Before the finale, Yu Chuhui fell out of love. From the third season to the fifth season, Yu Chuhui was the one with the best luck. However, from Luo Beisheng to Ma Xiangdong, although there are many suitors, there are none who are happy with them. People you like don't show up,

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Before the finale, Yu Chuhui fell in love.

From the third to the fifth season, Yu Chuhui was the one with the best luck. However, from Luo Beisheng to Ma Xiangdong, although there are many suitors, there are none who are happy with them.

People who like it don't appear, and people who appear don't like it. In the world of love, there are always mistakes like this. In the fifth season, Yu Chuhui met Liu Su, and he felt like an official match every minute.

Before the finale, Yu Chuhui fell out of love. From the third season to the fifth season, Yu Chuhui was the one with the best luck. However, from Luo Beisheng to Ma Xiangdong, although there are many suitors, there are none who are happy with them. People you like don't show up,  - Lujuba

Yu Chuhui is an extrovert, and all happiness and unhappiness are written on his face. Since having Liu Su, Yu Chuhui's world has been filled with bright spring light. Two people go to work together, have dinner dates together, and the dimples on their faces are the unique sweetness of love.

If time freezes at this moment, this may be the sweetest lover in the world.

Unfortunately, in all things in the world, there are never ifs, only results. When Liu Su's parents learned about Yu Chuhui's family situation, they immediately staged a Sichuan Opera drama.

Regarding his parents' veto, Liu Su naturally objected on the spot and argued with reason, but under the joint stranglehold of both parents, Liu Su's objection was ineffective.

Before the finale, Yu Chuhui fell out of love. From the third season to the fifth season, Yu Chuhui was the one with the best luck. However, from Luo Beisheng to Ma Xiangdong, although there are many suitors, there are none who are happy with them. People you like don't show up,  - Lujuba

However, God seems to like to test the crazy men and resentful women in the world. Love always makes people suffer a lot of grievances, and then a good story will come true.

According to our usual thinking, even if parents don't understand, this is just a small episode and will not change the ending at all. With Liu Su's tact and wisdom in dealing with things, he will definitely be able to please both sides and solve the problem.

However, the development of the plot was disappointing. After his parents raised objections, Liu Su made an appointment with Yu Chuhui and then broke up. After Liu Su's operation, all goodwill was lost.

Before the finale, Yu Chuhui fell out of love. From the third season to the fifth season, Yu Chuhui was the one with the best luck. However, from Luo Beisheng to Ma Xiangdong, although there are many suitors, there are none who are happy with them. People you like don't show up,  - Lujuba

Yu Chuhui before saw how sweet Liu Su felt, and how annoyed he felt now.

Compared with Ma Xiangdong, Liu Su's biggest advantage is that he has a mouth. For men and women in love, a long mouth is a rare bonus. In the process of getting along with each other, there will inevitably be bumps and tumbles, but as long as the truth is told and the truth is revealed, there is often no problem that cannot be overcome.

Liu Su's advantage is that he has one mouth, but his disadvantage is that he only has one mouth.

On the night of the breakup, Yu Chuhui, who was drunk late at night, once said to Stanley Ho, " I hate people who talk nonsense the most. He leads me to think about this and that from morning to night, but when the critical moment comes, he immediately If you retreat, it will not be all in vain in the end.

Before the finale, Yu Chuhui fell out of love. From the third season to the fifth season, Yu Chuhui was the one with the best luck. However, from Luo Beisheng to Ma Xiangdong, although there are many suitors, there are none who are happy with them. People you like don't show up,  - Lujuba

Men like Liu Su are very deceptive.

speaks better than sings when there are no problems or difficulties, and sweet words come out of his mouth. They habitually hold flowers in their hands and put honey on their lips. They always make promises to you, making you so moved that you forget about yourself.

Like Liu Su, a talkative man is keen on drawing pie and drawing blueprints. He always uses words to build a beautiful world for you, so that you can imagine all the happiness when you close your eyes.

However, talking and talking are different.

In the world of gossip, some people are deliberately flattering and concealing things. The reason why they are trying to trick you is to defraud you of money, sex, and everything they want. The purpose and motive of such talkers like

are not simple. If you are fooled, you will often suffer double physical and mental harm.

Before the finale, Yu Chuhui fell out of love. From the third season to the fifth season, Yu Chuhui was the one with the best luck. However, from Luo Beisheng to Ma Xiangdong, although there are many suitors, there are none who are happy with them. People you like don't show up,  - Lujuba

However, compared with such pure liars, Liu Su and others are more lethal. Their commitments are sincere and not overtly utilitarian. However, they tend to overestimate their abilities. Once the time comes to fulfill their promises, they find that they cannot achieve the flag they set.

In real life, we have seen countless such people, regardless of gender, male or female, they always habitually make promises to others, but they have no ability to fulfill their promises.

The way they swear by them can easily capture your heart and make you willing to understand, accept, and believe them. Unfortunately, once you believe his promise, you will eventually be disappointed.

Before the finale, Yu Chuhui fell out of love. From the third season to the fifth season, Yu Chuhui was the one with the best luck. However, from Luo Beisheng to Ma Xiangdong, although there are many suitors, there are none who are happy with them. People you like don't show up,  - Lujuba

For such a person, we must not be soft-hearted and cannot give him a second chance to draw a picture. When you are disappointed, leave firmly and say goodbye to the past.If there is even the slightest hesitation or the slightest bit of reluctance, you will eventually go back to the virtual happiness of Liu Su and others, and eventually fall into a vicious cycle of hope, disappointment, disappointment again, and disappointment again.

returns to the plot of " Ode to Joy 5". When we re-examine Ma Xiangdong and Liu Su, we will find that these good friends performed completely opposite plots.

Ma Xiangdong's parents' objection came first, and Ma Xiangdong's acceptance and persistence came later; Liu Su's own acceptance came first, and his parents' firm opposition came later. The attitudes of their parents are no different.

The same father of Yu Chuhui, the same pursuer parents, in the face of parental authority, Ma Xiangdong dared to resist, persist, and pursue his own happiness; while Liu Su could only tolerate, retreat, and break up with Yu Chuhui.

Before the finale, Yu Chuhui fell out of love. From the third season to the fifth season, Yu Chuhui was the one with the best luck. However, from Luo Beisheng to Ma Xiangdong, although there are many suitors, there are none who are happy with them. People you like don't show up,  - Lujuba

The result of this comparison is simply dazzling.

He Minhong said that worthless love is not worth mentioning at all.

Yu Chuhui is a smart person. She shrugged her shoulders, shook off her unrealistic love, and decisively stepped out of Liu Su's shadow.

She knows better than anyone else that there are many crooked-neck trees in the world, but Liu Su is not the right one.

Tags: entertainment