Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. "Walking with the Phoenix" is a hit. Next door, "Little Days" is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo

entertainment 9176℃

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

copywriting | Yi Xing

editor | Nanfeng

popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, all-round data exploded, Zhao Liying returned to ancient idols and once again ignited the audience.

" and Feng Xing " is very popular.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

While " Little Days " was airing in full swing next door, and various bloody plots aroused heated discussion, Hunan Satellite TV was able to return to the top spot in the ratings, and the quality of "Traveling with the Phoenix" itself can also be seen. After all,

was able to break 2.2 on the first day. This data is definitely extraordinary.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

Of course, there are also some doubts about this drama. After all, Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin are both 30 years old. It always feels a bit awkward to play ancient puppets again.

When the feature film came, everyone finally felt relieved after seeing the state of the two people.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

Especially the picture presentation is enough to show the care of the production team. Every frame dances on the audience's aesthetic point, and every cut is a famous painting.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

It seems that Zhao Liying has chosen the right script again.

In the past few years, she has switched to dramas, and has been in the limelight along the way. Now she has returned to her comfort zone, and her performances are even more comfortable.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

In the first few episodes of "Traveling with Phoenix", another Mesozoic actor Dong Jie appeared. When they were in the same frame, the audience felt the different charms between the actresses -

Dong Jie

threw away the baggage of image and gained professional acting skills. Highlight

Dong Jie played a guest role as a crazy woman in the play.

said she was crazy, but in fact she just became ill because of longing for her husband. Her husband traveled far away with the army and asked her to wait for his triumphant return. As a result, she died on the battlefield and did not return for so many years.

And Yun Niang has never given up searching for decades.

heard that the male protagonist was good at pinching and calculating, so she barged in without saying a word.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

When she learned that she had not found the wrong person, her expression instantly became overjoyed.

Dong Jie's performance is different from a blindly exciting and explosive performance. Dong Jie's performance is layered.

hugged the other person as soon as they came up, and after getting the answer, her face showed joy again, she was happy.

is also the performance of hot and cold, and the indifferent eyes let the audience directly get that this woman is actually crazy.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

Yun Niang has been dragged out by her late husband's brother. When she comes to the door, her brother gives good advice, but Yun Niang doesn't listen at all.

Throughout this performance, Dong Jie did not use any large exaggerated body language to express, but only made a fuss about his expression.

Compared with the subsequent plot, it makes people more sympathetic to the character of Yun Niang.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

It is also the scene of recognizing her husband. I would like to call it the most glorious scene in the first four episodes.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

At night, under the dim light, Yun Niang sang a ditty alone and sewed clothes expressionlessly. Under the

light, Dong Jie's tired face completely appeared in the camera. Both the scene lighting and makeup were very unfriendly, but she was still completely immersed in the character.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

But the moment Yun Niang saw her late husband, Dong Jie’s eyes suddenly lit up.

She wanted to say something but was too excited to speak. She could only look up and down at her husband in disbelief, while tears instantly burst into her eyes.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

This one-shot crying scene doesn't even have any formal lines, and Dong Jie's acting skills are like a thread that firmly affects the audience's emotions.

Messy hair and yellow-black skin did not affect Dong Jie's beauty. Instead, her eyes were filled with the infatuated eyes of her lover, which greatly surprised the audience.

Plus the rival actors were also online, it was just a small story but it exploded with great energy. I couldn't calm down for a long time after watching it.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

Every small character has tried his best. Dong Jie is definitely a breath of fresh air in today's Mesozoic era.

acted as the voice actor for 85 Flowers, and she was a minor supporting character who was released in the first few episodes. Dong Jie didn’t have many scenes, but she was able to perform the love across time and space so touchingly.

truly deserves to be a member of the Mesozoic generation who has been acting for more than 20 years, and his acting skills are completely professional.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

Zhao Liying

God will give you food, and any role is suitable.

From one voice of doubt to another, Zhao Liying never feared or explained. She only relied on hard power to build a good reputation step by step.

Can you still act as an ancient puppet in your 30s?

Facts have proved that not only can he act, but he can also act in a way that makes people shine.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

I saw one word in Zhao Liying's performance -


The most common heroines played by audiences are either loving and kind-hearted, or they are overbearing.

The Shen Li portrayed by Zhao Liying is full and three-dimensional.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

While reading the "Leaf Books" collected by the male protagonist, he read about the poor life he experienced as a child.

Zhao Liying's eyes instantly became moist, and her eyes were full of love and pity, as if she had really seen some touching child.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

When the heroine eats meat, Zhao Liying's eyes can actually be bright.

With a large piece of pork belly stuck in her chopsticks, Zhao Liying took a few bites, her bright eyes full of happiness.

smells so good, it really smells good.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

The big fat meat dripping with oil must not really be stuffed into the mouth.

But with just a few eating scenes, the audience has completely felt the joy of feasting.

was not in a hurry but really enjoying the food. I started to swallow my saliva through the screen.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

What surprised me the most was the moment when the heroine became interested in the hero.

That's right, it wasn't even a specific performance. In just a moment, when she heard and saw the male protagonist's attitude towards her injury, the gentle power seemed to instantly break her psychological defense.

At this time, I seemed to hear a voice in the heroine's mind shouting -

God, why is he so handsome?

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

Later, Zhao Liying had no lines, but she vividly performed the emotion of rolling eyes and secret joy.

The corners of her mouth turned up slightly unconsciously, and her eyes were filled with love when she was attracted by the other person. She said nothing but said a thousand words.

These eyes are really smart.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

In fact, the first few episodes did not deliberately show off the acting skills and drama.

But Zhao Liying was able to portray the plump and vivid heroine very deeply and quietly.

In my opinion, successful transformation is inevitable. This sister's acting skills can bring new surprises to the audience every time.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

Whether she is heroic or innocent, Zhao Liying can show the psychological activities of the characters through changes in expressions.

Maybe sometimes it’s not that ancient puppets don’t need acting skills, but that too many actors without acting skills turn ancient puppets into rags.

Who said that 30 plus can't be an ancient puppet? As long as you have acting skills, you can still portray it vividly.


In fact, Dong Jie and Zhao Liying also represent the current situation of actresses in the age group of the two brothers.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

Dong Jie has acting skills and national character, but her reputation is severely polarized.

As a once-hot little girl, Dong Jie doesn’t have any baggage. She doesn’t care about her image or her celebrity status, and she will perform any type of role seriously.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

As for Zhao Liying, I think if her partner is not Lin Gengxin, she will not accept it no matter how much capital persuades her.

However, once the performance is completed, it will never be perfunctory.

The queen is heroic and valiant, but she is also cute and nimble, and when her little deer bumps into each other, her contrasting personalities are not separated, and the character can be fully presented to the audience without any large expressions.

Copywriter | Yi Xing Editor | Nan Feng Popularity, word-of-mouth ratings, and all-round data exploded. Zhao Liying's return to Ancient Idol once again ignited the audience. 'Walking with the Phoenix' is a hit. Next door, 'Little Days' is in full swing, and all kinds of bloody plo - Lujuba

However, although "Traveling with the Phoenix" has become popular, judging from the current feedback, there is still a certain gap between it and the big hit. We will wait and see whether the subsequent data can expand all the way!


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