Flying over the lunatic asylum

movie 251℃
The movie that

is going to talk about today has been watched for a long, long time, but now it feels very consistent with my current portrayal, so I will take it out and look at it and just say it!

, after all, flying over is very simple, but there are many reasons that seem to be impossible for us to fly over. Although it seems unreasonable, it has always affected our development and overflight. Slowly we stayed here, and finally changed. Become a habit! The main point of the movie

is to tell the story of a group of "lunatics", which reminds me of the advertisement when Jobs accepted Apple, because the "lunatics" here are too normal!

Flying over the lunatic asylum - Lujuba

Actually, the mental hospital seems to be very far away from the lives of most of us. After all, we are still normal people, so we don’t know much about all this, and we don’t know much about it. The mental hospital here is to avoid even talking. And far away, how can there be understanding?

only occasionally, we will see their shadows in some film and television literature, in most cases, in real life, we rarely have the opportunity to understand the mental patients and their lives in the mental hospital!

In the movie, what we see does not look like mental patients, but all adults with intellectual disabilities. After all, they don’t look mentally, but if they are mentally disabled, then what they say is so. It’s too early in the square, so I don’t feel that it is a mental patient, and it really makes my second-born monk confused!

Every morning, after the melodious music is played, the patients line up to receive and take the medicine one by one, and then start a new day of life. They don’t need to work, they can chat and play cards, etc., but in the afternoon, the head nurse Will lead everyone to a group conversation for the purpose of communication and treatment...

does not feel like a mental hospital, but like a school, in an orderly manner!

just, here will confine your mind, and then confine your body!

Many people may feel that the body should be imprisoned, and then the mind, after all, we feel this way now!

but actually?

What we are imprisoned is still our thoughts, it is our thoughts that make our bodies unable to move!

Whether it is us or the mental hospital, they can go out but not, I will explain later!

Psychiatric hospital has strict rules and order. Patients take care of patients as patients, while head nurses and guards maintain order as rulers. Everyone performs their duties and lives in peace, but if someone is not obedient , It will give you "treatment" (in the movie, everyone knows what the meaning of this treatment is)... The film

was shot in 1975 and adapted from the novel of the same name in 1962. The lunatic asylum in the movie is about the United States. Some of the real conditions in the lunatic asylum were revealed in the decade. The protagonist McMurphy was sent to the psychiatric hospital for observation and control because of fighting and making troubles and disobeying management!

His appearance is quite interesting. Experts have different opinions on whether he is mentally ill, but they all agree that he is a dangerous man!

McMurphy kissed the policeman who escorted him and walked into the mental hospital happily!

He ignored the advice and insisted on talking to a deaf and mute Indian chief. He recklessly discussed with the head nurse whether the volume of the music can be turned down so as not to affect everyone's normal speech!

He led everyone to vote together to fight for the right to watch the game. He even carried a large number of lunatics to escape the lunatic asylum and go fishing!

's smooth and orderly plot, absurd and ridiculous dialogue, if the story follows such a developmental context, it will be no different from ordinary psychiatric movies!

But the climax of the story was a seemingly normal group conversation, but it broke the tradition of traditional psychiatric movies, and also woke up those audiences who saw the movie as a comedy:

was that group conversation, we all Was awakened!

When McMurphy learned that several brothers around him were willing to stay in such a prison-like place, he was shocked. He couldn't believe that the brothers around him were not mentally ill. They went into this mental prison voluntarily. !

: "You complain about this place all day, but you don't have the courage to go out"!

Later, with his attitude of advocating freedom and daring to fight, McMurphy affected the patients around him, making everyone gradually have independent thinking and want to pursue more rights and morehappy life!

However, in many cases, Mike is still the only one who dares to come out, and there are still lingering fears on the others! This approach of

Mike broke the hospital's so-called routine and harmony, which led to the intensification of the contradiction between the patient and the hospital!

When Mike knew that although everyone understood but he did not necessarily go back to do it, Mike decided to leave by himself, so he directed a night of carnival before escape, but at the end, it became a cruel suppression!

Speaking of this, I believe everyone also knows the profound meaning of the movie called "Flying over the lunatic asylum": it is not difficult to fly over the physical lunatic asylum, and the seemingly thick wall was easily overturned by McMurphy. He also left with his patients. But that spiritual imprisonment and shackles have been exerting magic power on this group of so-called mental patients, and they can't get rid of it!

stay here, or step out to breathe the only air, enjoy the bright sunshine, and accept the baptism of wind and rain. Is it really that hard to choose?

"To bi or not to bi", this Hamlet statement was vividly performed by the director!

The battle between the soul who longs for freedom and fairness and the humble and weak flesh is full of smoke and rumblings on the invisible battlefield! The

movie depicts the United States in the 1960s and 1970s, after World War II. At that time, the United States was in economic depression and lost faith. The Bible was thrown out of the classroom and replaced by natural science! The redemption culture of

was abandoned by secular culture and replaced by the fantasy gold rush in San Francisco. That generation of young Americans was called the "Beat Generation"! Even the desire for freedom, our basic attributes as human beings are also lost in reason and courage!

Sometimes I think, to what extent should this kind of spiritual shackles be firm enough to be considered a patient, and to what extent should it be mild to be considered normal?

When McMurphy told his patients "Hey, you are not mentally ill, you can go outside and enjoy freedom like me", the answer is always "It's not that easy, I'm not ready yet"! The pretext of

seems so normal that I dare not look at it from the perspective of a mental patient. After all, if such a mental patient is considered a mental patient, then we are all too!

eventually removed the frontal lobe for Mike from the hospital. He lost his character and thought, and he no longer expressed desire for freedom. He would no longer violate any regulations of the hospital. He became a perfect patient!

At this time, the chief finally waited for the return of his brother. He kept trying to wake Mike and then leave together, but Mike could no longer answer him, not because he wanted to stay, but because he didn’t. Freedom of choice and ability!

He didn't even know that he was still alive, staying there like a vegetable! Chief

really couldn't bear such a Mike staying here, so he ended Mike’s life, and then lifted up the heavy object Mike had wanted to lift but didn’t lift, and smashed them into the cage that imprisoned them, with Mike’s soul Only run to the distance! This flying

spans two lives: one is from birth to death, and the other is from death to life! The salvation of life by

reminds me of what Jesus said: "Truth is to make people truly free, and true freedom must pay the true price!"

Sometimes the price may be our own lives!

This also reminds me of those tens of thousands of people who live under the shackles of their spirits. Have they lost the ability to look up at the stars in their daily lives? At the end of

, a "mental patient" laughed wildly!

laughed, laughed wildly, laughed that the impenetrable cage was finally broken!

At that moment, I watched you laugh wildly and burst into tears!


laughed at the ancient and laughed at the present, laughed at each other, laughed at the west, laughed at the south, laughed at

, laughed at his ignorance.

Observe things and objects, observe the sky, observe the earth, observe the sun, and observe the moon,

observe up and down, and observing others are always high and low

Tags: movie