As of March 15, the movie "Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils" has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and "full version" resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it

entertainment 6541℃

As of March 15, the movie " eliminates three evils in one week " has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and "full version" resources are everywhere, this film still relies on its powerful storyline and strong audio-visual impact to become the most "beatable" Chinese film in theaters in March.

As more and more audiences watch the movie, in addition to the crazy performance of "Contemporary Zhou Chu" Ethan Ruan in the film, the familiar faces surrounding Chen Guilin also trigger more and more people. The more attention and discussion there is.

For example, the actor Zeng Peiyu, who plays the role of "Brainwashing Godmother" Xiao Xiangxiang in the film, in her last Weibo message area updated in 2019, netizens played "Pilgrimage memes", and the style of painting is inexplicably joyful, which is also evident to the audience recognition of the role.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

@ 张珮宇peggy Screenshot of the Weibo comment area

Recently, the image of the "Venerable" on the Internet has been made into various emoticons by netizens. Some people split the character's face into two halves, a yin and yang face, and one half of the face can be gentle and elegant. The other half is extremely cold and cold. When he looked at it carefully and took a breath, he was also truly impressed by the actor's ability to portray the character.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

The half in the sun is a smiling face, and the half in the shadow is evil

Let’s take a closer look at the supporting characters in "The Three Evils", from old drama stars like the Venerable and Aberdeen, to doctors, godmothers, police officers and other Mesozoic people. Even young actors like Xiao Mei are all award-winning actors. They all have rich artistic experience and are also blessed by national works. They hide themselves behind their characters like "chameleons", and sometimes they have to be reminded by others before people suddenly realize - it's him!

Let’s take a look at these hidden treasure actors and see how many times you have passed by them in your movie-watching memory.

"Venerable" Chen Yiwen: He studied under Yang Dechang and has been acting as a director for 20 years.

As the most wanted man in the movie, Chen Yiwen must be a well-deserved first and c position in this list of treasured actors.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Chen Yiwen plays the Venerable

Some people say that he looks like a "high-end version" of Jack Ma, and some people can't tell the difference between him and another mainland actor Qian Yi.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Qian Yi has appeared in many domestic dramas such as "The Beginning", "Ideal City", and "Ask the Heart". He is two years younger than Chen Yiwen.

Audiences who like Taiwanese movies will be familiar with Chen Yiwen. He can be seen in almost all the impressive Taiwanese movies in recent years. In fact, he is not only a film actor but also a theater actor, screenwriter and director. His filmmaking background was quite high. Edward Yang, a representative of the New Wave of Taiwanese films, was his leader.

Chen Yiwen was born in 1966 and graduated from the Theater Department of Taipei University of the Arts. When he was studying, Edward Yang was his teacher. In Yang Dechang's movie "The Murder of the Boys on Guling Street", Chen Yiwen guest-starred as the Wanhua Market gangster "Carriage". Hani introduced the carriage to Xiaosi, and "Carriage" finally killed "Shandong".

After graduating from college, Chen Yiwen went to Yang Dechang's company. He served as the assistant director of Edward Yang's "The Age of Independence" and played the important role of "Li Ren" in it.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

After Chen Yiwen played the role of Liren

, a civil servant who was "killed" by everyone in "The Age of Independence", Chen Yiwen also made guest appearances in Yang Edward's movies such as "Mahjong" and "一一".

In 1998, Chen Yiwen wrote and directed his first feature film "Jam", which was considered by critics to be a fusion of the styles of Edward Yang and Quentin Tarantino. Chen Yiwen, who was directing for the first time, also won the Special Jury Award at the Vancouver Film Festival in Canada that year.

In 2000, Chen Yiwen directed and starred in his second feature film "I Want to Die Now". This film was shot almost at the same time as Yang Dechang's "Yi Yi". He also served as the performance director of "Yi Yi" and guest-starred in the building. The role of the guard.

In the same year, Chen Yiwen co-directed the comedy film "Love in the Hand" with Hou Hsiao-hsien's producer Zhang Huakun ("Sad City", "Once Upon a Time in Childhood", etc.).It is said that the heroine Miyazawa Rie was starring in a Chinese film for the first time, and she was invited because she watched Yiwen Chen's "Jam". This film won the Jury Prize at the 37th Golden Horse Awards.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

After "The Love of the Running Hand" poster

, Taiwanese movies fell into a trough, and Chen Yiwen also disappeared from the public eye for a long time.

In 2014, Niu Chengze was filming "Army Paradise", and as an old friend, Chen Yiwen was invited to play the role of Yu Shouzhong. It is worth mentioning that 10 years ago, Chen Yiwen already spoke with a Shandong accent and tortured the soul of recruit Ruan Jingtian.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Screenshots of "Paradise in the Army"

In 2017, he played the role of a high-ranking committee member and high-level politician in "The Great Buddha Plaza" directed by Huang Xinyao. Three years later, he played the same role in "Classmate Mainas" directed by Huang Xinyao, connecting the "Big Buddha Universe". Some netizens said that Committee Member Gao left such a deep impression on people that when watching "Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils", as soon as the committee member appeared, he knew that "things are not that simple."

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Stills of "Buddha Plush"

Although he has always had impressive performances, Chen Yiwen mostly existed as a dazzling supporting role until 2019. In "The Sun Shines " directed by Zhong Menghong, Chen Yiwen starred as the male protagonist Awen, and thus ascended to the throne of the Golden Horse Best Actor. An interesting fate is that the producer of "The Sun Shines" was Zhang Zhen, who first entered the film industry on "Guling Street".

And whether it is his famous saying in "The Sun Shines", "Life is about constantly grasping the time and the direction", or Director Chen's later saying in "Waterfall" directed by Zhong Menghong, "Everyone has an embarrassing past"... these Chen Yiwen The classic roles and lines of "Zhou Chu Eliminate Three Evils" have now inspired netizens to make memes due to the popularity of "Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils".

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Stills of "Sunshine"

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Stills of "Waterfall"

After winning the Golden Horse Award, Chen Yiwen mentioned an interesting past in an interview. A friend once said to him, "If I could only buy one movie ticket, one side would be If there is a play directed by Chen Yiwen and a play starring Chen Yiwen, then I will definitely buy a ticket for the movie you are starring in." At that time, Chen Yiwen talked about his creation as a director and actor, saying that he "has been a director for 20 years, and now I have to Come back and be an actor.”

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Chen Yiwen won the Golden Horse Award

"Aberdeen" Yuan Fuhua: He is "Yin Tianchou"

Taking "Zhou Chu's Elimination of Three Evils" as a clue, it seems to be able to connect the opportunities and past events of many Hong Kong and Taiwan movies.

That year, on the list of candidates who competed with Chen Yiwen for the Golden Horse Best Actor, there was also Yuan Fuhua, who played Aberdeen, the "second eldest brother on the list".

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Aberdeen, played by Yuen Fu-wah, smiles when he plays cruelly with Chen Guilin's rival

"Aberdeen", but he can't hide his murderous and violent temper. He is a cruel and perverted villain, and his behavior towards the younger brothers and women around him They all present a complex personality with twisted psychology and weird behavior.

For a long time, Yuen Fu-wah was a little-known Hong Kong actor. His most famous role was the gangster brother who recognized "You are not a takeaway boy" in Stephen Chow's " King of Comedy ". It is said that Stephen Chow was once interested in letting him play the role of "Amao" played by Wu Mengtat.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Stills from "The King of Comedy"

In fact, Yuan Fuhua's own experience is more like Yin Tianchou in "The King of Comedy". When he was a child, his mother took him to watch "The Streets" to chase stars, and he has been obsessed with comedy ever since. Because his family was poor, Yuan Fuhua dropped out of school early and worked to support his family.

In the 1980s, Yuan Fuhua worked as a clerk in a shipping company during the day and performed in a drama troupe at night. After 1988, he began to become a theater actor full-time, and Stephen Chow also invited him after watching his plays.

For those who love to watch Hong Kong movies, Yuen Fuhua is also a familiar face. Until he was favored by the Golden Horse in 2018, he had appeared in more than 40 movies such as "Overheard", "The Apostle Walker" and "Thirteen Langs of the South China Sea". In recent years, he has appeared in films such as "Bomb Disposaler 2", "Fury: Crime" and "When the Wind Rises Again", but they are indeed small roles.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

"Tress" stills

"Tress" is a landmark work in Yuan Fuhua's acting career. In it, he plays the transgender Cantonese opera heroine "Brother Daling". He has known since he was a child that he is "a boy with a girl's heart." Although his role is also limited, his penetrating performance perfectly portrays the struggle of people with gender identity disorders. moving. This role won him the Best Supporting Actor at the 55th Golden Horse Awards and the Best Supporting Actor at the 38th Hong Kong Film Awards.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Yuan Fuhua won the Golden Horse Best Supporting Actor

The following year, he starred in the elderly gay-themed movie "Uncle Uncle " with Taibao, playing the role of a closeted father. This role also earned him a nomination for Best Actor at the 56th Golden Horse Awards. Then, it was Chen Yiwen, the "big brother on the list" who defeated him.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Stills of "Uncle"

Yuan Fuhua once said when talking about his lifelong experience of playing Green Leaf, "As an actor, if the audience only remembers the character but does not know that the actor is me, it actually means success."

"Chen Police Officer" Li Liren : The "Teacher's Killer" in the super-long Hokkien drama

After talking about the first and second eldest brothers on the list, in "Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils", there is another man who gives Chen Guilin a headache, that is Police Chen Hui. And his actor Li Liren was also "handsome" to many viewers this time.

Li Liren was born in 1974. He debuted as a singer at the age of 23. At that time, some media commented that he was "Little Kaneshiro Takeshi".

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Li Liren's "It's Not Me You Don't Love" (1997) album cover

However, the album's reputation was poor and sales were dismal, so Li Liren did not stick to the music path. In today's terms, he "switched the track" to act.

Mainland audiences should have an impression that in 2003, a magical TV series "Pawn Shop No. 8" hit the airwaves, in which Li Liren played the role of Yang Wenhan, a brain doctor who deeply loves Sun Zhuo.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Screenshot of "Pawn Shop No. 8"

Since 2004, Li Liren has appeared in many long-form Hokkien dramas, including "Desire of Life" with 157 episodes, "Unforgettable" with 526 episodes, and "I Must Succeed" with 201 episodes.

It is worth mentioning that "Unforgettable" is the longest eight o'clock TV series in the history of Taiwanese television. 30-year-old Li Liren plays the role of Wang Shengtian, the second son who betrayed his eldest brother several times. He was also nominated for the Golden Globe Award for this role. Bell Award for Best Actor in a Drama Program.

At that time, most of the audience of the Hokkien super-long dramas were middle-aged and elderly women. Li Liren’s dedicated wife-loving character and handsome appearance in the drama made him a generation of “teacher’s killer”. "Unforgettable" was also broadcast in mainland China back then, but mainland audiences are familiar with Li Liren, probably because he married the well-known host Tao Jingying in 2005.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Tao Jingying and Li Liren couple

In 2011, Li Liren performed in a movie for the first time, playing Ke Jiayan's father in "Chicken Chop Hero " directed by Ye Tianlun.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Stills of "Chicken Steak Hero"

In 2012, Li Liren won the recognition of acting awards for the first time. For his role as Su Taichang in the large-scale epic TV series " The Other Side 1945" co-produced by mainland China and Taiwan (the Taiwanese version is also called "Going Home"), Li Liren won the Golden Bell Award for Best Supporting Actor, and Zhou Yimin, who played his younger brother Su Taiying, also won the Golden Bell Award for Best Supporting Actor. Won the Golden Bell Award for Best Actor.

In the 2014 costume drama "The Legend of Wu Mei Niang" broadcast on Hunan Satellite TV, Li Liren played the role of the deposed prince Li Chengqian.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Stills from "Legend of Wu Mei Niang", Li Liren plays Li Chengqian

Li Liren's role that has been relatively out of the industry in recent years is the gangster ruthless Brother Biao who guest-starred in "The First Light of the Night". He used all kinds of cruel methods against Hanako played by Liu Pinyan, The performance was so bad that it made the audience's fists harden.

By the way, Li Liren also participated in "Waterfall" directed by Zhong Menghong. His daughter was played by "little beauty" Wang Jing, and the new suitor of "ex-wife" Alyssa Chia was played by Chen Yiwen.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

"Waterfall" stills

"Xiao Mei" Wang Jing: the invisible "vase"

Xiao Mei's actor Wang Jing played Li Liren's daughter in "Waterfall", although she was not competing for the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress. She lost out to her mother in the film, Alyssa Chia, in the competition, but she is undoubtedly the most dazzling new star among Taiwan's new generation of actresses in recent years. Regardless of the quality of her works, box office appeal, and commercial value, she is commendable. Remarkable.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

"Waterfall" poster

Wang Jing, who was born in 1998, was sent to the United States to study in middle school. She serialized the novel "Guava Love" on the Internet under the pseudonym Junjun. After the novel became popular on the Internet, it was published offline. At that time, she was 20 years old Only 15 years old, Wang Jing published her second book "Cockroach Philosophy" two years later. She is a truly talented woman.

Wang Jing's acting career is different from traditional actors. She first entered the public eye and was considered an "Internet celebrity". In 2017, a video of Wang Jing singing a cover of "Little Lucky" in a taxi unexpectedly became popular. Her sweet and good-looking appearance attracted countless fans, and she also got the opportunity to act.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Screenshot of Wang Jing singing "Little Lucky" video

Just like the character Xiaomei, Wang Jing seems to have a broken sense of beauty under the camera. Although she looks pure and sweet, the role she plays always seems to be a bit bitter and painful, and she is weak but also unruly and stubborn. Perhaps it is precisely because of this sense of contrast that she stands out from the crowd of beautiful actresses. Even though she has a non-professional background in acting, her interpretation of the role has her own style and level.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Stills of "Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils"

In 2018, in the fourth episode of the unit drama "Your Child is Not Your Child" "Moli's Last Day", Lin Moli, played by Wang Jing, showed her thoughts on the last day before she committed suicide. course. For her first appearance in a TV series, Wang Jing was shortlisted for the 54th Taiwan TV Golden Bell Awards for Supporting Actress in a Mini-Series (TV Movie).

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Stills of "Jasmine's Last Day"

In the same year, the classic idol drama "Betta" was remade into a movie version by director Ke Hanchen, and Wang Jing became the new generation of Pei Yuyan.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

"Betta" poster

In 2019, Wang Jing was nominated for the Golden Horse Best Actress for "Back to School" and won the Best Actress at the Taipei Film Festival for this role.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Stills from "Back to School"

Wang Jing is like the kind of smart girl who was born for movies. Ever since her debut, some Taiwanese media have called her "Little Zhou Xun".

In 2023, "That Time A Ghost and I Became Family" directed by Cheng Weihao was released and won the box office championship of Taiwanese films that year. Wang Jing played the role of policewoman Lin Ziqing in it. At the end, she said: "What is the vase that you can see through at a glance? What you can see through is called a glass." Just like Wang Jing's own background.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Just like this vase!

"New Creation" Zeng Peiyu: This woman is "poisonous"

The author seems to have suffered from "Xiao Xiangxiang ptsd" recently. This cold and self-possessed face, obviously indifferent and full of desire, and the catchy melody seem to be automatically connected. "Ideological stamp" is simply "poisonous". Now whenever I see this face on various Internet, I will recall the brainwashing song "New Creation" in my mind. It has been more than half a month and I still can't stop it!

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

This face simply comes with its own BGM, is there any!

Peiyu Tsang is not an actress with a professional background. After graduating from the University of Ottawa in Canada, where she studied mass communication, she was once the "Queen of Advertising" in Taiwan. She also collaborated with many big-name singers such as Jacky Cheung, Jen Hsien-chi, Wang Leehom, Zhang Huimei, and Tanya Chua, serving as their The heroine in the mv.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

pinguan "Things Those Girls Taught Me" mv heroine

I wonder if it is because of her experience in shooting sexy underwear advertisements. Many of Zeng Peiyu's roles in her early years were on the sexy side.

In 2008, Peiyu Tsang participated in director Chung Meng-hong's first feature film "Parking", in which she played the role of Li Wei, a prostitute. With her breakthrough performance, she won the Best New Actor Award at the Taipei Film Festival the following year.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Stills from "Parking"

In 2015, Peiyu Tsang starred as the female lead in the movie "Window Life". In the film, she is a betel-nut beauty who wants to raise a son. On the one hand, she is sexy and sultry for her livelihood, but on the other hand, she suffers the hardships of life for her son. The contrast is extremely high. big.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Stills of "Showcase Life"

In the first Taiwanese drama "A Tale of Two Cities" produced by Netflix in 2019, Peiyu Tsang plays an independent Chinese girl who grew up in San Francisco. She wants to witness the charm of her hometown with her own eyes and decides to put aside her prejudices and find herself. With this role, she was nominated for the 54th Golden Bell Award for Best Actress in a Drama Program.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Stills of "A Tale of Two Cities"

In the popular high-scoring Taiwanese drama "The Making of a Common Girl" two years ago, Peiyu Tsang plays the role of Chen Jialing's aunt, Ming Ya, who is highly educated and teaches in a junior high school. She and her boyfriend who have been in love for many years are about to get married, but because she is an older woman, her future mother-in-law questions her fertility. She is so proud that she would rather not get married and leave in anger.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Stills from "The Raising of a Common Girl"

"Underworld Doctor" Xie Qiongnuan: Not just a bitter "national mother"

Finally, let's talk about the real "big boss" in "Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Harms": Dr. Guiqing. In the interpretation of some film critics, the terminally ill Zhang Guiqing is the real "Zhou Chu", and Chen Guilin is just her weapon to eliminate harm.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Hsieh Qiong-nuan as Zhang Guiqing

Hsieh Qiong-nuan graduated from the Drama Department of Taipei University of the Arts. In addition to acting in film and television dramas, she is also active on the theater stage. She also acted in many movies, but almost all of them were green supporting roles. She has been a regular nominee for the Golden Bell Awards since 2003, and won the Golden Bell Best Supporting Actress and the Asian Television Award for Best Supporting Actress for "On the Left Bank of the River".

Xie Qiongnuan is also a "national mother" in Taiwanese dramas, and the mother she plays always seems to have a strong sense of tragedy. The most well-known thing is her performance in "The Distance Between Us and Evil". When she screamed out the sentence "There is no parent in the world, it will take 20 years to raise a murderer." I believe that all viewers can sympathize with her incomprehensible pain.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

In "The Distance Between Us and Evil", because her son committed a murder, her parents wore masks all day long and dared not see anyone.

Xie Qiongnuan once said in an interview that in order to show the character's desolate appearance, she not only wore no makeup and did not wear any skin care products throughout the entire process, He also tanned himself and put on special makeup to show the sores caused by wearing masks for a long time. Alyssa Chia mentioned that when she was watching a drama, whenever she saw Xie Qiongnuan on stage, she would definitely cry.

Those of you who love watching Taiwanese puppets may have an impression that she played the stepmother who took care of An Yixuan when she grew up in "Next Stop, Happiness".

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Screenshot of "Next Stop, Happiness"

In "The Raising of a Common Girl", the landlady she played was full of joy, showing the funny side of a bitter mother.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Stills from "The Rise of a Common Girl"

What's even more amazing is Xie Qiongnuan's performance in "The First Light of the Night", in which she plays the eldest lady A Ji. She is full of aura as soon as she appears. She has struggled for many years and cannot stand out, and she is addicted to She has a huge debt due to her habit of gambling. She is frustrated but unwilling to admit defeat. She works hard to show off her coquettishness to seduce men. She is very calculating in her actions and can freely control her emotions. She is both annoying and admirable.

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Xie Qiongnuan plays A Ji

At the 57th TV Golden Bell Awards ceremony, Xie Qiongnuan stepped onto the red carpet with a short hairstyle and a buzz cut. Now that I think about it, this look matches the scene where Gui Qing visits the prisoner at the end of "Zhou Chu Destroys Three Evils".

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Xie Qiongnuan on the red carpet of the Golden Bell Awards

As of March 15, the movie 'Zhou Chu Eliminates Three Evils' has been in theaters for 15 days, and the box office has reached 442 million. In an environment where streaming media was launched on the same day and 'full version' resources are everywhere, this film still relies on it - Lujuba

Xie Qiongnuan at the end of "Abandon Three Evils"

This year, she also has a drama to be broadcast called "The Queen", directed by Yan Yiwen, the director of "The Story of a Common Girl", It has gathered many "film queens" and "TV queens" from Taiwan, including Hsieh Ying-hsuan, Yang Jinhua, Yang Guimei, etc. They are truly worthy of the title and worth looking forward to.

Tags: entertainment