Southeast Net reported on March 24 (our reporter Feng Chuanye, correspondent Jiang Ying and Wang Zining) On March 23, the "2024 National Art Graduate Education Steering Committee" was hosted by Fujian Normal University and the School of Communication of Fujian Normal University.

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Southeast Net reported on March 24 (our reporter Feng Chuanye, correspondent Jiang Ying and Wang Zining) On March 23, the "2024 Graduate Education Steering Committee for Art Professional Degrees" was hosted by Fujian Normal University and the School of Communication of Fujian Normal University. The National Work Conference of Drama and Film and Television Professional Degree Graduate Training Schools was held in Fuzhou.

Member of the National Art Professional Degree Graduate Education Steering Committee and members from Beijing Normal University, Communication University of China, Central Academy of Drama, Beijing Film Academy, Shanghai Theater Academy, Shanghai University, Nanjing University, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing University of the Arts, China Academy of Art, There are 12 drama and film and television professional doctoral degree graduate training institutions including Fujian Normal University and Northwest University, and 80 drama and film and television professional master's degree graduate programs including Peking University, Fudan University, Zhejiang University, Wuhan University, Jilin University, Xiamen University, and Southwest University. Nearly 200 leaders and experts from training institutions attended this meeting. The experts participating in the meeting actively provided suggestions and suggestions on the revision and compilation of the "Core Curriculum Guide for Master's and Doctoral Degree Graduates in "Drama and Film and Television", and conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on the relevant training work for graduate students in drama and film and television majors.

At the opening ceremony, Fujian Normal University President Wang Changping welcomed the experts and scholars on behalf of the school. He hoped that everyone could speak freely and express their opinions, make suggestions for the construction of drama and film and television professional degrees in the new era, point out new directions for the training of professional degree talents, and inject New motivation. Song Huiwen, secretary-general of the National Art Professional Degree Graduate Education Steering Committee, Wang Haizhou, convener of the Drama and Film and Television Subcommittee of the National Art Professional Degree Graduate Education Steering Committee, dean of the Graduate School of Beijing Film Academy, and Yangtze River Scholar Distinguished Professor of the Ministry of Education, delivered speeches respectively. The convening of this working meeting can provide development paths and future vision for the discipline construction and training of graduate students in drama and film and television majors.

In the subsequent theme forum, the guests contributed their insights to the discipline construction of drama and film and television majors from the aspects of the requirements of the times, subject development, curriculum construction, and training mechanisms. At the

sub-forum, guests combined the 2020 revised "Guidance and Training Plan for Master of Arts Professional Degree Graduates" to discuss the core courses and guidance for master's degree graduates in the three fields of drama, film, and radio and television (including online audio-visual). Actively conduct in-depth discussions on the plan.

In the closing ceremony of the day, Professor Wang Haizhou, as the concluding speaker of the conference, made a concluding speech on the convening of this working meeting. He believed that the exchange of views and collision of ideas among the experts attending the meeting provided a good foundation for the curriculum construction and training of postgraduate students majoring in drama and film and television. Develop innovative ideas and solutions.

reporter learned that in September last year, the School of Communication of Fujian Normal University was successfully approved to authorize doctoral degrees in drama and film and television and first-level disciplines in art. This is an important manifestation of the school's strengthening of characteristics and highlighting its advantages in running schools. Against this background, the institute's hosting of this working meeting is also one of the measures to promote the high-quality development of drama and film and television disciplines and to build a high-level academic exchange platform. At the same time, it also plays an active role in strengthening exchanges and communication between the college and its brother departments, and improving the school's visibility and reputation. In the future, the School of Communication of Fujian Normal University will rely on the comprehensive advantages of normal universities, take the path of differentiated construction and development, explore and establish a distinctive new model of film and television education, and promote the construction of film and television discipline connotations in all aspects, from multiple angles, and in depth.

Southeast Net reported on March 24 (our reporter Feng Chuanye, correspondent Jiang Ying and Wang Zining) On March 23, the '2024 National Art Graduate Education Steering Committee' was hosted by Fujian Normal University and the School of Communication of Fujian Normal University.  - Lujuba

The 2024 National Drama and Film and Television Professional Degree Graduate Training Institutions Work Conference will be held in Rong (Photo courtesy of Fujian Normal University)

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