Malaysian international students Chen Yuhang, Peng Yongzhi, Li Sijing and Qiu Yuxiang (from left to right). Photo provided by Li Sijing. The distance from Beijing to Tianjin is about 130 kilometers. It takes about 33 minutes by high-speed rail and about two hours by car. How long

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Malaysian international students Chen Yuhang, Peng Yongzhi, Li Sijing and Qiu Yuxiang (from left to right). Photo provided by Li Sijing. The distance from Beijing to Tianjin is about 130 kilometers. It takes about 33 minutes by high-speed rail and about two hours by car. How long - Lujuba

Malaysian students Chen Yuhang, Peng Yongzhi, Li Sijing and Qiu Yuxiang (from left to right). Photo courtesy of Li Sijing

The distance from Beijing to Tianjin is about 130 kilometers. It takes about 33 minutes by high-speed rail and about two hours by car. How long does it take to ride a shared bicycle?

Set out on the morning of Qingming Festival and stopped for 12 hours. Four shared bicycles with "Beijing Institute of Technology" printed on them were ridden to the "Eye of Tianjin". It was almost late at night, and the lights of the dazzling Ferris wheel had been turned off. The four "car owners" took photos of its silhouette under the street lights, took a "graduation photo" of the ride, and posted it to social media. A few days later, the account with only a hundred or so fans suddenly received 100,000+ likes, and the comment area was full of people telling each other: "The whole Internet is looking for you."

"Who are these college students' special forces' riding in 4 cars? "Beijing's car?" Tianjin's shared bicycle operation and maintenance personnel posted a video shouting from the air, making this "hardcore ride" spanning 126.3 kilometers attract attention on the Internet.

"The four brothers with iron legs and steel anus", Li Sijing, Peng Yongzhi, Chen Yuhang and Qiu Yuxiang are always amused by the "strong local humor" when they see the nicknames given to them by Chinese netizens. "We are just amateurs and cannot afford road cars." I am a novice rider who just wants to borrow a shared bicycle to see the scenery.” The four of them are Malaysian international students at Beijing Institute of Technology. Except for Qiu Yuxiang, who is still in his sophomore year, the other three are approaching graduation. "I want to experience China in depth and leave some souvenirs with my friends before graduation."

"There are not many cyclists in Malaysia." Li Sijing, who has the most cycling experience in the team, only started to try cycling after arriving in China. In September last year, he weighed more than 90 kilograms and it was difficult to stick to various weight loss methods. After choosing a bicycle, his legs had to be driven by the thought "I want to lose weight", but this time the effect was remarkable. He has lost 30 kilograms so far. After achieving his goal, cycling has become a light and fun thing.

Nearly 60 kilometers a day, Li Sijing starts from school and constantly unlocks surrounding maps. Ride from Fangshan to Zhongguancun, ride from Yonghe Temple to Shougang Park to watch the sunset, or start from Chaoyangmen and ride a "2024" pattern on the map. "When you have time, scan a shared bicycle to explore the alleys and hang out with the uncle." Chatting with the aunties." With the help of the wheel, he photographed people rowing on the Xiaoqing River, which was "especially like Jiangnan." After chatting with the morning exercise master, he tasted the authentic Beijing bean juice. "The walking radius is too small, and I can't enjoy the scenery by taking the subway." In his opinion, cycling is a good way to understand the fireworks of a city.

Li Sijing once rode to Hebei, but was stopped at the checkpoint on his way back to Beijing. After successfully losing weight, he was completely different from the person in his passport photo. Friends witnessed Li Sijing's transformation every day, and under his guidance, they also began to try cycling. Chen Yuhang has cycling experience in Malaysia. Peng Yongzhi once completed a 50-kilometer ride with him. Qiu Yuxiang has just started. "With friends, you can complete some crazy challenges."

Chen Yuhang prepared 5 kilograms of bananas in advance, calculated the maturity period, and "eat it just right on the day of departure". He brought mineral water, chocolate, bread, emergency medicine and 3 power banks. They set off from the Liangxiang Campus of Beijing Institute of Technology and walked along the The national highway has been riding south, either through busy towns or into quiet villages. When encountering wild dogs, we speed up and "escape". When encountering the woods, we grab supplies. Everyone follows the progress of the team and explores their own path. rhythm.

html About 060 kilometers away, approaching Langfang, Hebei Province, Peng Yongzhi first entered the fatigue period. He looked at the straight road, which was endless. "Thinking that half of the distance was waiting for me, my mental fatigue accelerated the physical burden." He took the initiative to "think about it". I took the high-speed rail back." At 80 kilometers, Chen Yuhang and Qiu Yuxiang also began to waver. "At that time, the road was very rough and there were many stones on the road surface, which was quite strenuous." However, this was a dilemma. Everyone encouraged each other to move forward tacitly, "Every 20 kilometers I always stop once, no matter how tired I am, I always know that there are friends waiting for me in front." Qiu Yuxiang said.

Cyclists and pedestrians along the way also cheered them up. “There are many people riding on this route, and road bikes are very common, but when they see us riding shared bicycles, some people will still care about us."Especially the closer we get to the urban area of ​​Tianjin, the more eye-catching the four light blue shared bicycles are. The words "Beijing Institute of Technology" on them also quickly appeared in the circle of strangers. "Someone took the initiative to introduce us to interesting places in Tianjin. Recommended delicious breakfast stalls."

In addition to the enthusiasm of passers-by, what makes Peng Yongzhi "resurrected" is the scenery. "We do not pursue speed, but more experience. "Passing a resting point in the evening, the sunset was majestic in front of me, and a high-speed train roared past. "I captured this very beautiful moment." In his opinion, "Sitting on the high-speed train, you can't actually feel the speed of the high-speed train. How fast, this time it passed in front of me, I really felt the beauty of the speed of China's high-speed rail and the progress of China's science and technology."

At the beginning, it was precisely because of recognition of China's technological development level that four people came to China separately , became classmates and became friends. Now, after graduation, they will also go their separate ways. Peng Yongzhi, majoring in electronic science and technology, plans to continue his graduate studies at Beijing Institute of Technology; Chen Yuhang, majoring in computer science and technology, plans to return to China after graduation to give full play to his professional advantages. and language advantages, he is applying for a job in a multinational company; Qiu Yuxiang is still in his sophomore year majoring in artificial intelligence, and he is eager to continue to focus on deepening his expertise and understanding China; Li Sijing, majoring in data science and big data technology, wants to stay and find a job in China, "Looking forward to it" Can enter a 'big factory' and accumulate more technical knowledge." After graduation, he also wants to complete a new challenge, "riding a shared bicycle to Lhasa," but he emphasized, "The premise is that the use of shared bicycles will not be affected. Rules, without causing trouble to the operation and maintenance personnel."

"At first, we planned to ride back, but found that the lock could not be opened. "Li Sijing revealed that as far as he understood, the four bicycles have been taken back for refurbishment by Tianjin operation and maintenance personnel. The safety and other performance of the four bicycles have been comprehensively tested and maintained. They will then be sent back to Beijing through logistics. "I'm sorry. Operation and maintenance personnel cause trouble." He said frankly that after the cycling incident attracted attention, many people expressed interest in cycling, but he did not advocate reproduction and imitation. "Cycling is a good sport. I hope Everyone can participate, but they must do so according to their own circumstances. Feeling the beautiful scenery, strengthening your physique, and gaining friendships are the meaning of cycling."

This newspaper, Beijing, April 15th

China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Liang Xuan Source: China Youth Daily

(Source: China Youth Daily)

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