Marvel Studios decided not to develop the "Captain Marvel" and "Ant-Man" series. Many MCU universe movies were unable to break out of the trilogy format. Fans were disappointed with Kevin Feige's decision. "THR" reporter James revealed that the Marvel working group weighed the bu

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Marvel Studios decided not to develop the "Captain Marvel" and "Ant-Man" series. Many MCU universe movies were unable to break through the trilogy model. Fans were disappointed with Kevin Feige's decision. "Thr" reporter James revealed that the Marvel working group weighed the budget for special effects, and Kevin Feige made this decision, which means that Marvel Studios' move was purely helpless. James discussed the special effects budget of Marvel Studios. Taking the first four series of "Avengers" as an example, the Marvel team spent $350 million on special effects. On the face of it, this is a huge number. However, everyone needs to see the return rate of "Avengers" - with the box office of "Endgame" in North America, the special effects budget of the series can be earned back, and this does not include the global box office of the film. When James discussed this issue, he emphasized that Disney's professional team is more important in the evaluation of works.

Marvel Studios decided not to develop the 'Captain Marvel' and 'Ant-Man' series. Many MCU universe movies were unable to break out of the trilogy format. Fans were disappointed with Kevin Feige's decision. 'THR' reporter James revealed that the Marvel working group weighed the bu - Lujuba

At least the third installment of the "Deadpool" series did not fail at the box office, but the film could not meet the budget for special effects. Kevin Feige must "learn from what he sees and learn" and exclude those movies or dramas that he is not sure about. set. The progress of "X-Men 96" deserves attention. Although this is only an animated series, many people are looking forward to the return of this work, especially as the popularity of "Wolverine" has recovered. When will the sequel of "X-Men" Return to the big screen? James is not optimistic that this series can return. The probability of "X-Men" returning to the world has dropped from the original 10% to 2%. Because James believes that "New Mutants" is the last chance for "X-Men". After the film's box office flopped, at least the Marvel team has given up on the live-action series of "X-Men". The probability of the work returning to the public eye will of course be reduced.

Marvel Studios decided not to develop the 'Captain Marvel' and 'Ant-Man' series. Many MCU universe movies were unable to break out of the trilogy format. Fans were disappointed with Kevin Feige's decision. 'THR' reporter James revealed that the Marvel working group weighed the bu - Lujuba

Although James is pessimistic about the prospects of the return of the "X-Men" series, he also admitted that the series still has an indelible place in the hearts of fans. He mentioned that although the box office performance of "New Mutants" is not ideal, this does not mean that the charm of "X-Men" has disappeared. On the contrary, he believes that the depth and breadth contained in this series, as well as its exploration of society and human nature, are still of high value and appeal. James believes that although the Marvel team has given up on the live-action series of "X-Men", this does not mean that the story of this series is over. He pointed out that with the development of technology and changes in audience tastes, there may be new ways to present this series in the future, such as through animation, virtual reality or interactive movies.

Marvel Studios decided not to develop the 'Captain Marvel' and 'Ant-Man' series. Many MCU universe movies were unable to break out of the trilogy format. Fans were disappointed with Kevin Feige's decision. 'THR' reporter James revealed that the Marvel working group weighed the bu - Lujuba

James further pointed out that the success of Marvel Studios does not only rely on a huge special effects budget, but also on its unique narrative method and character creation. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, every character has its own unique background and story, and the interactions and collisions between these characters bring endless surprises and touches to the audience. This deeply rooted storytelling method makes audiences go to see Marvel movies not only to see the special effects, but also to feel the unique emotions that belong to Marvel. It can be seen that when James discussed the special effects budget of Marvel Studios, he also fully demonstrated the matching degree of quality, effects and budget. This was done very well in the "Spider-Man" series, "No Home" The reinvestment and return are relatively balanced, although they are not amazing either, paving the way for the reboot of this work.

Marvel Studios decided not to develop the 'Captain Marvel' and 'Ant-Man' series. Many MCU universe movies were unable to break out of the trilogy format. Fans were disappointed with Kevin Feige's decision. 'THR' reporter James revealed that the Marvel working group weighed the bu - Lujuba

Of course, this does not mean that Marvel can increase the special effects budget without limit. James emphasized that reasonable budget allocation and effective use are key. Marvel needs to find a balance that can not only ensure the high quality of movies, but also control costs and maximize commercial value. This requires Marvel's working team to have in-depth market insights and precise decision-making capabilities. Regarding the future, James said that as technology advances and audience needs change, Marvel Studios needs to continue to innovate and adjust. The special effects budget is only part of it. What is more important is how to maintain its unique narrative style and character charm, and how to continue to attract audiences around the world. This is a challenge and an opportunity.James believes that as long as Marvel can continue to adhere to its core values ​​and innovative spirit, it will be able to remain invincible in the future film market.

Marvel Studios decided not to develop the 'Captain Marvel' and 'Ant-Man' series. Many MCU universe movies were unable to break out of the trilogy format. Fans were disappointed with Kevin Feige's decision. 'THR' reporter James revealed that the Marvel working group weighed the bu - Lujuba

The author (watching movies complacently) believes that neither the Marvel team nor the DC studio dare to make a big splash in special effects, mainly because equipment and technology have advanced too fast. Special effects that have been very high-budget in recent years will become very cheap in a few years, and the president will feel that his film studio has spent money in vain. In particular, AI technology has developed so rapidly that it has almost replaced the role of filmmakers. The budget for special effects in science fiction films is even more trivial. Discussion of this topic requires a long-term and developmental perspective. Moreover, Kevin Feige and James Gunn are both experienced directors, and they must understand the development prospects of the industry.

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