On April 6, one of the main creators of the short drama "Escape from the British Museum" @Xiameimeioh posted: Recently, fans reported to me that there is an exhibition of "cultural relics" titled "Escape from the British Museum" and it is for sale. Tickets. First of all, as a pro

entertainment 2111℃

On April 6th, one of the main creators of the short drama "Escape from the British Museum" @Xiameimeioh posted: Recently, fans reported to me that there is an exhibition of "cultural relics" titled "Escape from the British Museum" and it is for sale. Tickets.

First of all, as the producer, we declare: We have never had commercial authorization from outside, nor have we authorized this exhibition.

Since the release of "Escape from the British Museum", many film and television media and text and graphic publishing houses have wanted to obtain our authorization, but we have never given it because we do not want the content of works created for public welfare to be used for commercial profit. .

The museum uses our dialogue content as material for commercial exhibitions without authorization, which is an infringement.

Our original intention is to hope that more people will pay attention to this matter, so we do such a public welfare thing at our own expense. We are very lucky that the work has a good spread and is loved by many people. The content also has its own fan audience, but this is definitely not an excuse to make money, and we do not accept it. A search by

found that tickets for the exhibition are available in Nanjing, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and other places.

Previously, the short play "Escape from the British Museum" became popular, and the story of a jade pot escaping to find its hometown made countless netizens cry.

On April 6, one of the main creators of the short drama 'Escape from the British Museum' @Xiameimeioh posted: Recently, fans reported to me that there is an exhibition of 'cultural relics' titled 'Escape from the British Museum' and it is for sale. Tickets. First of all, as a pro - Lujuba

Source: @白鹿视频

Tags: entertainment