The hard-core popularity of "News Queen" made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, "Today's Girls" has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on

entertainment 3530℃

The hard-core popularity of "News Queen" made Charmaine Sheh become the TV series' ratings leader for a time, but facts have proved that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

No, " Today's Girls " has been updated for 16 episodes since its launch. A certain page is so deserted that only 3,000 people want to watch it, and the number of people who rate it is less than a hundred, so it doesn't even have the most basic score. It's really It has been in the shadows since it started airing.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

Let's take a look at the overall ratings of "Today's Girls" in the first week since it aired. From the first episode aired on the star, the ratings ranked fifth. After the second episode, it dropped to sixth place, and then to seventh place. , Episode 8 has dropped to seventh place. Even " Ode to Joy 5", whose reputation has been declining since the replacement of the third season, is easily ranked very far ahead of it. It can be said that there is no way back.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

In fact, judging from the cast, "Today's Them" brings together Hong Kong's TV queen Charmaine Sheh, veteran mainland drama star Zhang Guoli, acting talents Song Yi, Wang Renjun, and Li Chun, , Zhang Chao, and others are all professional actors. Logically speaking, the popularity should increase. However, when a script is so bad that you will be so angry that you will be internally injured after watching two or three episodes, then no matter how big the show is, It can only be said to be in vain.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

01 Either misogynistic or inferior to women

"Today's Them" uses the slogan of a group portrait of girls and women's self-reliance and self-reliance, but in fact it still falls into clichés and even a bit pedantic values.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

First of all, Liang Qingran, played by Charmaine Sheh, is a modern strong woman who has never failed, is busy in shopping malls, and makes a fortune by investing. She manages a branch of the Beijing headquarters in Chengdu. Because she enjoys independent personnel rights, Charmaine Sheh’s Chengdu company employees are all It's all men, from janitors to investment executives.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

Then when asked why they are all men, Liang Qingran claimed that "I don't like working with women" and "because I like employees to take risks". This is a complete misogyny, and the so-called female independence is completely at the opposite end of the value, invisible. Another layer of professional pressure and stereotypes about contemporary women has been erected, which is both obvious and unreasonable.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

Then back home in the blink of an eye, Liang Qingran began to ask her male best friend to give her advice on how to win a man's heart. The purpose was to make herself fall in love and look like a normal person.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

Then Liang Qingran was chatting with her male best friend, and suddenly she said, "I am a man!" When I heard this sentence, I didn't feel that it highlighted the rise or success of a woman, but instead fell into the "high" category again. Into the vulgar values ​​​​that women are destined to be lonely.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

Then there is Lu Zhenzhen, played by Song Yi. She was born in Chengdu. When she was admitted to a university in Beijing, she did not hesitate to break up with her mother in order to stay in Beijing and work. But in the blink of an eye, her boyfriend who she had been dating for many years came to work in Chengdu, and she immediately Just follow.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

Later, her boyfriend got mad at her because of his drunken animalistic behavior, and even rushed the shower head at her. But afterwards, the man used some sweet words and immediately kicked her off. She chose to forgive her and felt that her boyfriend loved her so much. Her, full love brain.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

02 The plot is as empty and false as the attic in the sky

The first bug, Charmaine Sheh, as the manager of the Chengdu branch, although she enjoys independent personnel rights, she casually recruited an investment executive without consulting the headquarters at all. Let’s leave it at that. She is capable and qualified enough to do this. However, when the big boss of the Beijing headquarters went to Chengdu to talk to her in person, she showed no respect at all. Before ending the conversation, she said one sentence - telling the big boss not to come to Chengdu in the future if nothing happened.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

can only use a line from Stephen Chow's movie, "One word, absolutely!"

The second bug, Lu Zhenzhen, played by Song Yi, wants to invite Gu Manting's father, Chef Gu Dapeng, played by Zhang Guoli, to come The hotel helps to make a liver paste soup. Chef Gu is unwell and cannot go, so he specially asks his apprentice, Chen Dong, played by Zhang Chao, to go.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

Then Chen Dong started to act cool. When he was chopping meat and making soup in the kitchen, he refused to wear a chef's hat. He had to wear a "semi-non-mainstream" dry glue-shaped thick hair and chop it vigorously. chop. When I was watching it, I was thinking that the dandruff on that end would really fall down like snowflakes.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

What's even more funny is that when facing many chefs the next day, Chen Dong started to pretend to put on his hat. This operation was simple. Anyway, it was just one sentence, handsome and that's it. Basic hygiene was not a problem.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

The third bug, Chef Gu, played by Zhang Guoli, is known as a Sichuan master with excellent cooking skills and superb knife skills, but when he came to check whether the vegetables purchased by the employees were fresh, he didn't even take off his sunglasses.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

I can only ask a weak question, Chef Gu’s skills have become so perfect that he has the functions of see-through and scanning?

The fourth bug is back to Chen Dong, played by Zhang Chao. A customer felt that the Kung Pao Chicken dish he made did not taste right and asked Chen Dong if he knew how to cook this dish. A chef in his thirties, instead of patiently explaining to his guests, would grab the guest by the collar and beat him without even saying a few words.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

After everyone stopped him, the customer continued to struggle with him. He actually said, "We at Sichuan Bailou will no longer do your business, and told the customer to pay the bill and get out."

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

He can say things that have no IQ or EQ, and he can do so with such confidence. Really, people who don’t know would think that this is some rich second generation experiencing the suffering of the people, and getting angry at the slightest dissatisfaction.

is even more speechless at the back.

After the customer asked his wife to call the police, the police came with a whoosh, and then they understood the whole story. In fact, no one actually took action, let alone said that there was something wrong with the food, or that it ruined the customer's stomach. But at this time, Gu Manting's boyfriend, Liu Siyuan, played by Wang Renjun, immediately took out a wad of money from his pocket, which looked to be at least one thousand or two thousand, and gave the money to the guest in front of the police.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

The customer suddenly wanted to show off his masculinity and said that he would not use money to send me away. Then Liu Siyuan said, if you are still not satisfied, fine, let's go to the hospital to do an injury assessment and check the monitoring by the way. Let’s see whose problem it is today.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

At this time, the guest gave in and ran away with his girlfriend with the wad of money.

To be honest, after reading this paragraph, I felt that my IQ was greatly insulted, because this did not care about food safety issues, but the customer mistakenly confused the spicy stir-fried chicken and kung pao chicken. Explain It would be nice if it was clear, and even the police were notified. In fact, after checking the surveillance system, I found out that the customer was deliberately causing trouble, and even compensated one or two thousand for no reason. I really feel that the screenwriter is not a person who can only live in the world. The most basic thing is that The common sense and logic are gone, it’s so irritating!

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

03 The script comes first, then the actors

Facts have proved that for a work with good reputation and high ratings, it is always "first to improve on the script, and then to be interpreted by good actors."

If the script is divorced from reality, does not pay attention to the most basic logic and value orientation, and composes some nihilistic and noble things, in addition to challenging the audience's lower limit of aesthetics, no other positive feedback will be gained, and it will not be possible. It will bring down the personal reputation of good actors.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

Like the movie version "花千 Bone" which was released some time ago, even though the "Golden and Jade First" drama version "Flower Thousand Bones" gave it some public and word-of-mouth support, the bad plot after the release still persuaded people to abandon it. Most of the audience was distracted and ended up losing a lot of blood.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

Next, remember to "photograph a cat and paint a tiger". This time "Them Today" was shot in Chengdu. The focus is to highlight the so-called female transformation through Chengdu's food and urban life. In fact, it is a bit like a city propaganda film.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

Many netizens complained that the housing prices in Chengdu were not good and they wanted to rely on this film to save the real estate market. In fact, it also highlighted the incompatibility of "Today's Girls", including a group of people's poor Chengdu dialect and Charmaine Sheh's accent. The heavy original Mandarin soundtrack is what makes the audience entertained.

The hard-core popularity of 'News Queen' made Charmaine Sheh once the TV series' ratings leader, but facts have proven that no matter how good an actor's acting skills are, they will never be worth a bad script. No, 'Today's Girls' has updated 16 episodes since its launch, and on - Lujuba

I hope that more modern drama series can focus on reality and empathy and create more high-quality works.

Tags: entertainment