"How are you guys? I am CoCo Coco Lee. From the moment I left this world, I have always felt your endless love and support..." Coco Lee, who died 9 months ago, was "resurrected" by netizens using AI . She sat in front of the camera and spoke heartwarming words to her fans. Howeve

entertainment 3999℃

"How are you? I am coco Coco Li. From the moment I left this world, I can always feel your endless love and support..."

Li Coco, who died 9 months ago, was "resurrected" by netizens using AI "Yes." She sat in front of the camera and spoke heartwarming words to her fans. However, a statement from Coco Lee's mother brought people back to reality and allowed them to see the other side of AI's "resurrection": illegal profit-making in the name of warmth, taking the opportunity to sell AI services, and maliciously repost and divert traffic to promote personal business. On March 30, Guangdong Menghai Law Firm, entrusted by Min Li's mother, told Nandu and n video reporters, "We are fixing evidence and taking legal channels."

With the Qingming Festival approaching, AI "resurrecting" the dead has become a hot business. A Nandu reporter's investigation found that on some e-commerce platforms, there are many merchants doing AI "resurrection" business, with product prices ranging from a few yuan, dozens of yuan to hundreds or even thousands of yuan. When AI is “resurrected” and becomes a business, what ethical controversies and legal challenges will it bring? What difficulties does supervision face?

'How are you guys? I am CoCo Coco Lee. From the moment I left this world, I have always felt your endless love and support...' Coco Lee, who died 9 months ago, was 'resurrected' by netizens using AI . She sat in front of the camera and spoke heartwarming words to her fans. Howeve - Lujuba

The video of "AI resurrects Coco Lee" caused controversy.

Coco Lee was "resurrected"

"How are you, I am coco Coco Lee, I know you may be surprised, even a little unreal. From the moment I left this world, I can always feel your endless love Love and support..." "Coco Lee" in the

video sat in front of the camera and spoke heartwarming words to her fans. This "realistic" video was actually generated by AI and was widely shared on social platforms.

On March 28, Guangdong Menghai Law Firm issued a lawyer’s statement on behalf of Min Li’s mother. The statement stated that based on the available evidence, some Internet users have recently used Coco Lee's portrait to produce and publish a series of short videos "AI Resurrection of Coco Lee" without the consent of Coco Lee's close relatives, illegally making profits in the name of warmth, and taking the opportunity to sell AI. Services, malicious reposting, and traffic promotion for personal business.

Attorney's Statement. The

statement pointed out that the widespread dissemination of such videos has caused serious interference to the work and life of the client and his family, and has also brought huge psychological impact and secondary harm to the client and his family who were already in deep pain. . The

statement solemnly warns those suspected of infringement to remove and delete relevant pictures, videos and articles containing the above infringing content within 7 days from the date of the statement, and immediately stop carrying out corresponding infringement activities.

Recently, reporters from Nandu searched for videos of AI "resurrecting" Coco Lee on social platforms and found that most of the videos have been taken down, but a few videos still exist. Some videos like

are so realistic that netizens in the comment area lamented that it was "difficult to tell the truth from the false." Some of them are crudely produced, with "Coco Lee" talking to the camera about chicken soup for the soul, with stiff expressions and movements, and varying speeds of speech.

On March 30, staff from Guangdong Menghai Law Firm told Nandu reporters, "We are fixing evidence and taking legal channels."

ai was "resurrected" into a business

It's not just Coco Lee.

Late celebrities who have been "resurrected" by AI include Gao Yixiang and Qiao Renliang. Their families, without exception, said they could not accept this.

"They did not ask for our consent, which is exposing scars." Qiao Renliang's father said in an interview with the media.

Godfrey Gao’s family also stated that they severely condemn and resolutely resist this behavior. If the infringement is not stopped immediately, legal action will be taken.

'How are you guys? I am CoCo Coco Lee. From the moment I left this world, I have always felt your endless love and support...' Coco Lee, who died 9 months ago, was 'resurrected' by netizens using AI . She sat in front of the camera and spoke heartwarming words to her fans. Howeve - Lujuba

Qiao Renliang was "resurrected" by AI.

Unlike Internet bloggers who use AI to “resurrect” dead celebrities, there are also many people who use AI to “resurrect” their deceased relatives. Well-known Taiwanese musician Bao Xiaobai previously shared an AI-generated video of his deceased daughter on his personal social platform, which attracted widespread attention.

'How are you guys? I am CoCo Coco Lee. From the moment I left this world, I have always felt your endless love and support...' Coco Lee, who died 9 months ago, was 'resurrected' by netizens using AI . She sat in front of the camera and spoke heartwarming words to her fans. Howeve - Lujuba

Bao Xiaobai used AI to "resurrect" his daughter.

Behind more and more cases, the "resurrection" of AI is becoming a business.

Nandu reporters searched on the e-commerce platform and found many merchants doing AI "resurrection" business. This type of business focuses on creative AI "resurrection" photos, with prices ranging from ten yuan to hundreds of yuan.

Nandu reporter consulted one of the merchants who sells creative AI "resurrection" photos. After clicking on the link with a price of 10 yuan to contact customer service, the other party said that the specific price will be determined based on the photos and requirements, and the effects they can achieve include "making Make the photo move” and “Let the photo speak”. AI "resurrection" advertising on the

e-commerce platform.

The e-commerce merchant said that if you want to "move" the photo, you only need to provide a front-facing photo, which takes 6-7 seconds. If you want your photos to "speak", you must provide a front-facing photo and customized text, and the price is based on the length of the video.

There are two forms of photo speaking voices to choose from. One is to use the commercially available Mandarin voice, and the timbre is not selectable; the other is to restore the original sound, which requires sufficient audio collection. The price per unit time is about three times that of the first form. .

Another e-commerce merchant sells an AI digital human software. After installation, you can import frontal photos to let it "speak".

Nandu reporter consulted the merchant, and the merchant said that the software can only directly synthesize imported photos and recorded audio. If you need sound cloning, you can purchase another AI sound cloning software in the store. If the two softwares are purchased together, the total price will not exceed 40 yuan, and they can be used permanently and unlimitedly.

In addition, AI face-changing software is also very common on e-commerce platforms.

Nandu reporters searched on the e-commerce platform and found that these software are mostly shipped in the form of network disks, with prices ranging from a few yuan to more than ten yuan. However, the product pages of the AI ​​​​face-swapping software are almost not marketed as "resurrecting" relatives. In the comment area of ​​

, a "one-click face-changing" software, a total of 6 buyers posted renderings, all of which replaced the faces in the pictures with celebrity faces.

Supervision faces difficulties

ai face-changing technology has been controversial since its inception. Cases of using AI to change faces and infringing on the rights of others are not uncommon.

On August 10, 2023, the Ministry of Public Security reported the effectiveness of public security agencies nationwide in cracking down on illegal and criminal acts that infringe on citizens’ personal information. Data shows that since the "Network Cleanup" special operation in 2020, 79 cases involving "AI face-changing" have been uncovered and 515 suspects have been arrested.

'How are you guys? I am CoCo Coco Lee. From the moment I left this world, I have always felt your endless love and support...' Coco Lee, who died 9 months ago, was 'resurrected' by netizens using AI . She sat in front of the camera and spoke heartwarming words to her fans. Howeve - Lujuba

ai face-changing technology is controversial. Picture courtesy of ic

Nandu reporter learned that for generative AI, regulatory authorities have issued relevant regulations in recent years. On December 11, 2022, the "Regulations on the Management of Deep Synthesis of Internet Information Services" was released, emphasizing that deep synthesis service providers need to prominently mark deep synthesis content.

On July 10, 2023, the "Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services" (hereinafter referred to as the "Interim Measures") were issued.

clearly stated that when providing and using generative artificial intelligence services, the legitimate rights and interests of others should be respected, the physical and mental health of others should not be harmed, and the right to portrait, reputation, honor, privacy and personal information rights of others should not be infringed.

The "Interim Measures" also emphasize that generative artificial intelligence service providers should use data and basic models from legal sources and must not infringe the intellectual property rights enjoyed by others in accordance with the law. If personal information is involved, they must obtain individual consent or comply with laws and administrative regulations. Other circumstances specified by regulations.

Due to the anonymity of illegal providers or users and the replicability of AI face-changing products themselves, the supervision of the AI ​​generation industry still faces difficulties. A practitioner of

admitted to Nandu reporters that there is currently no industry standard for the AI ​​"resurrection" industry of the dead, and they cannot thoroughly screen for illegal use. "We can only judge whether we believe their stories by asking about their motives and seeking verification from multiple parties."

Nandu reporters consulted a number of businesses that operate creative AI "resurrection" photos and found that some of them will emphasize "no facial recognition" before providing services. , do not do illegal activities, can only be used to commemorate."

Some stores emphasized in their statements, "It must not be used for commercial or illegal purposes, otherwise the user will be responsible for all consequences." There are also merchants selling AI video face-changing software that do not mention any restrictions on use, and their store pages show that the software More than 100 people have paid.

Ethical and Legal Dilemma

ai Behind the suspension of the "resurrection" of Coco Lee, an unavoidable question is: how to clarify the ethical boundaries and set a good bottom line for AI technology while developing it, so as to ensure that the industry moves forward on a healthy track. OK?

Shantao, director of the Management Committee of Guangdong Guangxin Junda Law Firm and a doctor of law, has long focused on researching legal issues in the field of artificial intelligence.

He told Nandu reporters that from the perspective of infringement, according to the relevant provisions of my country's Civil Code, AI's "resurrection" of Li Min is not only suspected of infringing on the personality rights such as portrait rights and reputation rights related to the deceased, but also suspected of infringing on the personal rights of the deceased. Personal rights related to information. The "resurrection" of

ai involves the application of facial information, and the reasons for its exemption are clearly stipulated in laws and regulations.

The Supreme People's Court issued the "Regulations on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Civil Cases Related to the Use of Facial Recognition Technology to Process Personal Information", which clarified that five types of behavior are grounds for exemption.

respectively process facial information in response to public health emergencies, or when necessary to protect the life, health and property safety of natural persons; in order to maintain public safety, facial recognition technology is used in public places in accordance with relevant national regulations. processing facial information within a reasonable scope for the purpose of news reporting, public opinion supervision and other activities for the public interest; processing facial information reasonably within the scope of the consent of natural persons or their guardians; other circumstances that comply with laws and administrative regulations.

"AI 'resurrection' can be used if it is legal and compliant." Shantao gave an example. For example, during the filming of a certain film, the male protagonist died accidentally. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the filming, after going through a series of legal and compliant steps, the film used AI "resurrection" to successfully complete the filming and release.

"However, if AI 'resurrection' is abused, it will not only cause harm to the parties and their relatives and friends, but may also endanger social and public order, violate public morals and public order and good customs, and even be used by lawless elements to engage in illegal and criminal activities."

"ai 'Resurrection' has brought new challenges to the law. "Shan Tao believes that the "resurrection" of AI is still a new thing. Our country has already established a corresponding legal and regulatory framework, but there is still room for further refinement. At the same time, it is based on AI." The pros and cons of "resurrection" "involve the psychological feelings of the general public and social ethics and moral issues, and it is difficult for the law to make blanket provisions."

Shantao said that from the simplest personal point of view and existing legal principles, the "resurrection" of AI should first comply with the clear wishes of the person during his lifetime, and secondly, under the condition of legal use, protect the rights and interests of the deceased, including the deceased. Personal legitimate rights and interests must not violate social ethics.

Produced by: Nandu Instant

Written by: Nandu Reporter Yang Ting

Tags: entertainment