Cover News Reporter Xun Chao Intern Mo Mo Lei Tan Yi Lu·Character Introduction Li Qingrong, director. The director's TV series include "Dear, Beloved", "My Villain Boyfriend", "Secretly Can't Hide", etc. Currently, the urban romance drama "Farewell" directed by his partner Yu Zho

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Cover News Reporter Xun Chao Intern Mo Molei

Talk about Art Record·Character Introduction

Li Qingrong, director. The director's TV series include " dear, beloved ", "my villain boyfriend", "can't hide secretly", etc. Currently, the urban love drama "Don't Move on Me" directed by his partner Yu Zhongzhong is currently on the air.

Cover News Reporter Xun Chao Intern Mo Mo Lei Tan Yi Lu·Character Introduction Li Qingrong, director. The director's TV series include 'Dear, Beloved', 'My Villain Boyfriend', 'Secretly Can't Hide', etc. Currently, the urban romance drama 'Farewell' directed by his partner Yu Zho - Lujuba

Director Li Qingrong

Cover News Reporter Xun Chao Intern Mo Mo Lei Tan Yi Lu·Character Introduction Li Qingrong, director. The director's TV series include 'Dear, Beloved', 'My Villain Boyfriend', 'Secretly Can't Hide', etc. Currently, the urban romance drama 'Farewell' directed by his partner Yu Zho - Lujuba

Director Li Qingrong

"I think that secret love in youth is an indispensable experience in everyone's life. Regardless of men and women, almost everyone has experienced the emergence of emotions in their youthful years." In According to director Li Qingrong, secret love is a romantic and beautiful thing. Although secret love comes in many forms, its essence remains the same, which is a throbbing deep in the heart. Currently, the TV series "Don't Move on Me", co-directed by her partner director Yu Zhongzhong and starring Lin Yi and Zhou Ye , is currently on the air.

Cover News Reporter Xun Chao Intern Mo Mo Lei Tan Yi Lu·Character Introduction Li Qingrong, director. The director's TV series include 'Dear, Beloved', 'My Villain Boyfriend', 'Secretly Can't Hide', etc. Currently, the urban romance drama 'Farewell' directed by his partner Yu Zho - Lujuba

Stills of "Don't Move on Me"

Cover News Reporter Xun Chao Intern Mo Mo Lei Tan Yi Lu·Character Introduction Li Qingrong, director. The director's TV series include 'Dear, Beloved', 'My Villain Boyfriend', 'Secretly Can't Hide', etc. Currently, the urban romance drama 'Farewell' directed by his partner Yu Zho - Lujuba

Stills of "Don't Move on Me"

The drama is adapted from Qiao Yao's novel of the same name, telling the story of the "cool school belle" Yue Qianling (played by Zhou Ye) and the "school tyrant" Gu Xun (played by Lin Yi) is a love story of "two-way secret love" that laughs and curses. In the play, the two people in real life are unfamiliar college classmates. Yue Qianling has a one-sided crush on Gu Xun, but he rejects her in front of all the teachers and students in the school; in the game, the two are close teammates, and Gu Xun Looking for a crush on the netizen "Nuomi Xiaomahua", but accidentally discovered that "little Mahua" is Yue Qianling, who was rejected by him. A period of oolong and misplaced rushes began.

Cover News Reporter Xun Chao Intern Mo Mo Lei Tan Yi Lu·Character Introduction Li Qingrong, director. The director's TV series include 'Dear, Beloved', 'My Villain Boyfriend', 'Secretly Can't Hide', etc. Currently, the urban romance drama 'Farewell' directed by his partner Yu Zho - Lujuba

Stills of "Don't Move on Me"

Light and joyful elements are eye-catching

Real emotions are the most important

"The two characters exist in the virtual world and the real world respectively, but they are different aspects of the same person. This design makes people feel It's like a complicated love affair involving four characters. This kind of plot has never been seen in my previous works." When talking about the reason why "Don't Move on Me" attracted him, Li Qingrong said frankly that the story script style is relaxed It was lively and had a certain light comedy color, which left a deep impression on her.

In Li Qingrong's view, romantic dramas do not need to distinguish between so-called "boss" dramas or other types of dramas. Because every story and every character has its own uniqueness, no matter what type it is, it should ultimately return to the true emotions of life. Every time she shoots a new drama, she puts herself at the starting point and re-experiences the charm of the entire story and all the characters. "I need to really engage and imagine: When I become a character in this story, how will I feel when I become this character, and how will I interact with the other person? For me, real emotions are always the most important ."

Li Qingrong has always hoped that each work can show its uniqueness and touch the hearts of the audience through her works. "I hope the audience can empathize with them, follow the context of the story or the mental journey of any character, and be fully immersed in it, whether they are happy or sad, and resonate with it." This expectation falls on "Don't Move Your Heart About Me", which is a perfect match for The courage of love. In the play, the male and female protagonists support each other, grow together, achieve each other in career and love, move towards a common dream, and convey positive energy. This is what Li Qingrong wants to express: "Pursue yourself bravely, treat each other sincerely, and not be pretentious."

The "four corners of love" between two people

Use a sense of nature to cultivate the "cp sense" of the male and female protagonists

In the drama, "Yue Qian" in life "Spirit" and "Gu Xun" are also "Nuomi Xiaomahua" and "school grass" in the virtual world. This means that two people play four roles with different personalities in reality and virtuality. "Don't Touch Me" hopes to present a sense of life with comedy elements to the audience, so the tacit understanding between the two is crucial. Li Qingrong believes that whether the male and female protagonists have a tacit understanding of performance or interaction, if they just follow the script, the rhythm and sense of humor of the comedy will not be fully displayed.Therefore, in this seemingly "four-cornered love" relationship, how to cultivate a sense of camaraderie between the male and female protagonists is also the most critical part of the youth idol drama.

Cover News Reporter Xun Chao Intern Mo Mo Lei Tan Yi Lu·Character Introduction Li Qingrong, director. The director's TV series include 'Dear, Beloved', 'My Villain Boyfriend', 'Secretly Can't Hide', etc. Currently, the urban romance drama 'Farewell' directed by his partner Yu Zho - Lujuba

Stills of "Don't Move Your Heart on Me"

Cover News Reporter Xun Chao Intern Mo Mo Lei Tan Yi Lu·Character Introduction Li Qingrong, director. The director's TV series include 'Dear, Beloved', 'My Villain Boyfriend', 'Secretly Can't Hide', etc. Currently, the urban romance drama 'Farewell' directed by his partner Yu Zho - Lujuba

Stills of "Don't Move Your Heart on Me"

"I was surprised by the performance of both actors." Li Qingrong fully affirmed the performances of Lin Yi and Zhou Ye. She revealed that the two of them were very relaxed in the theater, and their performances were very natural and lively, with a harmonious combination and a full sense of CP. "They are able to skillfully integrate their own personalities into the characters, making the characters more vivid. Sometimes they can continue to interact and perform naturally without me telling them to stop."

expressed his opinion on how to present the cold front in the play. Li Qingrong said frankly: This is the difference between the characters of Gu Xun, the scheming "school sweetheart" behind the scenes, and Yue Qianling, the "double-faced goddess" who shows off her talents online and pursues love in life. Li Qingrong said frankly: This is a common face of the production team and actors. The right challenge. "They need to switch freely between the state in the virtual world and the state in reality. Through their performances, movements, speaking methods and detail processing, the audience should be able to intuitively feel the difference between the two states. "

In Li Qingrong's film and television works, each pair of CPs will present a different feeling. At the same time, she will strive to create a comfortable atmosphere to make the audience believe that the love between them is real. "When the emotional flow between the male and female protagonists makes the audience feel comfortable and happy, a sense of CP will naturally arise."

Compared with previous dramas,

is more relaxed, lively and dramatic.

Before "Don't Move on Me", Li Qingrong He directed the TV series "Can't Hide Secretly". They are both youth sweet love dramas with campus elements, and they also revolve around the theme of secret love, but "Can't Hide Secretly" and "Don't Move on Me" have different flavors.

"There is a significant difference in tone between "Don't Be Tempted by Me" and "Secretly Can't Hide"." Li Qingrong said that the heroine's secret love journey in "Secretly Can't Hide" is long and deep, and the whole story is full of unadulterated emotions. The atmosphere of pure love; the tone of "Don't Move on Me" is more relaxed and comedic, showing a more lively atmosphere, which can better reflect the youthful vitality of modern young people. Therefore, the use of lenses, lighting tone, and music selection are all different from "Can't Hide Secretly". It is not necessarily so soothing, but presents a completely new look.

Because the styles of the two works are very different, the way of dealing with secret love is different, both in plot structure and performance method. But both "Can't Hide Secretly" and "Don't Be Tempted by Me" reflect different aspects of life, and the secret admirers also show common characteristics. "When facing the person they like, they all choose to be positive." Approach each other in a positive way and strive to make yourself better." Li Qingrong said.


Cover News : What are the considerations when using comedy elements?

Li Qingrong : I think the point of comedy comes from life and is a part of everyone's life. The performance of comedy should be based on real life, tapping personal experience and observation, and extracting lively and lovely comedy elements from it.

Cover News : Some netizens think that Gu Xun’s attitude towards Yue Qianling in the early stage was too cold. What is the motivation for this design?

Li Qingrong : Gu Xun showed extremely high emotional specificity. His long-term love for Little Mahua has made him undistracted, and he has a polite attitude towards other women in his life. His feelings for Xiao Mahua are deep and firm. When he has a crush on one person, his heart cannot tolerate the existence of the second, third or fourth person. When he learns that Xiao Mahua has a crush, he will even try to use some cute little tricks to destroy this secret love, which is enough to show his dedication and persistence in Xiao Mahua's feelings. He longs for the day when his secret love can turn into a clear love and he can pursue her openly. As for his indifference to Yue Qianling, it actually stems from his deep feelings for Xiao Mahua.

Cover News : Compared with other sweet pet dramas, what are the highlights of the male and female protagonists of "Don't Move on Me"?

Li Qingrong : The difference between this play and other works is that it shows the feelings of two people, but it is like four people. This is because the work combines elements of the virtual world and the real world. This character setting and plot arrangement make it significantly different from other dramas, and this difference is extremely interesting and unique. When I get along with the actors, I can feel their lovely side. During the performance, I tried to amplify and integrate their cuteness and sweetness in their interactions into the characters, adding more charm to the characters. They have established a deep relationship in their daily lives, which makes the character creation, whether it is eye contact or subtle movements, appear very natural and close to life.

Cover News : What is the reason for adding virtual world, Chinese style art and other elements to the narrative of a love story?

Li Qingrong : The virtual world has become a common phenomenon in the daily life of young people nowadays. Therefore, choosing a virtual world as the creative background can give young audiences a sense of immersion. In the virtual world, young people can not only exchange ideas and make friends, but also have pleasant chats. This experience is very down-to-earth. In the story we set, the virtual world and the real world are intertwined, forming a unique narrative method that makes the entire story richer and more diverse. This approach makes the play different from other works and at the same time very close to real life. In terms of national style art, oriental aesthetics is being loved by more and more young people. Nowadays, we can often see young people taking photos wearing Hanfu, or being keen on Chinese elements such as art and comics. Therefore, we decided to combine elements of national style with elements popular among contemporary young people to create more resonant works. This choice is not only close to the aesthetics of young people, but also allows them to have a strong resonance during the viewing process.

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