On the evening of March 21, the famous crosstalk actor Guo Degang updated his short video updates for the first time in a long time and publicly announced that he would start a live webcast in the near future. In the video, Guo Degang was arranging his live broadcast background,

entertainment 4966℃

On the evening of March 21st, the famous crosstalk actor Guo Degang updated his short video updates after a long absence and publicly announced that he would start a live webcast in the near future. In the

video, Guo Degang was arranging his live broadcast background, props, etc., when suddenly an apprentice ran over outside the screen and asked the master what are you doing?

On the evening of March 21, the famous crosstalk actor Guo Degang updated his short video updates for the first time in a long time and publicly announced that he would start a live webcast in the near future. In the video, Guo Degang was arranging his live broadcast background,  - Lujuba

He said he was preparing for a live broadcast. The two masters and apprentices of

sang together and clarified several Internet rumors about him in a relaxed and humorous way.

I believe many netizens have seen a video. Guo Degang said in an awe-inspiring manner that he has "four things he doesn't eat." The first is beef. The reason is that the old cow worked in the fields all his life and was eventually killed for meat. He couldn't bear it.

The second one is the mullet.

On the evening of March 21, the famous crosstalk actor Guo Degang updated his short video updates for the first time in a long time and publicly announced that he would start a live webcast in the near future. In the video, Guo Degang was arranging his live broadcast background,  - Lujuba

The mullet went blind after giving birth. The mother fish could not see the road and could not catch food. The small fish swam into the mother's mouth for feeding.

The third is the swan geese, which come in pairs. When one dies, the other will die alone.

The fourth is dog meat. Dogs are the embodiment of human loyalty and will never leave their owners.

only realized after watching Guo Degang’s clarification video that the videos circulating on the Internet were taken out of context. He was talking about Zhang Tianshi in the storytelling, not himself.

On the evening of March 21, the famous crosstalk actor Guo Degang updated his short video updates for the first time in a long time and publicly announced that he would start a live webcast in the near future. In the video, Guo Degang was arranging his live broadcast background,  - Lujuba

The second rumor is that the Tianjin branch of Deyun Society opened and several tables were set up to invite industry professionals, but no one came.

Guo Degang did not explain too much about this, only saying that it must be a rumor.

There are also more criticisms. Guo Degang's Peking Opera singing has a kind of bangzi flavor. He said that this depends on his personal experience. In the

video, Guo Degang focused on clarifying the rumors that "actors from Deyun Club will not be allowed to live broadcast."

On the evening of March 21, the famous crosstalk actor Guo Degang updated his short video updates for the first time in a long time and publicly announced that he would start a live webcast in the near future. In the video, Guo Degang was arranging his live broadcast background,  - Lujuba

He said that this was not the case at all. Yu Qian, Gao Feng and Zheng Hao of Deyun Club often broadcast live.

Guo Degang should really do live broadcasts to chat with everyone, otherwise rumors will spread quickly on the Internet, and the fake ones will soon become true.

For example, Guo Degang and Guo Qilin are at odds with each other. Dalin doesn’t even have his own bedroom or toothbrush. It’s outrageous to think about it.

Seeing the news that Guo Degang has entered the live broadcast industry, many people thought of his former disciples Cao Yunjin and He Yunwei.

On the evening of March 21, the famous crosstalk actor Guo Degang updated his short video updates for the first time in a long time and publicly announced that he would start a live webcast in the near future. In the video, Guo Degang was arranging his live broadcast background,  - Lujuba

Since last year, Cao Yunjin has successfully become popular through the live broadcast of cross talk on the Internet. After regaining the recognition of the audience and netizens, he quickly recalled his former partner Liu Yuntian to work together to revive the cause of cross talk.

Later, Cao Yunjin’s senior brother He Yunwei and his former apprentices all returned and re-established the Tingyunxuan team.

In addition to live broadcasting cross talk every week, Cao Yunjin also often holds offline performances, but the main market and source of income are still online.

On the evening of March 21, the famous crosstalk actor Guo Degang updated his short video updates for the first time in a long time and publicly announced that he would start a live webcast in the near future. In the video, Guo Degang was arranging his live broadcast background,  - Lujuba

Therefore, when Guo Degang chose to enter the field of live broadcasting, many netizens speculated whether he was deliberately suppressing Cao Yunjin and He Yunwei.

These two people have some grudges with Guo Degang. They were all former disciples of Guo Degang, and were entrusted with important responsibilities in the early days of Deyun Society.

Around 2010, the popularity of Deyunshe touched the interests of some people. At that time, many people in the industry teamed up with the media to carry out an "anti-three customs" campaign, and Deyunshe almost closed down.

On the evening of March 21, the famous crosstalk actor Guo Degang updated his short video updates for the first time in a long time and publicly announced that he would start a live webcast in the near future. In the video, Guo Degang was arranging his live broadcast background,  - Lujuba

In addition to external troubles, there are also internal worries. The departure of He Yunwei and Cao Yunjin gave Guo Degang a huge blow.

Many years later, he mentioned in the show: "No matter what people outside can do, they can't hurt me. What makes me sad is that these disciples who have been raised since childhood want to kill me."

In 2016, Deyunshe The family tree was revised and Cao Yunjin and He Yunwei were expelled.

It should not be difficult for Guo Degang to suppress Cao Yunjin, but he does not have to do so. In his own words, "Children still have to develop outside."

On the evening of March 21, the famous crosstalk actor Guo Degang updated his short video updates for the first time in a long time and publicly announced that he would start a live webcast in the near future. In the video, Guo Degang was arranging his live broadcast background,  - Lujuba

Taking this entry into the live broadcast field as an example, Guo Degang still insists. The actors of Deyun Club are not allowed to live broadcast, but they are not allowed to talk cross talk during the live broadcast.

"Small theaters, large theaters, stadiums, one after another, how can I have so much leisure to talk here, wasting resources and causing chaos to everyone."

You see, Guo Degang entered the live broadcast industry, but made it clear that he will not live broadcast The implication of cross talk is that he will not compete with Cao Yunjin and will not take away his job.

On the evening of March 21, the famous crosstalk actor Guo Degang updated his short video updates for the first time in a long time and publicly announced that he would start a live webcast in the near future. In the video, Guo Degang was arranging his live broadcast background,  - Lujuba

Just as Guo Degang wrote in his reply to Cao Yunjin many years ago, "It is not difficult to stop you. At least for now, no one has offended me because of you."

But Guo Degang did not do this.

After watching Guo Degang's video, my only impression is that he is getting older. The feeling of coldness and retaliation in the past is gone, and what appears on his face is a kind and kind look.

On the evening of March 21, the famous crosstalk actor Guo Degang updated his short video updates for the first time in a long time and publicly announced that he would start a live webcast in the near future. In the video, Guo Degang was arranging his live broadcast background,  - Lujuba

Cao Yunjin and He Yunwei held a live broadcast two days ago. They talked about the old things when they performed at Deyun Society. When they mentioned their former mentor, they all called him "Teacher Guo". I think it is very good, at least it is a kind of friendship. signal of.

If possible, I hope that the master and the apprentice can talk to each other again and again, and there will be no unsolvable knots.

Tags: entertainment