Text | Diving Fish . Since two weeks ago, Kimi has become one of the hottest topics in the technology circle - it is a domestically developed AI that can support 2 million words of long text, and according to real feedback from a large number of users, the user experience is grea

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text | Diving Fish reply.

Since two weeks ago, kimi has become one of the hottest topics in the technology circle - it is a domestic self-developed AI that can support 2 million words of long text, and according to real feedback from a large number of users, the user experience is better than before Most domestic large models are friendlier.

reflects the popularity of a product, and feedback from the secondary market is most direct. is currently in the secondary market, and companies related to kimi have been regarded as a concept sector, called "kimi concept stocks." includes Huace Film and Television, Zhangyue Technology, Zhongguang Tianze and many other entertainment industry companies are also among them.

"Kimi Concept Stock" Weibo topic screenshot

However, practitioners in the entertainment industry still have limited awareness of it. Whether reading relevant reports or in group chats among practitioners, there are few discussions about Kimi in the entertainment industry. Even last year, which was regarded as the first year of AIGC, was the same. In entertainment companies, the leadership was often more enthusiastic about AI, and the grassroots were always "three minutes hot" in actual daily use.

This is a difficult problem for AI tools at the current communication level, especially for a product like Kimi that is centered on the C-end audience. In the perception of C-end users, except for killer applications like chatgpt, the remaining Everything below has quite a bit of a circle. can explode within a certain circle, and there is a thick barrier between people outside the circle.


, which relies on long text to become popular. Although kimi was released in October last year, it only took nearly two weeks to officially become popular. The cause of

was an announcement released by its development company Dark Side of the Moon on March 18, indicating that kimi can already support 2 million words of ultra-long lossless context and is open to all users for free trial.

What is the concept of 2 million words? The number published by gpt-4-turbo is about 100,000 Chinese characters, and the claude3 context, which also uses "long text" as its selling point overseas, is about 160,000 Chinese characters. As soon as kimi took action, it directly raised the level of "involution" in the country by an order of magnitude. After , major Internet companies such as Alibaba and 360 also successively announced long text processing capabilities of 10 million words and 5 million words. However, the limelight has been stolen.

Based on the usage scenarios of ordinary people, longer text capacity can help some users meet their rigid needs in areas such as paper reading and writing, industry research report analysis, and conference abstracts.

Text | Diving Fish . Since two weeks ago, Kimi has become one of the hottest topics in the technology circle - it is a domestically developed AI that can support 2 million words of long text, and according to real feedback from a large number of users, the user experience is grea - Lujuba

kimi Smart Assistant (page picture)

Although its core "selling point" is "long text", its advantages go beyond that. The free and no-threshold nature of

is a particularly important part. Most C-side users have difficulty accessing chatgpt, and large models released by many domestic companies either require payment or internal testing qualifications. In terms of capabilities, compared with large overseas models,

has better understanding capabilities in Simplified Chinese and Chinese, and there is no need to test the user's English proficiency. In the horizontal evaluation of by some financial and technology media, Kimi also delivered more satisfactory answers than other large domestic models when dealing with various types of long text content. The core question of

is, why is it that a startup company has taken the lead among major manufacturers and achieved such results?

The key is to choose the right track. According to Sina Technology, "long text" is not uncommon in the technical circle and is not as difficult as imagined. The actual reason why major manufacturers did not "involve" before is that long text consumes a lot of computing power and costs a lot, and it is difficult for AIGC products to generate a lot of revenue in a short period of time, and the cost cannot be recovered.

The Dark Side of the Moon had the courage to invest, spend a lot of money to provide free services, and finally gained a reputation in the market. Moreover, this investment is not only reflected in technology research and development costs or computing power support costs. Dark Side of the Moon is also generous in terms of marketing purchases.

According to Sina Technology, the current customer acquisition cost for kimi advertising is about 10 yuan. If the computing power cost generated by user Q&A interaction after attracting new users is included, the customer acquisition cost for each user reaches 12-13 yuan.According to download estimates from third-party platforms, in the past month, Kimi’s average daily downloads on Apple and Android were 17,805. Based on this calculation, Kimi’s daily customer acquisition cost will burn at least 200,000 yuan. Although

looks very expensive, it pales in comparison to the financing currently received by Dark Side of the Moon. In ’s latest round of financing, Dark Side of the Moon received over US$1 billion, with investors including Alibaba, Sequoia China, Xiaohongshu, Meituan, Lisi Capital and other old shareholders following in the investment. After the completion of this round of financing, the valuation of Dark Side of the Moon has reached approximately US$2.5 billion.

As for how to expand its business model in the future and get ROI right, it is still too early to discuss at this stage. Xiaoyu posed this problem to kimi itself, and it listed 7 possible future profit models to Xiaoyu in one breath. This includes both To C paths such as subscription, pay-as-you-go, and education and training, as well as To B paths such as personalized solutions, advertising, enterprise-level services, and technology licensing.

Text | Diving Fish . Since two weeks ago, Kimi has become one of the hottest topics in the technology circle - it is a domestically developed AI that can support 2 million words of long text, and according to real feedback from a large number of users, the user experience is grea - Lujuba

kimi smart assistant dialog box

The technology circle eats meat, but the entertainment circle can drink soup?

Companies that are rumored to have access to kimi have all become "kimi concept stocks", bringing about a series of skyrocketing gains.

Xiaoyu once sorted out the progress of the application of AI by entertainment companies at the end of last year (for details, see ➡️ Entertainment 2024, who is the number one player in AI? ), among which there are many companies listed on the media board that have become "kimi concept stocks".

For example, Huace Film and Television released a change announcement on March 22, which mentioned, "Kimi's model capabilities, application scenarios, and Dark Side of the Moon's technology research and development direction are highly consistent with the industry applications in which the company operates. At present, the company We have maintained close communication with Dark Side of the Moon, but no written agreement has been implemented yet."

Text | Diving Fish . Since two weeks ago, Kimi has become one of the hottest topics in the technology circle - it is a domestically developed AI that can support 2 million words of long text, and according to real feedback from a large number of users, the user experience is grea - Lujuba

Huace Film and Television Announcement Screenshot

This is also consistent with the tone of several other companies, such as Zhongguang Tianze, Zhangyue Technology, Yinsai The groups have all clarified their direct relationship with Kimi.

can't keep up with the hot spots, but it's like a black box. Mainstream entertainment companies all have a highly similar unified approach when facing media questions about AI - pay close attention and actively embrace it. The few that claim to have self-developed AI tools are basically not open source, and it is impossible for outsiders to observe whether they are useful or not. It is also unknown how widely internal personnel use them in daily work. It can only be regarded as rhetoric to deal with stock investors.

For workers in the entertainment industry, they pay little attention to the latest AI trends, unless they are products in a specific circle.

is different from the mainstream context when discussing AI last year. Nowadays, there is a very obvious trend of stratification in the recognition and discussion of AI tools. Last year, chatgpt could be said to be almost synonymous with AI, and other tools were regarded as lower-level substitutes. This year, Kimi is popular in the technology and investment circles. The film and television circles are more concerned about Sora, who can create videos. The music circle has also recently had a new hot item - suno, which can make its own music.

Text | Diving Fish . Since two weeks ago, Kimi has become one of the hottest topics in the technology circle - it is a domestically developed AI that can support 2 million words of long text, and according to real feedback from a large number of users, the user experience is grea - Lujuba

sunoai (page picture)

In theory, the underlying logic of aigc is interoperable. People input instructions, and ai outputs text, video, and audio. However, the level of cognition in the field of arts and humanities is more subjective. Therefore, among a large number of AIs that can generate images and music, whoever produces the results that are most in line with human perception and judgment can easily be judged as " "With stronger technical capabilities", we are more out of the circle in terms of communication. The finished product generated by

suno with one click shocked music critics and music bloggers. On the current video platform, a large number of music bloggers have begun to try the reaction of suno to produce music. It is only a matter of time before the popularity spreads to the C-end.

b website screenshot

combined with Tencent Technology to explain the "positioning" theory cited when Kimi became popular, which means "when consumers consider purchasing a certain type of product or service, your brand can become the first choice they think of." Kimi spends a lot of money to attack "long text", just to make users only think of Kimi when they need "long text". The same goes for with sora and suno. In the future, when thinking about the fields of Vincent Video and Vincent Music, the minds of C-end users will also be occupied by these two products.Although sora can also generate music in , who cares?

You take your Yangguan Road, and I cross my single-plank bridge. The entertainment industry is just like the embarrassing position of the media board in the stock market. When AI sweeps the entire industry, it will be an "atmosphere group".

Tags: entertainment