It’s easy for celebrities to be incarnate. Whether “slicing” is a good business ultimately depends on whether consumers pay for it. Commentator | Tao Feng Recently, the actor Zhu Zixiao appeared in the live broadcast room and ate chicken feet all day long. He was accused of "chea

entertainment 2985℃

It’s easy for celebrities to be incarnate. Whether “slicing” is a good business ultimately depends on whether consumers pay for it. Commentator | Tao Feng Recently, the actor Zhu Zixiao appeared in the live broadcast room and ate chicken feet all day long. He was accused of 'chea - Lujuba

It’s easy for celebrities to be cloned. Whether “slicing” is a good business ultimately depends on whether consumers pay for it.

Commentator丨Tao Feng

Recently, actor Zhu Zixiao appeared in the live broadcast room and ate chicken feet all day long. He was accused of "cheating photos" and "cheating broadcasts". Netizens said that it was extremely fake.

The scene of Zhu Zixiao eating chicken feet without saying a word is actually cut out and embedded into the live broadcast room of the Internet celebrity's eating and broadcasting video. The "live slicing and distribution" model of

appeared as early as 2022 and has been widely used by various Internet celebrities. Now it has formed a complete industry chain.

Even if there is a reminder in the picture that "Zhu Zixiao authorized the live broadcast room to display effects that are not real people", it does not prevent this live broadcast mode from confusing consumers.

It’s easy for celebrities to be incarnate. Whether “slicing” is a good business ultimately depends on whether consumers pay for it. Commentator | Tao Feng Recently, the actor Zhu Zixiao appeared in the live broadcast room and ate chicken feet all day long. He was accused of 'chea - Lujuba

"constantly eats" the product and "ignores" the interaction. He will only play it mechanically and "ghost-like", which will inevitably cause discomfort to consumers. Such confusion can't be respected.

In fact, in addition to Zhu Zixiao, Crazy Little Yang, Hao Shaowen, Duo and Maomao, Huang Shengyi, etc. have all opened slicing authorization to form an account matrix for slicing distribution on various platforms. The popularity of

's "slicing goods" has its own business logic. Through authorization, "Slice" realizes the reuse of the IP value of celebrity Internet celebrities, and their IP image and influence resources can be distributed step by step, becoming a big selling point for multiple live broadcast rooms.

seems to kill two birds with one stone. It not only solves the cost pain point, but also saves manpower and resources to a certain extent.

For celebrities, a recorded video can be played over and over once and for all. For merchants, it can greatly reduce the cost of carrying goods, and more clones can generate more revenue.

However, saving time and effort does not necessarily mean it is a good business.

The criterion for judging a good business is not simply "profitable", nor is it the temporary "faster, more economical" or "once and for all". More importantly, as a business behavior, whether sustainability is a win-win situation for both businesses and consumers. The reason why

's live broadcast of goods can successfully attract fans is that during the live broadcast, whether it is a celebrity or an anchor, "someone" will take the initiative to consider the feelings of consumers.

explains and recommends products according to consumers' needs. This kind of intimate interaction with real people not only makes consumers have a better shopping experience, but also allows celebrities to accumulate good reputations.

In contrast, sliced ​​live broadcast is closer to the effect of an "unmanned" live broadcast. For users, it is more like early shelf e-commerce, blurring the boundary between live broadcast and shelf e-commerce.

From the perspective of consumers, what is worrying is that a piece of authorization allows clones to be seen everywhere. After authorization, people often turn a blind eye to their responsibilities.

Some celebrities use "live slicing" to license crazy products and earn a lot of commissions, then choose to "burn bridges", regardless of the quality of the products, and blindly "pass the blame" when problems arise.

In addition to being suspected of deceiving consumers, the cutout operation of "live slicing" also involves complex intellectual property rights and consumer rights protection, which should attract the attention of relevant institutions, merchants and anchors.

It’s easy for celebrities to be cloned. Whether “slicing” is a good business ultimately depends on whether consumers pay for it.

Product quality, channel guarantee, and effect promotion must treat "real people" and "dummy people" equally. Once quality problems, exaggerated publicity, or fraud occur, if they endanger the interests of consumers, they must bear corresponding responsibilities and consequences.

Source: Beijing Business Daily

Tags: entertainment