This movie, "The Yellow Bird Behind!" "In fact, it is a bit tangled, not so much in terms of perception, but in terms of the development of the story and the "a reality" behind the case. The story is connected by a murder case. Outside a winery, a socialite was killed in her car.

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this movie, " The oriole is behind!" " is actually a bit tangled, not in terms of perception, but in terms of the development of the story and the "a reality" behind the case.

This movie, 'The Yellow Bird Behind!' 'In fact, it is a bit tangled, not so much in terms of perception, but in terms of the development of the story and the 'a reality' behind the case. The story is connected by a murder case. Outside a winery, a socialite was killed in her car. - Lujuba

The story is connected by a murder case. Outside a winery, a socialite was killed in her car. Several relevant people present inside and outside the winery were inseparable. But this story is by no means Grandma's "Blizzard Mountain Villa" style. In addition, the title is still a bit misleading. I thought it was that type, so I guessed in the wrong direction from the beginning. The

movie is based on crime, and the plot is also driven by suspense, but it is also not the kind of suspense reasoning that everyone thinks, that is, the police investigate the case to look for clues, and the discovery of some key clues is a little accidental. What the

video really wants to show is the things behind the case.

is actually a story, including three cases that happened at different times and places:

★ Traffic fatality escape case at an intersection

★ Murder case of gangster for profit

★ Murder case of a socialite at "Huangque" winery

This movie, 'The Yellow Bird Behind!' 'In fact, it is a bit tangled, not so much in terms of perception, but in terms of the development of the story and the 'a reality' behind the case. The story is connected by a murder case. Outside a winery, a socialite was killed in her car. - Lujuba

And If we dig deeper into the trivial matters behind each case, we can even find out one or two illegal things, such as extortion, loan sharking, perjury... that would be even more.

So this story is actually quite difficult to present. The linear narrative of the

movie is a series of social cases (including violations and crimes). Each case is not complicated. At most, it is at the "Rule of Law in Progress" level, which is relatively easy for the police to detect. The three main cases of

all have their own triggers and are very representative - pornography, gambling, and drugs.

These cases are connected in series, and in the end they are like an invisible network. Big cases are nested within small cases. Every "thread" of this "invisible network" that connects these cases is human nature and sophistication. The development of

This movie, 'The Yellow Bird Behind!' 'In fact, it is a bit tangled, not so much in terms of perception, but in terms of the development of the story and the 'a reality' behind the case. The story is connected by a murder case. Outside a winery, a socialite was killed in her car. - Lujuba

cases all stem from emotional relationships.

Yes, just like Japanese suspense works, which are divided into original school and social school, "The Yellow Bird Behind!" 》In fact, it is more like the socialist group, except that it does not explore human nature, but displays social relations and emotional misunderstandings that override legal principles.

This makes the final appearance of the case upgraded from "The Rule of Law in Progress" to "Today's Statement", or it is worthy of a separate class analysis by teacher Luo Xiang.

Maybe he is just like the little policeman next to Yuan Wenshan ( Feng Shaofeng ). He is new to the world and took the lead in the investigation work. However, after the case came to light, he looked sad. Why did they do this? I don't understand why.

This movie, 'The Yellow Bird Behind!' 'In fact, it is a bit tangled, not so much in terms of perception, but in terms of the development of the story and the 'a reality' behind the case. The story is connected by a murder case. Outside a winery, a socialite was killed in her car. - Lujuba

This film can be considered a very typical French popularization film. Let’s briefly expand on it.

(There are spoilers below)

The origin of each case is an illegal incident.

★ Xu Gang, played by Zhang Haiyu , was originally a migrant worker, but he accidentally became addicted to drugs, which led to his bankruptcy. He also borrowed loan sharks at high interest rates and was chased by his creditors when he was unable to repay. In the end, he had to take the risk and took on A friend entrusted a "business" of hiring a murderer to kill, and the target was the socialite Guan Xiuying.

This movie, 'The Yellow Bird Behind!' 'In fact, it is a bit tangled, not so much in terms of perception, but in terms of the development of the story and the 'a reality' behind the case. The story is connected by a murder case. Outside a winery, a socialite was killed in her car. - Lujuba

This is "poison" and illegal.

★ Zheng Wei (played by Huang Jue) and Xiao Yazhen (played by Tao Hong) were originally a loving couple, and they had a son who was about to succeed in school. They were happy and happy. But Zheng Wei got into the bad habit of gambling, and the relationship between husband and wife took a turn for the worse and was on the verge of breaking up. Xiao Yazhen accidentally hit and killed her creditor on a rainy night, and then escaped. Guan Xiuying encountered all of this and used it as a threat.

This movie, 'The Yellow Bird Behind!' 'In fact, it is a bit tangled, not so much in terms of perception, but in terms of the development of the story and the 'a reality' behind the case. The story is connected by a murder case. Outside a winery, a socialite was killed in her car. - Lujuba

This is "gambling" and it is illegal.

★A chef met the socialite Guan Xiuying in a nightclub and spent a lot of money on her. His uncle, who was in an important position, went to negotiate with Guan Xiuying. Unexpectedly, he got deeply involved. He was also videotaped by the "immortal jumper" and then blackmailed her. For the sake of his uncle and himself, the chef decided to hire a murderer to kill him, and he found Xu Gang.

This movie, 'The Yellow Bird Behind!' 'In fact, it is a bit tangled, not so much in terms of perception, but in terms of the development of the story and the 'a reality' behind the case. The story is connected by a murder case. Outside a winery, a socialite was killed in her car. - Lujuba

This is "yellow" and illegal.

It can be seen that the triggers of the three cases were very typical illegal incidents, which eventually led to Guan Xiuying's death, and the above three parties were all likely to commit crimes.

In addition, as the story expands, a core motive and a branch clue are involved.

★Why does Guan Xiuying want to blackmail? A purposeful video of a fairy dance, a traffic accident and a run-off. She firmly held the other party's handle in her hands and demanded a large amount of money. The purpose of all was to get her child back. of custody.

The movie made it very clear that after she divorced her ex-husband, the latter was not good to the children. She loved her children so much that she wanted to take them back, but the other party asked her for a seven-digit amount, which made Guan Xiuying have to Looking for money gave me the above motive.

This movie, 'The Yellow Bird Behind!' 'In fact, it is a bit tangled, not so much in terms of perception, but in terms of the development of the story and the 'a reality' behind the case. The story is connected by a murder case. Outside a winery, a socialite was killed in her car. - Lujuba

This is "blackmail" and is also illegal.

★ Another branch is Li Hai played by Tu Songyan . At first, when I was reviewing the plot, I didn’t quite understand the meaning of this character’s existence because he was completely independent of the above-mentioned three parties. It was only later that I realized that this character was actually a breakthrough and guided the development of the story.

When the police were investigating the scene of Guan Xiuying's death, witnesses saw a car leaving and eventually found out that the owner of the car was Li Hai.

In Li Hai's testimony, Xu Gang and Xiao Yazhen were involved. He knew both of them. As the story developed, it turned out that Li Hai had always admired Xiao Yazhen. After learning that Xiao Yazhen and her husband Zheng Wei were going to sign a contract at Huangque Villa, For the divorce agreement, he came here with the purpose of expressing his love for his sweetheart, but he witnessed what happened in the case (this is what I call "coincidence").

This movie, 'The Yellow Bird Behind!' 'In fact, it is a bit tangled, not so much in terms of perception, but in terms of the development of the story and the 'a reality' behind the case. The story is connected by a murder case. Outside a winery, a socialite was killed in her car. - Lujuba

Regarding the key testimony, this person committed perjury, which is still illegal.

At this point, the overall story of the movie is roughly clear, but in the final stage, there is a key reversal, and the real reason for Guan Xiuying's death is found out, which is the most intriguing part, so I won't spoil it here.

It can be seen that there are many characters in the movie, and the several cases are relatively uncomplicated, but they are intertwined with each other, which makes them complicated. The good thing is that the film's narrative is still very clear, so you won't be able to find a clue.

Furthermore, none of the main characters in the movie are innocent. At key points, they are all perpetrators, but they are also victims. It was because of their emotional connection that they took risks and committed crimes, which eventually led to tragedy.

Among these group-like characters, no matter what class they are, they all have one thing in common - insecurity.

This movie, 'The Yellow Bird Behind!' 'In fact, it is a bit tangled, not so much in terms of perception, but in terms of the development of the story and the 'a reality' behind the case. The story is connected by a murder case. Outside a winery, a socialite was killed in her car. - Lujuba

This "security" is based on the relationship between people in contemporary society. Divorced ladies, working people who owe loan sharks, shaky marriage relationships, employment relationships based on money, all social relationships, just like... Like a candle in the wind, so unstable.

Because of the lack of security, the only thing they can "grasp" is emotional relationships, which is the key to keeping them going. To put it bluntly, everything I do is for "ta".

The last line of the movie is very representative: "Don't let love break through the legal principles."

This is the core point of the movie. The motives for the three cases are all illegal incidents. But if they could step back from the brink and seek legal help, things would not have spiraled out of control.

But it is precisely because they have no "security", and the only "straw" they can grasp is the one they love, so they ignore the law in the name of love, and the back and forth between love and law leads to even greater consequences. tragedy.

This forms an unsolvable paradox.

This movie, 'The Yellow Bird Behind!' 'In fact, it is a bit tangled, not so much in terms of perception, but in terms of the development of the story and the 'a reality' behind the case. The story is connected by a murder case. Outside a winery, a socialite was killed in her car. - Lujuba

One final word, the difference between this type of reality-themed crime movies and traditional suspense films lies in the way the cases themselves are distinguished.

For example, that is the difference between John Woo's " A Better Tomorrow" and Lin Lingdong's "The Legend of Dragons and Tigers". In one, the aesthetics of violence are driven by the friendship between the world and the world; in the other, realistic violence, the love between the world and the world is the trap.

The reason why traditional crime suspense and even mystery movies can create a sense of pleasure in watching movies is mainly due to two reasons. First, it gives meaning to the characters, which represents the obvious contrast between justice or evil. The detective is resourceful and the criminal is cunning. Hedging; secondly, in terms of technique, attention is paid to creating the process of deducing the crime, and using editing and atmosphere to highlight the crime. The crime is rhetorical, so it will create a sense of pleasure in watching the movie, such as "The Invisible Guest".

Realistic crime movies are more realistic. A crime is a crime, and there is no intention to create any embellishments. Instead, they like to deliberately amplify the sense of disempowerment of the criminal motive. They are immersed in the coldness and cruelty of reality. It does not give you a sense of satisfaction when watching the movie. It has a certain sense of immersion, even a little depressing. After the story ends, I feel a little lost in thought.

In fact, "The oriole is behind!" "This script and these cases, if placed in Hong Kong movies of the year, would be very typical cult movies, such as "The Strange Case of the Three Wolves" and "The Killing".

This movie, 'The Yellow Bird Behind!' 'In fact, it is a bit tangled, not so much in terms of perception, but in terms of the development of the story and the 'a reality' behind the case. The story is connected by a murder case. Outside a winery, a socialite was killed in her car. - Lujuba

It’s just that this film does not show the various criminal incidents head-on. Instead, it highlights the stories behind them and the reasons that led to the tragedy, thus becoming a relatively orthodox law-popularizing film with a more commercial nature, which is not bad.

Tags: entertainment