Changsha Police: Two people were arrested before Deng Ziqi’s concert! With the popularity of various performance markets across the country, some well-known idols...

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Changsha Police: Two people were arrested before Deng Ziqi’s concert!

With the popularity of various performance markets across the country, tickets for some well-known idol stars' performances are hard to come by, but some criminals have their own ideas...

In the early stages of Deng Ziqi's concert in Changsha, the Changsha police learned about the situation , there are "scalpers" on the Internet who claim to go to Changsha to sell "wrong tickets" (scalper tickets) for Deng Ziqi's Changsha concert, and to go to the concert site to incite and lead others to "reduce tickets."

Changsha police immediately launched an investigation. At about 4 pm on April 12, "scalpers" Wu Mouming (male, 21 years old, from Nanping, Fujian) and Li Mouhao (male, 21 years old, from Nanping, Fujian) were arrested by the police in Changsha. Caught, 54 tickets for Deng Ziqi's concert were seized on the spot, with a total face value of 32,346 yuan.

Changsha Police: Two people were arrested before Deng Ziqi’s concert! With the popularity of various performance markets across the country, some well-known idols... - Lujuba

Changsha Police: Two people were arrested before Deng Ziqi’s concert! With the popularity of various performance markets across the country, some well-known idols... - Lujuba

Wu Mouming and Li Mouhao used the gimmick of "getting in and getting tickets" to incite others to enter the scene by "rushing cards".

After investigation, Wu Mouming hoarded a batch of Deng Ziqi’s Changsha concert tickets purchased using other people’s identity information in February and March. He took advantage of some fans even though he knew that the concert implemented a real-name system and that tickets without personal information would not be admitted. Because they want to see the concert even though they haven't bought the tickets yet, they sell the accumulated tickets at a price increase of 100-200 yuan, deceiving fans that they can also enter with tickets that are not their own. If they are unable to enter, they will lead everyone to "reduce their cards" Enter.

Changsha Police: Two people were arrested before Deng Ziqi’s concert! With the popularity of various performance markets across the country, some well-known idols... - Lujuba

Currently, Wu Mouming has been sentenced to administrative detention for 7 days, and Li Mouhao has been sentenced to administrative detention for 5 days. The case is under further processing.

Police reminder

On September 12, 2023, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Public Security issued the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Standardized Management of Large-scale Commercial Performance Activities to Promote the Healthy and Orderly Development of the Performance Market" (Cultural Tourism Market Issue [2023] No. 96 ), clarifying that "large-scale performance events implement a real-name ticket purchase and real-name admission system. Each performance can only purchase one ticket per ID card, and the identity information of the ticket purchaser and the attendee must be consistent" and on-site management regulations. In order to protect the personal safety of the audience and protect their vital interests, Changsha police remind:

1. Changsha’s large-scale cultural and artistic performances strictly implement real-name measures. Audiences must present tickets bound to their personal information, their ID cards, and go through facial recognition to ensure three items: Only when the information is consistent can you enter through the gate in an orderly manner. Those with inconsistent information among the three items will not be allowed to enter.

2. Spectators should pay attention to personal safety, obey the instructions of on-site staff, abide by laws, regulations and social ethics, consciously accept safety inspections, and it is strictly prohibited to bring prohibited items into the venue; it is strictly prohibited to climb, climb over, or impact the isolation guardrail, and no noise or hesitation is allowed. , fights; do not spread rumors, lie about the alarm, or perform dangerous actions to disrupt the order of the scene and prevent safety accidents such as crowding and stampedes.

3. Audiences must purchase tickets through the official ticketing platform. Do not believe in untrue information such as ticket sales through unofficial channels, insiders can bring people in, or purchase of "work passes" to enter. Beware of being deceived; audience members should keep them properly at the venue. Personal belongings such as tickets and certificates must be strictly guarded against loss or theft.

4. The public security organs will take away those who obstruct social security, affect the order of the scene, threaten public security, and obstruct official law enforcement in accordance with the law; those who constitute illegal crimes will be held accountable in accordance with the law.

Source: Kaifu Public Security Bureau

Tags: entertainment