The third season of the male full-time parenting reality show "Daddy's Home" (hereinafter referred to as "Daddy's Home 3"), which was rated 8.3 and 9.2 on Douban respectively for the first two seasons, officially launched on Mango TV on March 31. This season's program focuses on

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The third season of the male full-time parenting observation reality show "Daddy's Home" (hereinafter referred to as "Daddy's Home 3"), which was rated 8.3 and 9.2 on Douban respectively for the first two seasons, was officially launched on Mango TV on March 31. This season's program focuses on the daily life of four fathers from different industries who take care of their children full-time, and invites the previous observers Li Ai , Li Chengxuan , Ying Caier , Wei Chen , and Zhang Yalian to return to discuss and share what fathers bring to their families. baby's experience. In the first episode of the program, topics such as how to reconcile differences in parenting concepts with your partner and how new fathers take their children to see a doctor became the objects of sympathy and heated discussion among observers.

"Daddy's Home 3" chief director Randy said in a recent interview with the media that choosing fathers with different professional attributes as amateur guests this season is to let the audience see fathers from different industries missing their family life due to various jobs. , let’s go back to how families take care of their children. Due to this "top-level logic", "Daddy's Home 3" is different from the previous two seasons through online and offline registration and social platform casting. It first sought cooperation with companies and enterprises, and encountered great difficulties in casting. Directors often get hung up on as liars. Fortunately, we finally gained the other party's trust and support.

Dads from different industries bring the freshness of reality shows

"Daddy 3" selected retired soldier Chang Jiong, seaman first mate Zhao Zhiyuan, train driver Wu Yi, and full-time father Yang Yongcong as amateur guests to show their daily life of raising children full-time. For example: Baxi, the 5-year-old son of retired soldier father Chang Jiong, grew up to be a crying mysophobic boy under the extremely meticulous care of his family. He realized that his previous absence had left his son with a lack of strength and relaxation in his character, so he decided to become Baxi's "squad leader" and reshape his son's education by leading troops. At the end of the day, Baxi has made significant progress in listening to orders, but Chang Jiong often laments that raising a child is more difficult than leading a soldier...

The third season of the male full-time parenting reality show 'Daddy's Home' (hereinafter referred to as 'Daddy's Home 3'), which was rated 8.3 and 9.2 on Douban respectively for the first two seasons, officially launched on Mango TV on March 31. This season's program focuses on  - Lujuba

Chang Jiong and his son Baxi.

Randy said that the reason why dads from different industries are chosen as amateur guests this season is to bring the freshness of reality shows to the audience. On the one hand, it allows the audience to see how fathers from different industries take care of their children when they return to the family after missing their family life due to various jobs. "We want to tell new stories to the audience," Randy said. On the other hand, these fathers each have different professional skills and attributes. How they use their professional skills to raise their children, the program team also hopes to use this to present a new way of parenting to the audience. "I hope the audience will have more thoughts after watching this."

The third season of the male full-time parenting reality show 'Daddy's Home' (hereinafter referred to as 'Daddy's Home 3'), which was rated 8.3 and 9.2 on Douban respectively for the first two seasons, officially launched on Mango TV on March 31. This season's program focuses on  - Lujuba

Yang Yongcong with his daughter Mo Yi and son Mo Xi.

The company started to select guests, and the casting director was regarded as a liar

From the first season to the third season, the first criterion for the selection of "Daddy's Home" is that the guest must have "real driving force" - that is, the guest must have I want to be a good father; secondly, every season of the show hopes to give the audience a different sample and see some loving and interesting family life. Randy revealed that the first two seasons of "Daddy's Home" used traditional casting methods. The program team started online and offline registration and recruited on social platforms to find suitable candidates. In the third season, because we hope to focus on fathers from different industries, the difference in "top-level logic" led to the casting method of this season being different from the previous two seasons. This season's program team took the lead in contacting companies and enterprises, hoping to cooperate with them to find suitable guests.

Randy said that this was also the first time that the "Daddy's Home" program team tried this "non-traditional" casting method, but encountered considerable difficulties in the first half of the month of casting. "I have called casting directors, but companies often think they are scammers and hang up immediately. I send various messages and emails without getting a response." Therefore, casting directors can only keep trying through different channels. Establish contact with various companies and units, and then send work certificates and other materials to prove your identity to the other party. Fortunately, after gaining trust, these enterprises and companies gave the program team a high degree of support and help in casting, providing family stories from different industries."Thank you very much for your support! We have a very long list of thanks for the ending subtitles of 'Advanced Planning' that we broadcast a few days ago."

Beijing News reporter Yang Lianjie

editor Tong Na

proofreader Li Lijun

Tags: entertainment