Yangzi Evening News, March 21 (Correspondent Li Yayuan, Reporter Wan Lingyun) In the Internet era, some self-media, for the sake of "fans" and "traffic", are sensationalizing and have no bottom line, posting some catchy images to "touch the porcelain" The public security organs,

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Yangzi Evening News, March 21 (Correspondent Li Yayuan, reporter Wan Lingyun) In the Internet era, some self-media are sensationalizing for the sake of "fans" and "traffic", without any bottom line, and post some catchy images to "touch the porcelain". "Public security organs, fearing that the world will not be in chaos, will always be "oh my life", seriously disrupting public order and causing negative social impact.

Yangzi Evening News, March 21 (Correspondent Li Yayuan, Reporter Wan Lingyun) In the Internet era, some self-media, for the sake of 'fans' and 'traffic', are sensationalizing and have no bottom line, posting some catchy images to 'touch the porcelain' The public security organs,  - Lujuba


html On the 21st, Zhenjiang Jingkou police introduced that in March this year, Zhenjiang local food celebrity Xiaoma (pseudonym), in order to attract the attention of netizens and gain traffic, made up a "script" based on the background of traffic police enforcement on the street, and made up a "script" for the police to "catch him" on the street. Fugitive" and other contents, accompanied by strange expressions. Later, videos involving police rumors were posted on Douyin to ridicule the normal law enforcement activities of the police.

The video quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens, damaged the image of the public security agency and caused negative social impact. According to the relevant provisions of the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China", the Jingkou Public Security Bureau imposed an administrative penalty of 500 yuan on Ma.

Yangzi Evening News, March 21 (Correspondent Li Yayuan, Reporter Wan Lingyun) In the Internet era, some self-media, for the sake of 'fans' and 'traffic', are sensationalizing and have no bottom line, posting some catchy images to 'touch the porcelain' The public security organs,  - Lujuba


Zhenjiang Internet Police warned: The Internet is not a place outside the law. Please always pay attention to your words and never test the law by yourself. When people are really in danger or hurt and need help, the people's police will appear by your side without hesitation.

However, for the illegal activities of fabricating facts and spreading rumors, the public security organs must resolutely crack down on them with a zero-tolerance attitude and never show mercy!

link: Applicable legal provisions

1, Article 25, Item (1) of the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China": Anyone who spreads rumors, lies about dangers, epidemics, police situations, or deliberately disrupts public order in other ways shall be punished with a five-year fine Detention for not less than 10 days but not more than 10 days may be imposed, and a fine of not more than 500 yuan may be imposed. If the circumstances are relatively minor, the offender shall be detained for not more than 5 days or fined not more than 500 yuan.

2. Paragraph 2 of Article 291-1 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China: Fabricate false dangers, epidemics, disasters, or police situations, and disseminate them on information networks or other media, or knowingly knowing that the above-mentioned false information is false, deliberately Anyone who disseminates information on information networks or other media and seriously disrupts social order shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or surveillance; if serious consequences are caused, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years.

3. The Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate's "Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Laws in the Handling of Criminal Cases Using Information Networks to Commit Defamation" (Fa Explanation [2013] No. 21) Article 5: Fabricating false information, or knowingly fabricating false information Anyone who disseminates information on information networks, or organizes or instructs people to disseminate information on information networks, causing trouble and causing serious disorder to public order, shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of Article 293, Paragraph 1, Item (4) of the Criminal Law. Convicted and punished for the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

4. Article 293 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China" [The crime of picking quarrels and provoking troubles] Anyone who commits one of the following acts of picking quarrels and provoking troubles and disrupts social order shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years, criminal detention or surveillance: causing trouble in public places, Causing serious disorder in public places.

Proofreading by Sheng Yuanyuan

(Source: Yangtze Evening News)

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