Edited by: Zhang Jinhe On March 15, Jiayuan issued an apology statement on its official Weibo, saying that in response to today’s CCTV “March 15” party exposing related problems in our company, Jiayuan has established a special investigation team as soon as possible. Fully involv

entertainment 8112℃

Edited by: Zhang Jinhe

On March 15, Century Jiayuan issued an apology statement on its official Weibo, saying that in response to today's CCTV "3·15" party that exposed related problems in our company, Century Jiayuan has immediately established a special investigation The team is fully involved in relevant investigation work.

At present, we have asked the stores involved in the report to suspend all business activities and fully accept investigations by government law enforcement agencies and the company. At the same time, the company has also launched an emergency verification process to comprehensively investigate related loopholes and problems that have arisen in the business.

Here, we would like to express our most sincere apologies to the majority of users and people from all walks of life who are concerned about Jiayuan! We will definitely conduct a thorough investigation of relevant incidents in a fair and objective manner in accordance with laws and regulations, and will promptly release the investigation and handling results through our official channels after the investigation is completed.

Edited by: Zhang Jinhe On March 15, Jiayuan issued an apology statement on its official Weibo, saying that in response to today’s CCTV “March 15” party exposing related problems in our company, Jiayuan has established a special investigation team as soon as possible. Fully involv - Lujuba

On the evening of March 15, CCTV’s “March 15” party exposed the chaos of many dating and dating platforms taking advantage of age anxiety, fertility anxiety and other pain points to induce consumers to purchase membership services that often cost tens of thousands of yuan. Among them, Zhenai.com, Jiayuan.com, and Baihe.com were all named. It is reported that Jiayuan and Baihe.com have previously announced their merger.

CCTV Finance reported that they have a house, a car, a height, are young and rich, have a good personality, and "there is no threshold for marriage, just be kind"... This kind of marriage and love conditions are very rare in reality, but I didn't expect that they are everywhere on the marriage and love platforms. High-quality opposite-sex resources, zero-threshold attractive advertisements, and conclusive success stories, how can we keep friends who want to find a partner from being tempted?

Is this really the case?

Edited by: Zhang Jinhe On March 15, Jiayuan issued an apology statement on its official Weibo, saying that in response to today’s CCTV “March 15” party exposing related problems in our company, Jiayuan has established a special investigation team as soon as possible. Fully involv - Lujuba

In order to enter the dating website company and gain a true inside understanding. In December 2023, the reporter passed the interviews of many dating companies such as Zhenai.com, Jiayuan, and Love Class, and became a matchmaker and began professional training. There were more than thirty newcomers participating in this training at Zhenai.com. To the reporter's surprise, the main content of the matchmaker's training was "talking skills", and throwing "bait" was the first step.

Zhenai.com call center training instructor: customers register on Zhenai.com, is it just to find a partner? What customers care about most is people. As long as you give people to customers, that's enough.

Zhenai.com call center training instructor: Never hang up the phone because a girl has browsed your information. The girl is 168 centimeters tall, has a good figure, and is very beautiful... Generally speaking, there are one or two advantages. Customers become interested.

love class training techniques are simpler and clearer.

Love Class Offline Store Training Instructor: This girl saw your information and was very interested in you. She asked our matchmaker teacher to call you. It was the girl who asked us to call you.

Employees at Jiayuan offline stores also emphasized this part when sharing their experiences.

Baihe.com Century Jiayuan offline store training instructor: According to the person the customer needs, we simulate a human figure, which is actually to attract customers.

Reporter: Does this person exist?

Baihe.com Century Jiayuan offline store training instructor: does not need to exist.

Edited by: Zhang Jinhe On March 15, Jiayuan issued an apology statement on its official Weibo, saying that in response to today’s CCTV “March 15” party exposing related problems in our company, Jiayuan has established a special investigation team as soon as possible. Fully involv - Lujuba

Lecturer said that creating a "virtual character" is a shortcut for newcomers to get started quickly. The old matchmaker is rich in experience and can piece together stories about any member she has learned about in the past at any time. With such lies and deceptions, reporters can’t help but wonder, what should customers do if they want to meet this unreal “real person”?

love course offline store training instructor: I will teach you how to be round in the later stages of . Come here and you won’t just see this one girl, there are so many girls.

If the "virtual human" bait attracts customers, it will complete the "first step" of sales. The following words were ostensibly to verify the client's information, but what the lecturers asked the matchmaker to do was actually to screen whether the client had money.

Love Course Offline Store Training Instructor: After customers come, you have to check whether they have money. If you don’t have money, you won’t talk to them.

Baihe.com Century Jiayuan offline store training instructor: asks questions through customers’ hobbies, daily consumption habits, Sesame Credit, credit cards, and deposits.

Edited by: Zhang Jinhe On March 15, Jiayuan issued an apology statement on its official Weibo, saying that in response to today’s CCTV “March 15” party exposing related problems in our company, Jiayuan has established a special investigation team as soon as possible. Fully involv - Lujuba

Zhenai.com call center training instructor: praised him and knew his income. If you have money, he will be your intended customer. It is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without straw. For members who have no money, let them go and let yourself go.

"Let him go and let yourself go." It turns out that in the eyes of matchmakers, only wealthy consumers are worthy of their next services. First, the virtual character throws "bait" to lure consumers to take the bait, and then the financial ability is screened. The next thing the matchmaker has to do is to lure you into the urn. Let consumers regard marriage and love platforms as their only hope and block other possibilities.

Baihe.com Century Jiayuan offline store training instructor: We have blocked the customer's work circle, friend circle, family circle, social circle, etc.

Love Course Offline Store Training Instructor: If there are introductions from family and friends in the customer's life, as well as introductions to work groups and social groups, what else will the customer do here? At that time, it will be difficult for him to swipe his card, and his circle will be blocked.

The instructor of Jiayuan emphasized during the training that customers must be treated as "prey".

Edited by: Zhang Jinhe On March 15, Jiayuan issued an apology statement on its official Weibo, saying that in response to today’s CCTV “March 15” party exposing related problems in our company, Jiayuan has established a special investigation team as soon as possible. Fully involv - Lujuba

Baihe.com Century Jiayuan offline store training instructor: Our place is your paradise. Giving him this hint is actually a hunting logic.

Just like this, under the pursuit and interception of the matchmaker, consumers step by step step into the trap set by the matchmaker. As long as you pay, the matchmaker's purpose is achieved.

Zhenai.com Call Center Training Instructor: When we do front-end sales, we must raise the requirements of our members for mate selection. Who is looking for a partner and doesn’t want to find someone better? Only in this way can customers have the motivation to consume. The matchmaker lowers expectations after taking over. How can I find a matchmaker without lowering expectations?

If he had not personally participated in the matchmaker training class within the dating company, the reporter might never have guessed that the enthusiastic matchmaker sitting across from him was actually a performer with a set of skills. According to the requirements of the matchmaker training courses of these companies, matchmakers basically use perfect "virtual characters" to whet their appetites, screen out wealthy customers, and dash customers' other hopes. All this foreplay is to get consumers to pay obediently. .

Baihe.com Century Jiayuan offline store training instructor: To be honest, our quotation is based on how much money the customer can pay.

Love Course Offline Store Training Instructor: The rich customer of quoted 48,000 yuan. You can quote how much you want to sell him. How

charges consumers? The content of the training techniques provided by these companies to matchmakers is much more straightforward.

Zhenai.com call center training instructor: When asking for money in , you must be direct. When I rush to the back in sales, I only have one sentence: "Sister, believe me, open it now, sister, you will definitely thank me." "Sister, you believe me, you believe me, don't think so much, open it now. Sister, you believe me."

Will the training routines of dating companies really be used on consumers? The reporter conducted an experience survey.

Baihe.com Century Jiayuan offline store training instructor: simulates a humanoid according to the person the customer needs.

Zhenai.com Matchmaker: There is a man here, 34 years old, unmarried, 181 cm tall. Graduated with a bachelor's degree, sunny and handsome.

Zhenai.com Matchmaker: Ms. is a manager of a foreign company and is 165 centimeters tall.

Century Good Marriage Matchmaker: This man works in a state-owned enterprise with an annual salary of about 350,000 to 400,000 yuan.

Sure enough, in the initial contact, the matchmakers offered the opposite sex that was very in line with the consumers' wishes, attracting consumers to further communicate with the matchmakers.

Zhenai.com call center training instructor: If he has money, he is your intended customer.

Love Course Offline Store Training Instructor: You still have to see if you have money for .

Century Jiayuan offline store Matchmaker: Does have any debt? How much is a monthly mortgage? You have a credit card, right? What is the amount?

Zhenai.com offline store Matchmaker: Is the quota available for Huabei more than 2,000 yuan? It doesn't take much.

Without exception, when interviewing consumers, matchmakers will constantly ask about consumers' various economic conditions.

Baihe.com Century Jiayuan offline store training instructor: wipes out their hope of finding a partner in life.

love course offline store training instructor: wants to block their circle.

Love Class Offline Store Matchmaker: After all, whether it is introduced by your hometown or introduced by people around you, apart from knowing your approximate age group and appearance, it is difficult to know other information.

Century Jiayuan offline store Matchmaker: In my opinion, the most important thing is that the circle is hindering you, because the social circle here is really not big.

As the trainers said, they want consumers to believe that only dating agencies are their last hope for dating.

The deepest pains in the hearts of men and women are the reasons why matchmakers induce consumers to place orders and pay money. For example, for unmarried men, we need to create dreams and tell success stories; for older unmarried women, we can give members a sense of urgency in terms of childbearing age; for divorced people with children, we can start from the perspective of children, and the earlier they remarry, the easier it will be for their children to accept each other, etc.

If it still doesn't work, there is another trick - "acting promotion".

Edited by: Zhang Jinhe On March 15, Jiayuan issued an apology statement on its official Weibo, saying that in response to today’s CCTV “March 15” party exposing related problems in our company, Jiayuan has established a special investigation team as soon as possible. Fully involv - Lujuba

Zhenai.com Call Center Training Instructor: calls the manager on the phone. This kind of acting should make members feel more real.

Edited by: Zhang Jinhe On March 15, Jiayuan issued an apology statement on its official Weibo, saying that in response to today’s CCTV “March 15” party exposing related problems in our company, Jiayuan has established a special investigation team as soon as possible. Fully involv - Lujuba

Zhenai.com call center training instructor: is full of passion, "Manager, please consult me." When acting, you have to act decently and do the whole thing.

Edited by: Zhang Jinhe On March 15, Jiayuan issued an apology statement on its official Weibo, saying that in response to today’s CCTV “March 15” party exposing related problems in our company, Jiayuan has established a special investigation team as soon as possible. Fully involv - Lujuba

In this Jiayuan offline store, the reporter made even more unexpected discoveries. As long as the consumer comes to the store for an interview, the manager will monitor the content and progress of the interview between the matchmaker and the consumer in real time through the hidden camera in the room.

real consumption experience site: , for you, the money you buy is your own time.

monitoring screen: Maybe you think that I am 22 years old now and not so anxious. But let me tell you, maybe three or five years will pass quickly.

During the interview, when the manager felt that the matchmaker couldn't handle it, he would find various reasons to call him out for on-site teaching and imparting experience.

Real consumption experience site: Mr. Zheng, please come out, I need your signature here, sorry.

Edited by: Zhang Jinhe On March 15, Jiayuan issued an apology statement on its official Weibo, saying that in response to today’s CCTV “March 15” party exposing related problems in our company, Jiayuan has established a special investigation team as soon as possible. Fully involv - Lujuba

Baihe.com Century Jiayuan offline store manager: Reduce the price of when it is time to do so. You must be aware of the current transaction and do not let customers go back and think about it. Use all means, no matter what the reason, don't give customers so many reasons and excuses, and charge whatever amount you want.

’s pre-employment training, from the manager to the training teacher to the trained sales matchmaker, the focus of the career is not to promote a thousand-mile marriage between pairs, but how to use deceptive "words" to lure consumers, the purpose Just for performance commission. When

reporters experienced it, the matchmakers of these dating platforms all promised that the company is a serious dating platform. We will filter out dishonest members and members with serious illnesses to ensure the safety of customers in marriage dating. However, the reality is not so rigorous.

Edited by: Zhang Jinhe On March 15, Jiayuan issued an apology statement on its official Weibo, saying that in response to today’s CCTV “March 15” party exposing related problems in our company, Jiayuan has established a special investigation team as soon as possible. Fully involv - Lujuba

Zhenai.com Call Center Training Instructor: Why do you have to judge ? He said he wasn't married, so he wasn't married.

Edited by: Zhang Jinhe On March 15, Jiayuan issued an apology statement on its official Weibo, saying that in response to today’s CCTV “March 15” party exposing related problems in our company, Jiayuan has established a special investigation team as soon as possible. Fully involv - Lujuba

Baihe.com Century Jiayuan offline store training instructor: To be honest, there are some hidden diseases that we cannot verify.

Century Jiayuan offline store Matchmaker: You can rest assured to leave your happiness to me. You believe me, I will not let your money go in vain.

reporters found that the number of complaints about marriage and love platforms has remained high in recent years, and a considerable number of them are related to the training content of the platform. Fabrication of virtual objects, induced consumption, and lax information review have occurred from time to time.

Tianyancha app shows that Shenzhen Zhenaiwang Information Technology Co., Ltd. was established in May 2004, and its legal representative is Chen Si. Tianyan risk information shows that the company has been sued many times over service contract disputes. It is worth mentioning that Zhenai.com has previously been interviewed by the government due to problems including but not limited to unclear refund rules, unfulfilled publicity promises, and ineffective membership information review.

Shanghai Huaqianshu Information Technology Co., Ltd., an affiliated company of Century Jiayuan, was established in April 2004. Its legal representative is Sun Pengxuan and is wholly owned by Tianjin Baihe Times Asset Management Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Baihe Jiayuan Network Group Co., Ltd. Tianyan risk information shows that the company has multiple legal cases, mostly due to service contract disputes. Administrative penalty information shows that in February this year, the company was fined 600,000 yuan by the Shanghai Yangpu District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau for false or misleading business promotions.

Baihe Jiayuan Network Group Co., Ltd., an affiliated company of Baihe.com, was established in June 2004, and its legal representative is Zhuang Hai. Tianyan risk information shows that in January this year, the company was fined 50,000 yuan for illegal promotions. In April 2021, the company was fined 320,000 yuan by the Beijing Chaoyang District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau for infringing on consumer rights.

Daily economic news is compiled from CCTV Finance, Tianyancha app, and Jiayuan official Weibo

Daily economic news

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