The animated film "What Kind of Life Do You Want to Live", known as the "farewell film", was released in China. The box office was very good, and China actually became the largest box office. This is probably something that the master Hayao Miyazaki did not expect. On the one han

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The animated film "What kind of life do you want to live ", known as the "farewell work", was released in China. The box office was very good. China actually became the largest box office. This is probably something that the master Hayao Miyazaki did not expect. On the one hand, it is the blessing of the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, and on the other hand, it is the emotional explosion accumulated from the works over the years, just like "I love you" that has been held back for a long time. Regarding this part, some people say they understand it, while others are confused. This shows that its information density is very high. For me, I think the master has made a classic text similar to "Mu Lian Saves His Mother" or "Agarwood Saves His Mother". A young man travels through life and death to find his suffering mother. I am afraid this is a mother that East Asians can sympathize with. question.

In the movie, the protagonist Zhenren loves his mother deeply. In a different world, he meets her, Huomei, who transforms into a girl. When parting, she promises to be the boy's mother in the next life, with a promise of gold. This journey was shot very strangely and beautifully, and I had a similar association, that is, Jia Baoyu in "A Dream of Red Mansions" broke into the illusion of Taixu during a nap, thus gaining insight into the fate of the entire family. Similarly, Zhenmao also saw for the first time in a different world how the war undead, Wow, wow, absorbed the essence of the moon and ascended to form the double helix structure of human DNA. He saw how a new generation was born after the war, and what kind of memories they carried, including resentment against the war. In this process, the sacrifice of some elves is necessary. As an adult, Jia Baoyu could no longer remember the entire story when he came out of Taixu Illusion. However, when the fate of a certain Jin Chai suddenly arrived a few years later, he realized that this scene was familiar. So when the real person walked out of the other world, Heron kindly reminded that memory may be lost. How to preserve the memory of family, ethnic group and even history as completely as possible is a huge metaphysical project. Literature is one path, and movies may be another. In this process, metaphor is necessary. It sets a narrow door, but Defending eternal values.

The animated film 'What Kind of Life Do You Want to Live', known as the 'farewell film', was released in China. The box office was very good, and China actually became the largest box office. This is probably something that the master Hayao Miyazaki did not expect. On the one han - Lujuba

Huomei is a good girl who combines traditional virtues. She defends fertility, protects the smooth evolution of Wala Wala, and also takes care of her pregnant sister. She welcomes the real person and guides him to find the answer. She also has the superpower of controlling fire and good cooking skills in baking bread. In the other world, she developed trust and attachment with her future son, and her long-cherished wish was just to be a good daughter of the family, a good sister to her younger sister, and her ultimate goal was to be a good mother. The fire that occurred in the hospital at the beginning of the movie not only echoes the flames of war that destroyed civilization in World War II, but may also be the resurgence of mother's superpowers and past life memories. She fell into uncontrollable pain. On the one hand, her husband was engaged in the military supplies business. She is incompatible with the civilization she relies on. On the other hand, her close partner, her son in this life, is growing up, and is likely to be trapped in the ruins, killed or killed? In the memory of the past life, the scenes of the innocent souls waiting to be eaten by the river and the humble people waiting in line are vivid in my mind... This fire is an out-of-control, self-destructive, tragic image. In a different world, there was a rare and warm moment. Huomei toasted bread, spread butter on it, and a thick layer of jam, but the scene was strange. The real person seemed to be "bloodthirsty and eating meat." I am reminded of an old saying that children are born to collect debts and are the enemies of their parents in their previous lives. Perhaps in another world, we have witnessed Yun Guibo and experienced a narrow escape like real people. It is impossible to verify what our relationship with our family was at that time. In this life, we meet again by such fate, continue to write our destiny, move forward and cherish it.

The animated film 'What Kind of Life Do You Want to Live', known as the 'farewell film', was released in China. The box office was very good, and China actually became the largest box office. This is probably something that the master Hayao Miyazaki did not expect. On the one han - Lujuba

Tags: entertainment