Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show "Lang Jie 5" has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati

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Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show "Lang Jie 5" has finally been officially announced, and the show will premiere on April 19 Issue content.

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

As previously exposed, there are 36 sisters participating in "Lang Jie 5", including 29 domestic sisters and 7 overseas sisters. Among them, there are popular actors such as Han Xue, Wang Lin, and Cai Wenjing, as well as Shang Wenjie, He Jie, Yuan Yawei and other talent show singers, as well as Liu Yan, Zhu Dan, Jin Mengjia Excellent program hosts such as .

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

On the day "Lang Jie 5" was officially announced, the program team also made a big move. launched concept films, theme songs, advanced planning and other content in one go to meet the various needs of fans.

However, judging from market feedback, "Lang Jie 5" had a bit of a "bad start", and the program team was criticized for being careless. There is no beauty in the official poster. The promotional copy has a strong short-drama style, and the theme song MV has an even more peculiar style. The chorus is all made into one voice, and the distant view is zoomed in at the slightest disagreement. Many people can’t even see their faces clearly. .

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

"Lang Jie 5" has won 7 financial backers, and has been flooded with hot searches since the official announcement. The program team is also more lavish, the stage design is the highest in the industry, and the stage is so big that you can't see the edges. It has to be said that "Sister Lang" in its fifth season still has a strong appeal.

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

Unfortunately, the theme song mv is a direct drag, and it obviously does not match the title of an S+-level ace variety show. After watching the MV of the theme song of "Colorless Flower", many fans went to review "Riding the Wind" again to wash their eyes. Although the content of

mv is perfunctory, the camera does not lie at all and expresses the preferences of the program crew without hesitation. The true status of the 36 sisters is also reflected in the camera.

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

The big and popular sisters stand directly in the center, and no special shots are missing, while those little transparent sisters in the entertainment industry can only stand aside and don't even bother to give single close-ups.

The MV for the theme song of "Lang Jie 5" introduces scenes of the sky and the lawn. The sisters also appear in batches. The order of appearance and the language of the shots in each wave hide the careful thoughts of the program team.

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

There were 10 people who appeared in the first wave. The order was Qi Wei , Han Xue, Guo Biting , Xie Jinyan, Zhu Dan, Shang Wenjie, Liu Xin, He Jie, Yuan Yawei, and Sa Dingding.

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

These 10 sisters are also sisters who are both popular and popular. They are the sisters used to support the appearance of this season's program, so they appear in a relatively front position and the camera is also biased.

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

There are 9 sisters appearing in the second wave, namely Chen Lijun, Joyce Jonathan, Zheng Nicole, Guo Shuyao, Han Yiying, Zhou Yangqing, Li Jiage, Mary, and Mai Devika.

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

Among the sisters who appeared in this wave, Chen Lijun is obviously favored by popularity, and she has the upper hand in the order of appearance. There are also close-up shots. The four foreign sisters also have close-up shots. The other sisters can only appear in groups of two.

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

The remaining sisters appeared in the third wave, including Wang Lin, Zhang Yuxi, Wu Chao, Li Xirui, Li Jiage, Chen Haoyu, Wan Nida, Sun Xialing, Fan Tantan, Miao Miao, Cai Wenjing, Liu Yan, Shasha, Zhao Yihuan , Guo Ying, Jin Mengjia, Cai Shiyun, Yang Jinhua.

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

None of the sisters who appeared in this wave showed off Wia. Most of the sisters flashed by in pairs. It was good to have single close-ups of Wu Chao and Sun Xialing.

Some netizens sorted out the entire music video. The gap between the sisters' shots is really obvious. You can tell who is favored and who is left out at a glance.

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

7 sisters are obviously the favorites of the show's camera, namely Qi Wei, Sa Dingding, Liu Xin, Chen Lijun, Yuan Yawei, Xie Jinyan, and Li Jiage.

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

Qi Wei and Sa Dingding both had 2 single close-ups, Liu Xin had 2 double shots and 1 single close-up, Chen Lijun and Yuan Yawei both had 1 double shot and 2 single close-ups, Xie Jinyan and Li Jiage also had three double scenes.

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

In addition, He Jie, Zheng Nicole, Joyce Jonathan and others also have single and double shots, while Guo Ying, Jin Mengjia, Han Yiying, Miao Miao, Fan Tantan, Wan Nida, Zhou Yangqing and others There are no single close-ups.

What is more surprising is that Liu Yan, Zhang Yuxi, Guo Biting and other sisters are obviously famous and popular, but the theme song MV has become a soy sauce role.

The theme song mv of "Lang Jie 5" deliberately weakened the c position, but the program team also had some hidden thoughts in the arrangement. sharp-eyed netizens still found out the final position order of the 34 sisters.

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

Generally speaking, the two sisters Qi Wei and Guo Biting have become double C positions, while sisters such as Shang Wenjie, Han Xue, Sa Dingding, Yuan Yawei, and Chen Lijun are all in the middle, and they are also the targets of the program.

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

It is worth noting that Cai Shiyun stood directly next to Shang Wenjie and had a good role in the theme song. Mango also highlighted Cai Shiyun in advance planning. She is likely to become a dark horse sister this season.

In addition to the position and camera, the sisters' costumes during the theme song session are also the focus of everyone's attention. All the Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba6 sisters wore dresses and trousers with silver, white and black as the theme color. The overall feeling was that the colors were not outstanding, and there was no eye-catching feeling like last year's bright red catwalk outfits.

In last year’s catwalk show, many sisters wore luxury brands, but this season’s fashion resources are obviously down a notch.

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

html Among the 136 sisters, only Qi Wei has the blessing of a big brand. She is wearing a fashionable brand dress. The price is about 50,000 yuan. The beaded metal design is very textured.

From the theme song position, camera features to clothing customization, Qi Wei has indeed shown her status and strength in the industry, and her probability of winning the C position has also been greatly increased.

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

Liu Xin and Wang Lin wore clothes from the same fashion brand. One was a sequined suit and the other was a skirt. Some netizens ridiculed that this was supposed to be a matching set, but they did not expect that the two wore them separately.

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

Shang Wenjie's spring and summer fashion is full of thorns and looks distant. Joyce Jonathan's camisole seems too down-to-earth, and the fashion resources are a bit shabby.

Article | Round after round of Reuters, wave after wave of hot searches, Mango's ace reality show 'Lang Jie 5' has finally been officially announced. The first episode of the program will be released on April 19 . As previously exposed, there are a total of 36 sisters participati - Lujuba

Zhang Yuxi’s suspender dress directly matches that of Alyssa Chia last year, and the difference in temperament between the two is obvious. I didn't expect that the clothes from the "Sister Lang" show could be passed down. I can only say that the show team was too perfunctory.

Are you still looking forward to "Lang Jie 5"?

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