am playing the role of the audience, and I need an audience to watch the fun."

Bi Fujian relied on his embarrassing answer, Successfully attracted the attention of the examiner and successfully entered the directing department.

Bi Fujian knows that college opportunities are rare, so he works harder than anyone else. In addition to studying professional knowledge, he also uses his spare time to practice photography skills to improve his professional abilities in all aspects.

In August 2023, a netizen met Bi Fujian by chance in a county in Liaoning and took a photo of Bi Fujian's current embarrassing situation. I saw Bi Fujian riding a tricycle with a lot of crops on it. He was dressed in ragged clothes and looked like an experienced farmer. When peop - Lujuba

While in college, he won unanimous praise from teachers and students with his keen insight, excellent eloquence and unique insights into the profession.

Four years of college have passed by in a blink of an eye, and the graduation season is here as scheduled. Due to his outstanding performance in university, Bi Fujian was successfully hired by CCTV.

Opportunities always come to those who are prepared.

In 1994, CCTV planned to shoot a historical TV series and was in urgent need of a photographer. This was a rare opportunity for Bi Fujian.

At that time, hosting programs was very popular, but the identity of the photographer was not so eye-catching. This was an opportunity that Bi Fujian could not miss.


Bi Fujian worked tirelessly to find locations for every shot in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". In order to shoot every character in the play in

, he risked the dangerous guidance of life many times. Once, he was almost hit by the actor's spear.

With the popularity of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", photographer Bi Fujian continues to appear on the screen.

Those who work hard will be rewarded more. The success of this shooting also gave Bi Fujian more opportunities.

In August 2023, a netizen met Bi Fujian by chance in a county in Liaoning and took a photo of Bi Fujian's current embarrassing situation. I saw Bi Fujian riding a tricycle with a lot of crops on it. He was dressed in ragged clothes and looked like an experienced farmer. When peop - Lujuba

Among them, it was the filming in the North Pole that allowed Bi Fujian to truly gain a foothold on stage. The Arctic Station wants a reporter to follow up and film in detail what it's like to live in the Arctic.

At that time, many colleagues signed up to participate in the Arctic Challenge, and Bi Fujian was also one of them. Because he had undergone rigorous training in the army and had excellent physical fitness, he successfully completed this arduous task.

The experience of this Arctic challenge has made CCTV pay more and more attention to Bi Fujian. After six years of hard work and persistence, his talent and hard work have finally been widely recognized.

In August 2023, a netizen met Bi Fujian by chance in a county in Liaoning and took a photo of Bi Fujian's current embarrassing situation. I saw Bi Fujian riding a tricycle with a lot of crops on it. He was dressed in ragged clothes and looked like an experienced farmer. When peop - Lujuba

In 1997, Bi Fujian ushered in a turning point in his career.

station asked Bi Fujian to produce a program that is different from the past: close to the lives of the people, taking a people-friendly route, getting closer to the audience, and breaking the stereotyped image of CCTV programs.

Because of the novelty of this program, and the fact that CCTV hosts are known for their seriousness and smooth speaking. It was difficult to find a suitable host for a while, and Bi Fujian saw that the program was in trouble.

At this time, the leaders suggested that he try to be a host. In this way, Bi Fujian became a host.

"Dream Theater" was born in this way. Its purpose is to bring grassroots into the public eye.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Bi Fujian’s excellent eloquence and affinity made this program a lively show, and it also brought CCTV closer to the people.

Therefore, the program "Dream Theater" is also loved by all people.

With the success of "Dream Theater", CCTV saw Bi Fujian's potential and asked him to pursue the victory. He founded "May 1st Seven Days of Music", "Avenue of Stars" and other programs that were very successful, especially "Avenue of Stars".

In August 2023, a netizen met Bi Fujian by chance in a county in Liaoning and took a photo of Bi Fujian's current embarrassing situation. I saw Bi Fujian riding a tricycle with a lot of crops on it. He was dressed in ragged clothes and looked like an experienced farmer. When peop - Lujuba

The purpose of "Avenue of Stars" is to let more grassroots enter the broad stage and let more grassroots display their talents.

Bi Fujian participated in the contestants' programs in a variety of ways, breaking the audience's perception of the talent show. Making "Avenue of Stars" a flagship program of CCTV.

Bi Fujian has become a bright new star of CCTV with the bold innovation and people-friendly style of this program.


As the popularity of "Avenue of Stars" continues to rise, Bi Fujian's popularity is also increasing. His humorous hosting style and extremely people-friendly style are deeply loved by the audience.

Once, on the Spring Festival Gala stage, Bi Fujian partnered with Zhao Benshan to tell various interesting stories from "Avenue of Stars" in the sketch "Not Short of Money".

In August 2023, a netizen met Bi Fujian by chance in a county in Liaoning and took a photo of Bi Fujian's current embarrassing situation. I saw Bi Fujian riding a tricycle with a lot of crops on it. He was dressed in ragged clothes and looked like an experienced farmer. When peop - Lujuba

After this skit, Bi Fujian got the nickname "Grandpa Bi", and this nickname entered thousands of homes and resounded throughout the motherland.

In 2005, his partners Li Yong, Li Sisi, Dong Qing and others hosted the Spring Festival Gala.

At this time, Bi Fujian reached the pinnacle of life and became the big winner in life.

In August 2023, a netizen met Bi Fujian by chance in a county in Liaoning and took a photo of Bi Fujian's current embarrassing situation. I saw Bi Fujian riding a tricycle with a lot of crops on it. He was dressed in ragged clothes and looked like an experienced farmer. When peop - Lujuba

However, Grandpa Bi, who was proud at work, was frustrated at home.

Grandpa Bi was once married. He and his wife were college classmates. Two years after graduation, the two got married hand in hand.

During their newly married years, Bi Fujian and his wife were like a pair of mandarin ducks that everyone admired. Their love was like brilliant fireworks, lighting up the envious eyes of many people.

However, as Bi Fujian's reputation gradually became more prominent, his flourishing career led to the neglect of his family, which made his wife dissatisfied.

When their daughter was eight years old, their marriage finally came to an end and the wife filed for divorce.

In August 2023, a netizen met Bi Fujian by chance in a county in Liaoning and took a photo of Bi Fujian's current embarrassing situation. I saw Bi Fujian riding a tricycle with a lot of crops on it. He was dressed in ragged clothes and looked like an experienced farmer. When peop - Lujuba

After that, his wife chose to take her daughter to a foreign country to start a new life, but Bi Fujian still stayed at home and continued to shine on the career stage.

There are various theories circulating on the Internet about the real reason for their divorce.

Some people say that Bi Fujian has an affair with some actors, while others say that he has an affair with a certain host.

However, we have no way of verifying the authenticity of these rumors, and they can only be used as conversation topics after dinner.

The failed marriage did not affect Bi Fujian. He is still tenacious in his career.

However, what happened next gave him a heavy blow and almost destroyed everything about him.


In 2015, Bi Fujian made arrogant remarks at a private party. With the crowd's support and encouragement, he sang a song, talked about the country, and even talked about state secrets in a joking tone. After these inappropriate remarks were exposed, people were aroused. aroused the indignation of the Chinese people.

In August 2023, a netizen met Bi Fujian by chance in a county in Liaoning and took a photo of Bi Fujian's current embarrassing situation. I saw Bi Fujian riding a tricycle with a lot of crops on it. He was dressed in ragged clothes and looked like an experienced farmer. When peop - Lujuba

Although he tried to explain afterwards, his image was irreparably damaged. As a result, Bi Fujian was abandoned by CCTV. His career suffered a major blow, and his past glory seemed to vanish overnight.

At the beginning of 2024, some netizens met Bi Fujian by chance. He was wearing gray casual clothes and a baseball cap, looking a little down and out.

Today, in order to survive, he is no longer the aloof host of the past, but an old man running around in various activities.

His current situation makes people feel sorry for him, but it also triggers people to think deeply about the words and deeds of public figures.

In August 2023, a netizen met Bi Fujian by chance in a county in Liaoning and took a photo of Bi Fujian's current embarrassing situation. I saw Bi Fujian riding a tricycle with a lot of crops on it. He was dressed in ragged clothes and looked like an experienced farmer. When peop - Lujuba

Bi Fujian's experience is a profound lesson. He has gone from a well-loved host to a controversial and condemned figure. This blow is huge to him.

However, more importantly, his story allows us to see the essence of the problem: No one should blaspheme the country and make remarks rashly and irresponsibly.

As public figures, their words and deeds will receive public attention and interpretation. Therefore, they must exercise caution and prudence at all times and avoid making statements that unintentionally distort the facts.

Bi Fujian's mistake is not only his personal failure, but also a warning to public figures about the norms of speech and behavior.

We should learn lessons, improve our ideological and cultural literacy, and ensure that everything we say and do conforms to the requirements of social morality and professional ethics.

Don’t make one wrong move and you’ll never look back.

Tags: entertainment