Recently, the large-scale costume fantasy drama "Traveling with the Phoenix" finally made its debut! This time the duo of Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin is simply a dream collaboration! Tencent Video, Mango TV, and Hunan Satellite TV work together to release it simultaneously, so th

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Recently, the large-scale costume fantasy drama 'Traveling with the Phoenix' finally made its debut! This time the duo of Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin is simply a dream collaboration! Tencent Video, Mango TV, and Hunan Satellite TV work together to release it simultaneously, so th - Lujuba

Recently, the large-scale costume fantasy drama "Traveling with the Phoenix" finally made its debut! This time the duo of Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin is simply a dream collaboration! Tencent Video, Mango TV, and Hunan Satellite TV work together to release it simultaneously, so that everyone can enjoy watching it at once! As soon as it premiered, "Traveling with the Phoenix" successfully caught the audience's attention with its unique story setting and Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin's strong CP sense.

The funny daily life of Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin is so full of laughter that you can't help but laugh out loud. This kind of comedy atmosphere is really not found in other fantasy dramas, and it makes people feel happy watching it. Moreover, Lin Gengxin not only has great looks in the drama, but he also plays a funny role, which we have seen before. This time in "Walking with the Phoenix", he played it to the fullest, making people laugh out loud.

Recently, the large-scale costume fantasy drama 'Traveling with the Phoenix' finally made its debut! This time the duo of Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin is simply a dream collaboration! Tencent Video, Mango TV, and Hunan Satellite TV work together to release it simultaneously, so th - Lujuba

Lin Gengxin is a "breath of fresh air" in the Chinese entertainment industry. His unique personality, excellent acting skills, and "integration" with fans make him particularly eye-catching in the entertainment industry. But having said that, there are many stories behind his achievements today!

01 A fruitful acting career

Lin Gengxin was born in an ordinary working-class family in 1985. When he was a child, his family conditions were average, but he was not idle. He would imitate characters in TV series at home every day, bringing a lot of laughter to his family. Slowly, his acting talent emerged. Although he is not particularly outstanding academically, his love for acting is getting stronger and stronger. When he was in high school, he joined the drama club and performed so well that he won applause from teachers and classmates.

However, the path of acting is not that easy. Lin Gengxin has also experienced many setbacks. For example, when he first started working as a model, not many people paid attention to him. Later, he turned into an actor and received a lot of doubts because he was labeled as a "little fresh meat".

Recently, the large-scale costume fantasy drama 'Traveling with the Phoenix' finally made its debut! This time the duo of Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin is simply a dream collaboration! Tencent Video, Mango TV, and Hunan Satellite TV work together to release it simultaneously, so th - Lujuba

But Lin Gengxin has the energy to refuse to admit defeat. He continues to hone his acting skills, participate in various performances and exercises, and strive to find roles that suit him. In this way, he has come step by step to where he is today and has become a high-profile actor.

Lin Gengxin's acting career is simply a drama with ups and downs! At first, Lin Gengxin was well-known to the public for his role as the Fourteenth Prince in "Bu Bu Jing Xin", which is also a very heart-wrenching role. Later, he became popular because of the youth film "My Deskmate" and even starred in a movie. "The Sword of the Third Young Master", the biggest turning point should be the male protagonist of "The Legend of Chu Qiao", and his first partnership with Zhao Liying. Before that, there was a relatively popular drama "My Bargain Queen".

Recently, the large-scale costume fantasy drama 'Traveling with the Phoenix' finally made its debut! This time the duo of Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin is simply a dream collaboration! Tencent Video, Mango TV, and Hunan Satellite TV work together to release it simultaneously, so th - Lujuba

Generally speaking, the works starring Lin Gengxin are very popular, but related to the other actors in the show, their ability to support the show independently is not enough.

02 Unique personality stands out

But the most attractive thing about Lin Gengxin is not only his acting skills, but also his unique personality! On Weibo, he is a "little master of criticizing people" and responds to negative comments bluntly. This genuine and unpretentious attitude endears him to fans. He also often shares bits and pieces of his life to let everyone feel his true side.

To be honest, Lin Gengxin is really unique in the entertainment industry! He doesn't pursue perfection and dares to show his shortcomings. This authenticity makes him even more charming. While some find his bluntness offensive, many find it endearing.

Recently, the large-scale costume fantasy drama 'Traveling with the Phoenix' finally made its debut! This time the duo of Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin is simply a dream collaboration! Tencent Video, Mango TV, and Hunan Satellite TV work together to release it simultaneously, so th - Lujuba

Speaking of Lin Gengxin’s relationship with his fans, it’s even more remarkable. He is very good at criticizing negative fans. Sometimes he responds to negative comments humorously, and sometimes he directly attacks them back, which makes people laugh. This straightforwardness and frankness have won him widespread support and recognition among fans.

In the entertainment industry for so many years, Lin Gengxin has also encountered many ups and downs. But having said that, it was these experiences that made him tougher and tougher, allowing him to stand out in the highly competitive entertainment industry.

As for the future, everyone is full of expectations for Lin Gengxin. After all, as an excellent actor, he still has huge potential and space to explore.I wonder what kind of surprise he will bring us next?

Tags: entertainment