Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao "You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?" "Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”….

entertainment 6651℃

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

Copywriter | Titie

Editor | Yellow Cat

"You are carrying my son on your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?"

"Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jin Cao, my legal husband!"

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

I was attracted by this clip.

life drama, how long has it been since there was a hit?

used to be a life drama that featured "bloody chaos". The more violent it was, the easier it would be to make a hit.

However, as the market trend changes, life dramas that easily cure the trend are more attractive to audiences, such as " Little Farewell ", " Little Joy ", " Little Willing ", etc.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

However, in the nearly three years since "Little Willing" was aired, there has not been a real hit.

Fortunately, " Little Days " is finally here.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

's first broadcast ratings exceeded 2.2, ranking among the top in popularity, and it seems to be another blockbuster movie pre-ordered.

The actors are strong and the performances are brilliant

"Little Days" tells the story of how a young couple in the new era can break through the siege of life and gain happiness under the coercion of their parents.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

In the story, there are constant horse-grabbing plots, house buying and selling, intergenerational disputes, and the competition between two families exposes the beauty of love and faces the real marriage. The rhythm of

is relaxed and relaxed, showing various aspects of life with laughter and tears. The audience will not be able to get out after watching it.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

The most intuitive highlight of "Little Days" comes from the actor level.

Let’s talk about the male protagonist Chen Xiao first.

Chen Xiao is a famous handsome man in ancient costumes in the entertainment industry. Unexpectedly, he performed so well in modern dramas.

Zhu Jincao, who he plays, has one word all over his body: decadent.

When his mother and daughter-in-law were quarreling, he tried to persuade both sides. After working all day and having to resolve the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, he was exhausted.

He supported the table with both hands and stood weakly. His inconspicuous body movements showed the character's mood.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

The company was having a meeting. Zhu Jincao leaned on his arms and was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes. He checked the time on his phone from time to time and left directly to pick up his children when the time came.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

When he received the child, he carried his daughter's small schoolbag skillfully on his back. When he walked, he was hunched over and listless. He even forced a smile to pretend to be relaxed.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

Chen Xiao's performance is deep and restrained, and the character's fatigue can be felt across the screen, making the audience immersed in the drama.

Let’s talk about the heroine Tong Yao .

This type of urban female role is very suitable for Tong Yao. She previously won Magnolia TV for her role as Gu Jia in " Thirty Only ". Gu Moli in the new drama is also a character very close to Gu Jia.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

Jasmine is a little princess who was pampered and grew up, but after marrying Zhu Jincao, she was often wronged by her husband's family.

Her mother-in-law caused herself to lose a client. She suppressed her anger and wanted to have a good talk, but the other party was unreasonable. Jasmine was so angry that she opened her mouth several times and was speechless.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

When her husband supported her, she sat aside and secretly curled her lips and rolled her eyes, feeling disgusted but also a little proud.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

Faced with the humiliation of her feudal father-in-law, Jasmine no longer cared about her elders and inferiority, and shouted at him, "Why do you care about me!" The suppressed anger in her heart burst out. The role of

was given to Tong Yao, and she chose the right person.

If the other supporting roles weren't so brilliant, I think Tong Yao must be the most brilliant actress in the whole drama.

So how wonderful are the female supporting actors who even Tong Yao was inferior to? -

all have excellent acting skills, and the female supporting actor steals the spotlight

is No. 1, Sarina.

Sarina has created many classic mother roles, leaving an impression on the audience that she is kind and friendly. However, in the new drama, Sarina's role is not very pleasing.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

She is the male protagonist’s mother, and she has engraved the concept of male superiority and female inferiority into her bones.

accidentally discovered that her daughter-in-law had a hotel invoice in her bag. Without saying a word, she rushed to her daughter-in-law's company to make a fuss. She knew that she had made a mistake and still refused to let him go.

slapped the table and stared, gasping for air, chest heaving, pointing at the other person's nose and complaining about the other person's actions, his unreasonable arrogance was vividly displayed.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

As a result, she didn't dare to show off her anger in front of her husband. She even spoke carefully. If the other party didn't tell her what to do, she would just stand there motionless. Her humble appearance made people feel a little distressed.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

Sarina played such a pitiful and hateful role so well that I have to lament that the acting role is too wide.

is second, Yue Hong.

Yue Hong is also an actor who can play any role, whether it is a decent role or a villain, she can easily play it.

In this play, she plays Wu Yulan, the mother of the heroine, a sensible and individual character.

The evil mother-in-law first complained that Jasmine was not. She was not impatient at all and seemed to be smiling, but in fact she was scolding her mother-in-law. Before leaving, she ordered her a free cup of water, which was full of ridicule.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

Seeing her daughter borrowing money from her to buy a house, she remembered that her daughter had been wronged by her husband's family and disagreed. It can be seen that she also felt sad when she saw her daughter's disappointed expression. She quickly stepped forward to please her, her eyes full of concern and her smile full of flattery.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

Unexpectedly, her daughter left without calming down. She was also full of anger, frowning, fiddling with the things in her hands, and her tone of voice when talking to her husband was full of gunpowder.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

The role of a mother who loves her daughter but is somewhat strong is brought to life by Yue Hong. The scenes between her and Sarina are also very exciting. I am looking forward to the performances of these two actors.

ranks third, Yinger .

Yinger is an actor whose acting skills have only exploded in recent years.

In "Imperfect Victim", she played a woman who was devastated by domestic violence. After accidentally killing the perpetrator, Yinger perfectly expressed many emotions such as fear, fear, despair, and performed the deep pain of the character.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

In "Little Days", Ying Er plays the heroine's best friend Shen Liuliu, a sober woman who is financially independent.

My best friend was in a bad mood because of buying a house. She put her deposit in front of him without even looking at it. She gently left the message "I can transfer the amount I want" and continued to drink and eat. Giving money was as easy as giving a garbage bag.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

My best friend was quarreling with her own mother. She came to act as a de-escalator and persuade her best friend to admit her mistake. She looked at the helpless look on her face, shook her head and had no choice but to give up. She couldn't help but nag while eating.

Copywriter | Tietie Editor | Huangmao 'You are carrying my son behind your back, and you are renting a room with someone else. What do you mean by explaining?' 'Then you heard clearly, the person who rented a room with me is your precious son Zhu Jincao. I My legal husband!”…. - Lujuba

It is difficult to play such a perfect role well, but Ying'er played it just right, not being condescending but also reassuring. After watching her performance, I really want a best friend like this.


"Little Days" tells us: when the female supporting role is too stunning, the heroine can go and make soy sauce.

Urban life dramas often test acting skills, because in order to act into the hearts of the audience, it is impossible without some real ability.

I have to say that the acting skills in "Little Days" are definitely among the best among Chinese dramas of the same period. Even Tong Yao, who plays Magnolia, looks dull and less brilliant under the "contrast" of the supporting actors.

The mother-in-law played by Yue Hong, the mother-in-law played by Sarina, and the heroine's best friend played by Ying Er are all wonderful. The scenes between a group of powerful actors are comfortable to watch and enough to immerse the audience.

So, whose performance do you think is better?

Tags: entertainment