"Jin Zhongfu, get out of class is over"! After failing to win Foshan at home, Nanjing fans expressed strong dissatisfaction. Under the leadership of the club's general manager Wu Haile, the team went in front of the fans and head coach Jin Zhongfu sincerely apologized. It just le

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'Jin Zhongfu, get out of class is over'! After failing to win Foshan at home, Nanjing fans expressed strong dissatisfaction. Under the leadership of the club's general manager Wu Haile, the team went in front of the fans and head coach Jin Zhongfu sincerely apologized. It just le - Lujuba

"Jin Zhongfu, get out of class is over"! After failing to win Foshan at home, Nanjing fans expressed strong dissatisfaction

Under the leadership of the club's general manager Wu Haile, the team went in front of the fans, and head coach Jin Zhongfu issued a sincere apology.

Kim Jong-fu only has a chance to apologize to the fans, and there are not many left.

'Jin Zhongfu, get out of class is over'! After failing to win Foshan at home, Nanjing fans expressed strong dissatisfaction. Under the leadership of the club's general manager Wu Haile, the team went in front of the fans and head coach Jin Zhongfu sincerely apologized. It just le - Lujuba

Immediately after the game, Nanjing City Club held a meeting overnight. The theme of the meeting was the issue of Kim Jong-fu's stay. But in the eyes of many insiders, the moment the meeting was held, it basically announced that Kim Jong-fu was close to dismissing get out of class in Nanjing.

Is it unfair that Kim Jong-fu was dismissed from get out of class in Nanjing? It’s really not unfair! Judging from the content of the game alone, Nanjing City's performance can be called disorganized, and you can't see the imprint of the head coach's training at all.

But if you want to say that he is not unjust, he is actually a little unjust! After the game, the club's vice chairman Zheng Ming, who was commentating on Jiangsu TV, criticized the performance of foreign players and admitted that the poor performance was directly linked to training.

Obviously the head coach should take responsibility for the training problem. But for the issue of foreign aid, the main responsibility should not be borne by the head coach!

'Jin Zhongfu, get out of class is over'! After failing to win Foshan at home, Nanjing fans expressed strong dissatisfaction. Under the leadership of the club's general manager Wu Haile, the team went in front of the fans and head coach Jin Zhongfu sincerely apologized. It just le - Lujuba

Several foreign players signed by Nanjing City this year were earlier than Kim Jong-fu arrived; therefore, when we see that the old Onueb can only walk on the court, Moresche has no advantage in one-on-one duels with domestic players. Ogbu, who has returned from suspension, cannot use his strength. Can Nanjing City's foreign aid problem be solved by changing coaches?

In addition to the poor level of foreign aid, Nanjing City has also suffered a large loss of domestic players this year. Last year's main players and important rotations such as Fu Huan, Sun Guoliang, Yin Yaji, Duan Yunzi, Aba Bekre, and Nie Aoshuang left the team. The old captain Zhang Xinlin was still recovering from a serious injury and did not renew his contract with the team. A large number of immediate combat forces have been released, and the team's efforts to strengthen the team are relatively limited. So much so that players like Sun Enming, who could not play the main role in Wuxi Wugou last year, wore the captain's armband many times after entering Nanjing City for the second time.

Judging from the cards and the depth of the team's lineup, Nanjing City this year is not as good as last year. But before the start of the season, when the industry made predictions about super teams, Nanjing City was still recognized as a favorite. is a recognized favorite. After playing 4 home games in the first 6 rounds, it only scored 8 points. Wu Haile, the general manager of the club who is responsible for signings, should bear the responsibility!

Of course, as early as the start of the 2023 season, he shouted the strongest voice for the Super League and introduced so many players. As a result, many people came to the team and were not accustomed to the climate and failed to perform to their own standards. The second transfer also brought a batch of results with the same dissatisfaction. As expected; this is enough to show that the club's general manager Wu Haile lacks the ability to operate and trade.

Accompanied by the lack of operational and trading abilities, many players and coaches who left the city of Nanjing directly fell out with Wu Haile. A lawyer who was arbitrating players with Nanjing City Club tried to negotiate amicably with the club, but after making a phone call to Wu Haile, he angrily left a sentence to the people around him - "Wu Haile is just a lm".

'Jin Zhongfu, get out of class is over'! After failing to win Foshan at home, Nanjing fans expressed strong dissatisfaction. Under the leadership of the club's general manager Wu Haile, the team went in front of the fans and head coach Jin Zhongfu sincerely apologized. It just le - Lujuba

Nanjing City's former coach Oscar, after leaving Nanjing City, directly blocked Wu Haile and his direct descendant Yang He who brought him to Nanjing City. According to the Oscar team, the reason why he was dismissed from get out of class in Nanjing City was the irreconcilable conflict between him and Wu Haile; he could not understand why Yang He, whom he brought to the team, took the lead in doing him in the locker room. He lost it and gave Wu Haile a certificate of nomination. (Isn’t it difficult to understand why Yang He became the team captain this year).

When he reached the middle and late stages of the league last year, Oscar found investors through an intermediary; in the words of the Oscar team, the boss had agreed to let him come back, but was strongly blocked by Wu Haile? Seeing that there was no hope of returning, Oscar chose to return to Shaanxi to win the championship.

has a poor reputation and poor operational skills; Wu Haile may be diligent enough, but he is obviously not suitable as a club operator.

So is there anyone suitable to be a trader within Nanjing City Club? Of course there is, that is Zheng Ming, who left his position as general manager of Suzhou Soochow at the beginning of this year and landed in Nanjing as the club's vice chairman.

'Jin Zhongfu, get out of class is over'! After failing to win Foshan at home, Nanjing fans expressed strong dissatisfaction. Under the leadership of the club's general manager Wu Haile, the team went in front of the fans and head coach Jin Zhongfu sincerely apologized. It just le - Lujuba

Looking at Zheng Ming's past resume, he has been working in the professional football circle for more than 20 years and has a strong appeal in Jiangsu. Of course, during the Sainty/Suning period, long-term vice presidents often had no real decision-making power. This led to Zheng Ming not fully displaying his talents during his tenure with the Jiangsu team. It wasn't until he went to Suzhou that Zheng Ming began to show his talents.

When Zheng Ming first arrived in Suzhou, he used very clever techniques to easily resolve the large contracts of several high-paid players acquired by the previous management.

The then Suzhou Soochow coach Gary White was a typical "British version of Li Tie". Whether he is coaching in Hong Kong or Chinese Taipei, or coaching in the Chinese League One, he will explicitly or covertly require some players to sign with a designated agency. The reason why Zhou Tingyang only played one game for the Chinese Taipei team was because Gary White asked him to sign with a designated agency, but Zhou Tingyang did not agree. After the two had a falling out, the Chinese Taipei Football Association chose to maintain the authority of the head coach and put Zhou Dingyang away. After Hong left, Zhou Dingyang never played for Chinese Taipei again.

Gary White's approach determines that no matter where he coaches, small groups and cliques will be formed in the team that are not conducive to unity; back then, Zheng Ming also used a very clever method to remove Gary White. , although Gary White later posted a long article on the team's WeChat group to criticize Zheng Ming; but when Lu Bofei led the team to the best record in team history that season, it was enough to prove that this decision was correct.

'Jin Zhongfu, get out of class is over'! After failing to win Foshan at home, Nanjing fans expressed strong dissatisfaction. Under the leadership of the club's general manager Wu Haile, the team went in front of the fans and head coach Jin Zhongfu sincerely apologized. It just le - Lujuba

In the 2023 season, due to well-known reasons, Suzhou Soochow had to adopt the all-China class (of course, Delgado, who was rented midway, was counted as a foreign aid). But even so, Suzhou Soochow actually performed well in the first half of last year, so much so that the outside world exclaimed that the Chinese Super League's excellent management team made this team only one foreign player away from reaching the Super League. Even though the team's performance dropped sharply in the second half of the season due to factors such as injuries and coaching changes, Zheng Ming still used careful operation and tried his best to keep Suzhou Soochow in the Chinese League One, and to retain Suzhou local youth training players. Down the ascending channel.

With the addition of Zheng Ming, the management structure of Nanjing City has formed a troika of Chairman Pan Qiang, Vice Chairman Zheng Ming and General Manager Wu Haile!

Theoretically, the advantages of Pan Qiang and Zheng Ming can complement each other. After all, Pan Qiang has been deeply involved in the system for many years and is very familiar with the local systems in Jiangsu and Nanjing. He is the one in this management team who is best at coordinating the relationship between all parties and the most suitable person to do a good job in ensuring the club. Zheng Ming knows the football circle better. He knows how to avoid relegation and how to advance to the top spot. He is more suitable as a trader.

It’s just because of Wu Haile’s existence that Zheng Ming has no choice but to do what he is best at in the club!

There is no way to arrange the right people in the right positions. This makes Nanjing City's management team look very large, but the system does not operate very efficiently. It can even be said that the differences caused by the different understandings of the industry between management have caused serious internal friction in the club.

has only played 6 rounds and is already 8 points behind the leaders Yukun and Dalian; and the team has not shown a clear technical and tactical thinking on the court. Is it possible for such a team to surpass the league?

'Jin Zhongfu, get out of class is over'! After failing to win Foshan at home, Nanjing fans expressed strong dissatisfaction. Under the leadership of the club's general manager Wu Haile, the team went in front of the fans and head coach Jin Zhongfu sincerely apologized. It just le - Lujuba

Recently, Jiangsu local company Jin Shiyuan and the club have been close to reaching a multi-million dollar sponsorship. If this sponsorship comes to fruition, it will undoubtedly be a huge injection of money for the club.

Just seeing the chaotic and serious internal strife in Nanjing, will the sponsors be worried that this sponsorship will not meet the needs of brand promotion at all? Will this sponsorship be finally available?

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