The trailer for the 23rd episode of the third season of "Song of Songs" has been released. Like many people, I watched this episode just after the trailer came out. But I never expected that the director made magical changes as soon as the trailer for this episode came out, and t

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The trailer for the 23rd episode of

Shounen Song Season 3 has been released. Like many people, I watched the trailer just after it came out. But I never expected that the director made magical changes as soon as the trailer for this episode came out, and The extent of the magic change can be said to be very serious. How serious is

? Let’s put it this way, even if the author of Shōnen Utayo’s original novel came here, he would not even dare to recognize that this was an anime adapted from his own novel. Without saying much about , let’s take a look.

The trailer for the 23rd episode of the third season of 'Song of Songs' has been released. Like many people, I watched this episode just after the trailer came out. But I never expected that the director made magical changes as soon as the trailer for this episode came out, and t - Lujuba

1, the director of Shounen Utahang has again changed the original work, and Baili Dongjun has become a sacrifice.

Originally, the director of Shounen Utahang just made the anime according to the original work, but looking at the trailer, the changes are too serious, and the extent of the changes is really It's too big. How was specifically modified? The first is Baili Dongjun, who is the great lord of Xueyue City.

The trailer for the 23rd episode of the third season of 'Song of Songs' has been released. Like many people, I watched this episode just after the trailer came out. But I never expected that the director made magical changes as soon as the trailer for this episode came out, and t - Lujuba

Originally, according to the original work, Baili Dongjun came to the overseas fairy mountain to ask for something, this kind of thing is called Meng Po soup, so that he can forget the past. However, in the animation, it changed. He was not asking for Meng Po soup. Soup. This is not the end. In the original book, Baili Dongjun was clearly not a sacrifice. He was not Mo Yi's sacrifice to resurrect his sister Xiaolu'er. However, in the anime, Baili Dongjun became a sacrifice.

The trailer for the 23rd episode of the third season of 'Song of Songs' has been released. Like many people, I watched this episode just after the trailer came out. But I never expected that the director made magical changes as soon as the trailer for this episode came out, and t - Lujuba

Now according to the anime settings, Mo Yi is ready for everything. He has prepared the formation to repair his spiritual consciousness, and his physical body is also ready. is Ye Ruoyi's body, but there is only one key missing, and this key is Baili. Dongjun. Baili Dongjun can also be said to be a sacrifice. Mo Yi wants to use him as a sacrifice and then resurrect his sister.

The trailer for the 23rd episode of the third season of 'Song of Songs' has been released. Like many people, I watched this episode just after the trailer came out. But I never expected that the director made magical changes as soon as the trailer for this episode came out, and t - Lujuba

Many people became angry when they saw it, because what has this magic changed into? Why did Baili Dongjun become a sacrifice? Some netizens said bluntly, didn't the original book say that Tang Lian woke up Baili Dongjun, and then Baili Dongjun forcefully rescued people and wanted to save Ye Ruoyi? also had a fight with Mo Yi, why did the director connect him with the sacrifice? Some netizens said that this change is too outrageous. If you don’t know how to change it, don’t change it blindly. Who would like this change?

The trailer for the 23rd episode of the third season of 'Song of Songs' has been released. Like many people, I watched this episode just after the trailer came out. But I never expected that the director made magical changes as soon as the trailer for this episode came out, and t - Lujuba

Two, Confucian Sword Immortal was beaten

and then Confucian Sword Immortal was beaten. According to the original work, Confucian Sword Immortal has never been to overseas immortal mountains at all, let alone met overseas immortal Mo Yi. But in the anime, the director insisted on changing the original work and had the Confucian Sword Immortal come to the Overseas Immortal Mountain and meet the Overseas Immortal Mo Yi, and even let him be beaten as soon as he came to the Overseas Immortal Mountain. Mo Yi was beaten.

The trailer for the 23rd episode of the third season of 'Song of Songs' has been released. Like many people, I watched this episode just after the trailer came out. But I never expected that the director made magical changes as soon as the trailer for this episode came out, and t - Lujuba

Looking at the trailer, after Ru Jianxian was beaten once, he already knew how powerful Mo Yi was. However, knowing how powerful Mo Yi was, he ran up to deal with Mo Yi again, and was naturally beaten again. He could deal with Mo Yi, at least with Tang Lian Wuxin, Sikong Qianluo and others, so that he could have some chance of winning. But in the end, he had to go alone. Wouldn't that mean he was beaten in a hurry? Therefore, many viewers are dissatisfied with it.

The trailer for the 23rd episode of the third season of 'Song of Songs' has been released. Like many people, I watched this episode just after the trailer came out. But I never expected that the director made magical changes as soon as the trailer for this episode came out, and t - Lujuba

Third, the character of the male protagonist Xiao Se has collapsed

In the end, the male protagonist is Xiao Se. Now it seems that the character of Xiao Se, the male protagonist, has collapsed. Because the original work clearly sets him as a young genius, very smart, and very kind. The result of is in the anime, and in the preview of the new episode, he actually sacrificed Baili Dongjun in order to save Ye Ruoyi.

The trailer for the 23rd episode of the third season of 'Song of Songs' has been released. Like many people, I watched this episode just after the trailer came out. But I never expected that the director made magical changes as soon as the trailer for this episode came out, and t - Lujuba

Because in the trailer, he clearly asked Ru Jianxian to take action. When Baili Dongjun was trapped by Mo Yi and could no longer move, Xiao Se directly said to Ru Jianxian, you still need to take action to save him. If not, kill him. It is worth mentioning that he is a male and Ye Ruoyi is a woman. Naturally, she is not Ye Ruoyi, but Baili Dongjun.

The trailer for the 23rd episode of the third season of 'Song of Songs' has been released. Like many people, I watched this episode just after the trailer came out. But I never expected that the director made magical changes as soon as the trailer for this episode came out, and t - Lujuba

couldn’t save Baili Dongjun, so he killed Baili Dongjun. What’s the point? Just because you don't want Ye Ruoyi to become a sacrifice, you can sacrifice Baili Dongjun? This is so unreasonable, and it directly makes Xiao Se's character collapse. In the eyes of many people, how did Xiao Se become such a person with bad character? For this, we can only hope that the director will not change the original work again, so that there will be fewer problems.

So that’s it for today, what do you think about ? Discussions and messages are welcome.

Tags: entertainment