On April 8, the movie "Crazy Monday" released a poster and trailer, and it is officially scheduled to be released nationwide on April 19. A group of migrant workers trapped in a time loop are in various situations in the process of breaking the curse. The sense of humor and absur

movie 1723℃
The office time loop and big escape fantasy movie "Crazy Monday" is scheduled to be released 419 Duration: 01:38 Source: Movie Network

The office time loop and big escape fantasy movie "Crazy Monday" is scheduled to be released 419 Collapse

Duration: 01:38 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie Network News On April 8, the movie "Crazy Monday" released a poster and trailer, and it is officially scheduled to be released nationwide on April 19. A group of migrant workers trapped in a time loop are in various situations in the process of breaking the curse. The sense of humor and absurdity is instantly full, and the joyful and relaxed temperament is about to emerge. The film is directed by Ryo Takebayashi and co-stars Maroi Wan, Makita Yuji, Nagamura Koki, Mikawa Yusei, Yagi Kotaro, Takano Haruki, Shimada Mooi, Ikeda Ryo, and Uhama Harumi.

On April 8, the movie 'Crazy Monday' released a poster and trailer, and it is officially scheduled to be released nationwide on April 19. A group of migrant workers trapped in a time loop are in various situations in the process of breaking the curse. The sense of humor and absur - Lujuba

Time loop, working overtime in the workplace is useless, everyone has their own unique tricks to break the curse

The movie "Crazy Monday" tells the story of employees of an advertising company who find themselves trapped in a never-ending week cycle in the office. In order to make key people The minister realizes this fact and they must do their best to break the curse and escape the cycle. The finalized poster cleverly displays the film's imaginative setting and joyful and crazy atmosphere. The calendar goes back and forth in the same week, and the clock wanders in an endless whirlpool. The social beasts of the advertising agency can only work in an endless cycle in the same week. The endless projects and endless overtime make everyone collapse. the edge of.

All this seems to be related to a string of emerald bracelets. The key to escaping the time loop is to make the owner of the bracelet, the company minister, aware of the existence of the time loop. For this reason, whether you are a newcomer in the workplace who just wants to hang out every day, a senior planner with excellent business skills who is ready to change jobs at any time, a group leader who is always calling for the girl group, or you can only find a moment of peace from mobile games. A group of workers in the department director's office tried their best to persuade the permanent minister. The office also fell into a state of chaos, but the minister remained unmoved. The sentence on the poster that the time loop cannot be ended unless the boss notices it also puts everyone in a huge crisis. A time loop escape is about to be staged.

On April 8, the movie 'Crazy Monday' released a poster and trailer, and it is officially scheduled to be released nationwide on April 19. A group of migrant workers trapped in a time loop are in various situations in the process of breaking the curse. The sense of humor and absur - Lujuba

The imagination is wide open, showing the fantasy setting. The witty humor resonates with the whole people.

The trailer released at the same time uses a unique way to bring out the humor of the film. The whole trailer opens with the dialogue of the heroine Yoshikawa Shuhai. Yi: We've been repeating this nonstop all week. Everything returns to zero every Monday, and we don’t know when the time loop will end. Everyone’s future is in huge uncertainty, and no progress will be made in the repetitive work. However, the company manager who is the key to escaping the time loop does not agree with everyone's views. He is envious of his subordinates who stay up late and work overtime continuously. He is worthy of being a young man. He does not seem to want to move forward with time, but repeats time every day. Please stop. Bar.

is clearly facing the big crisis of the time cycle but still insists on clocking in to work on time. While trying to save himself from the cycle, he does not forget to submit an advertising plan to Party A. Everyone in the office transforms into an involuntary laborer and is very rich at the same time. Reality resonates. In the end, can the minister accept the fact of the time loop and help this group of hard-working workers break the curse and enter the next week? The outcome of the story is intriguing.

movie "Crazy Monday" will be released in mainland China on April 19.

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